C# - R Interface

C# - R interface

Ok, I solved it finally.
The problem is that R (D)Com doesn't work with current version of R. I installed 2.11.1 and it worked out of box.

Thanks a lot.

Using R function in C#

You'd need to install R.Net library to run R in .NET Framework.

is there a way to call R functions from C# and retrieve the result in C#

Given there is a COM interface to R, you can use C#'s COM interop to control it.

See this article for more details: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/RtoCSharp.aspx

Using R(D)COM for integrating R with C#

Oh god I remember this being a huge pain in the arse. Lets see if I can remember... And before I start, I warn you that I just "got this working" and never cared to work out if I could remove parts from the process.

Downloads are available from http://rcom.univie.ac.at/download.html . If I remember correctly, the RandFriends package is all you need, it installs a crapload (just install it all) but is simple. Alternatively, I think if you install the 'rscproxy' package in R you can just download the 'statconnDCOM' and install that. Memory is hazy, but I know one of these methods results in an annoying splash screen everytime you run your C# executable, and one doesn't. Although that could have just been some setting I played with.

Now, I can't remember how you verify that stuff has installed successfully. Pretty sure it comes with examples though. Once that is started, get your C# project open. Reference the following projects,


In your code, you will probably want to implement a IStatConnectorCharacterDevice so you get the R output coming back out in C#. Your code to initialise will then look something like,

private StatConnector _StatConn;
private IStatConnectorCharacterDevice _CharDevice;

private Whatever()
// declare
_StatConn = new StatConnectorClass();
_CharDevice = new MyCharDevice();

// init R, wire up char device

Then you should be able to just use the functions as needed

_StatConn.EvaluateNoReturn("x <- 3");
var returnObj = _StatConn.Evalute("1 + 1");

Hope that helps.

tl;dr download RAndFriends, do fresh install with that

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