C# Open File, Path Starting with %Userprofile%

c# open file, path starting with %userprofile%

Use Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables on the path before using it.

var pathWithEnv = @"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\MyProg\settings.file";
var filePath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(pathWithEnv);

using(ostream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))

Process.Start - Directory - Instead of %userprofile%

I believe you are looking for this:


The logical Desktop rather than the physical file system location.

Which combined with Environment.GetFolderPath returns:

The path to the specified system special folder

So you should use it like this:

string desktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
Process.Start(Path.Combine(desktop, "She's here", "She's here..lnk"));

Opening a file by passing in absolute file path

If you are operating with paths like file:/{absolute path} (which is actually an URI)
you may use System.Uri class.

As in this answer.

var uri = new Uri("file:/Users/km/Downloads/PT07E.obj");
using (var reader = File.OpenText(uri.AbsolutePath))

Using the user's username as path for opening a file

You need to expand environment variable use: Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables

Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in the
specified string with the string equivalent of the value of the
variable, then returns the resulting string.


This will give you the exact path.

So your code could be:

string filePath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("C:\\Users\\%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Roaming\\SchoolProject\\file.txt");

Also, having an empty try-catch will not help you in determining the exception, catch specific exception or at least base class Exception and then you can log/look in the debugger, at the exception and its message.

C#: How to make a string with a path of the Current User's directory?

Your User profile path stores in


To get specifc file path from that Folder you need to combine it with hard coded string of your file name, like

 string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "file.txt")


enter image description here

Note: Do not forget to add using System.IO because Path class is present in System.IO

How to get a path to the desktop for current user in C#?

string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);

C# File Disappeared after FileInfo.MoveTo with Local Path (Windows)

It should be in project folder. Usually files without specefying path are saved there. (in folder with .exe file)

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