C#: Referencing or Using .So Files in .Net Core on Linux

C# : Referencing or using .so files in .NET Core on Linux

We finally figured out a way to do so but we are not sure it will be applicable to everybody and it might not solve somebody else's problem. Here goes our approach -

As mentioned in the question, the xprb.dll could not be loaded because libxprb.dll was what it was searching for in the Xpress lib directory (/opt/xpress/lib/). But after installing the Xpress in Linux, the installation contained only .so files and no .dll files.

There were some blogs which suggested using DllImport method to load the .so files and then call the methods. We didn't try those methods as we were looking for something simpler than that.

After investing the problem we found that only if we point the loading of shared libraries to somehow the installed .so files, it might work. So the situation was as such in our specific case -

  • We did not have a libxprb.dll in the /opt/xpressmp/lib/ folder
  • We had libxprb.so file instead of libxprb.dll in the /opt/xpressmp/lib/ folder (if we didn't have this file we probably wouldn't have known which other .so file to use)

So we created a symlink file libxprb.dll in /opt/xpressmp/lib/ folder (which we probably could have placed anywhere as long as it was in one of the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH) which pointed to the libxprb.so file in /opt/xpressmp/lib/ folder using the command -

ln -s /opt/xpressmp/lib/libxprb.dll /opt/xpressmp/lib/libsprb.so

So now when xprb.dll was loaded, it looked for libxprb.dll which in turn pointed to libxprb.so file (as libsprb.dll was a symlink to libxprb.so) and hence xprb.dll was loaded successfully.

Calling UNIX and Linux shared object file .so from c#

Mono has the ability to integrate with native libraries from within C# built on top of dlopen(3). You just have to use the DllImport statement with the name of the library (i.e. 'libform.so.5'), then wrap the native code and data types with a friendly C# class that takes care of all the low-level stuff. This page has a good overview with lots of information on how to deal with marshaling pointers and other unsafe types.

Once you've got your wrapper class written, you can just use that without worrying about the fact that it's using a native shared library underneath.

How to correctly include and link a proprietary shared object library in C++

So i figured it out.


The only problem here is that i did not know how to use a glob pattern to include stuff automatically (like -Ilib/*/include) but whatever.

CC := g++
SRC := wrapper.cpp
OBJ := wrapper.o
OUT := libWrapper.so
INCs := -Ilib/lib-name-api/include -Ilib/name-lib-module-A/include {etc. etc.}
LIB := -L/usr/local/lib/installedLibNameSos/ -lNameModuleA -lNameModuleB {etc. etc.}

all: $(OUT)

$(OUT): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(OBJ) -shared -o $(OUT) $(LIB)

$(OBJ): $(SRC)
$(CC) -c $(SRC) -o $(OBJ) $(INCs) $(LIB)


#include <stdio.h>
#include "NameApi.h"
// varius using namespace and other import stuff

extern "C" int test (){
return 42;

extern "C" string somethingReturningAString (){
// calls and stuff to the native library
return "Hi mom"

obviusly the .so needs to be copied where the executable is


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// extension not needed.
// the library will be loaded along with the required .so's
// that have been linked from /usr/local/lib/installedLibNameSos/
extern static int test ();

extern static string somethingReturningAString ();

// 42
// Hi mom


  • Link .so file to .cpp file via g++ compiling
  • Call C++ library in C#
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_Invocation_Services (p/Invoke examples)
  • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/native-interop/cross-platform

(note: the process works perfectly. But i've been using a library written and documented by a spastic monkey. So yeah i've literally learned the basics of g++, make and got crippling depression for nothing. lol)

Reference external DLL in .NET Core project

.Net Core 2 supports a direct reference to external .dll (e.g. Net Standard libraries, classic .Net Framework libraries). You can do it through Visual Studio UI: right click on Dependencies->Add reference->Browse and select your external .dll.

Alternatively, you can edit .csproj file:

<Reference Include="MyAssembly">

You can face with the following error:

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly

then just remove \bin folder an rebuild the project. It should fix the issue.

How it is possible

Net Core 2.0 supports .Net Standard 2.0. Net Standard 2.0 provides a compatibility mode to connect .Net Core(.Net Standard) and .NET Framework. It can redirect references e.g. to System.Int32 from mscorlib.dll(Net. Framework) to System.Runtime.dll(Net. Core). But even if your net core app is successfully compiled with dependency on external dll you may still have issues with compatibility during runtime if there is any API used by external library which .Net Standard doesn’t have.

How do I reference a .NET Framework project in a .NET Core project?

Yes, we are currently attempting the same thing. The trick is to make sure that you are supporting the same .NET frameworks. Inside your project.json file, make sure the framework matches the framework of the project you wish to include. For example:

"frameworks": {
"net46": { --This line here <<<<
"dependencies": {
"DomainModel": {
"target": "project"
"Models": {
"target": "project"

FYI: You might need to change the framework of your .NET Core or your older projects to achieve this. .NET Core can be changed just by editing the project.json file as seen above. You can so the same in .NET projects by right clicking the project and opening properties. Change the framework level there.

Once you have matched the two project frameworks then you should be able to include them. Good Luck!

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