Compare Nullable Types in Linq to SQL

Compare nullable types in Linq to Sql

The first thing to do is to put on logging, to see what TSQL was generated; for example:

ctx.Log = Console.Out;

LINQ-to-SQL seems to treat nulls a little inconsistently (depending on literal vs value):

using(var ctx = new DataClasses2DataContext())
ctx.Log = Console.Out;
int? mgr = (int?)null; // redundant int? for comparison...
// 23 rows:
var bosses1 = ctx.Employees.Where(x => x.ReportsTo == (int?)null).ToList();
// 0 rows:
var bosses2 = ctx.Employees.Where(x => x.ReportsTo == mgr).ToList();

So all I can suggest is use the top form with nulls!


Expression<Func<Category,bool>> predicate;
if(categoryId == null) {
predicate = c=>c.ParentId == null;
} else {
predicate = c=>c.ParentId == categoryId;
var subCategories = this.Repository.Categories

Update - I got it working "properly" using a custom Expression:

    static void Main()
ShowEmps(29); // 4 rows
ShowEmps(null); // 23 rows
static void ShowEmps(int? manager)
using (var ctx = new DataClasses2DataContext())
ctx.Log = Console.Out;
var emps = ctx.Employees.Where(x => x.ReportsTo, manager).ToList();
static IQueryable<T> Where<T, TValue>(
this IQueryable<T> source,
Expression<Func<T, TValue?>> selector,
TValue? value) where TValue : struct
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "x");
var member = Expression.Invoke(selector, param);
var body = Expression.Equal(
member, Expression.Constant(value, typeof (TValue?)));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T,bool>>(body, param);
return source.Where(lambda);

Nullable Int comparison in Linq Expression Query

This should do it (if it is LINQ to Entities because it handles comparison to nullables in a somewhat SQL like way)

|| (x.StatusId!= completeStatus.Id
&& x.StatusId != cancelledStatus.Id)

With other LINQ providers you may need to use x.StatusId.Value in the value comparisons.

LINQ to SQL - nullable types in where clause

after some more googling, I found the answer:

ref #1

ref #2

int? id = null;
var list = from mt in db.MY_TABLE
where object.Equals(mt.PARENT_KEY, id) //use object.Equals for nullable field
select new { mt.NAME };

This LINQ renders to SQL as follows:


Comparing non nullable `int` to `null` (LINQ)

According to the DefaultIfEmpty method definition, the following code snippets are equivalent:

List<C> list = new List<C>() { }; // empty list
List<C> listDefault = list.DefaultIfEmpty().ToList();


List<C> listDefault = new List<C>() { null }; // Since default(C) is null

Thus when you use g.DefaultIfEmpty() you will get a unique cc object which is null, consequently the line:

BoolProp = cc.A_Id != null

will throw a NullReferenceException because cc is null.

At the end it seems that the condition should be:

BoolProp = cc != null

Besides here is a small example which demonstrates the difference through a unit test:

public void TestMethod_DefaultifEmpty()
ListA = new List<A>()
new A { Id=1, Value="111" },
new A { Id=2, Value="222" },
ListC = new List<C>()
new C { Id=1, A_Id=1 }

Assert.AreEqual(2, MyMethod().Count());

public List<A> ListA { get; set; }
public List<C> ListC { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<A_DTO> MyMethod() =>
from a in ListA
join c in ListC
on a.Id equals c.A_Id into g
from cc in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new A_DTO
Id = a.Id,
Value = a.Value,
//BoolProp = cc.A_Id != null
BoolProp = cc != null // replace by previous line to see the difference

Linq to SQL: Where clause comparing a NullableDateTime with a SQL datetime null column

I think Object.Equals(row.StartDate, aDateTime) will do the trick.

There is lots about this on Google. For example, this post.

How to compare nullable decimal in Entity Framework?

Just use Nullable.Equals(). The following should be sufficient:

return Db.Products.Any(p => 
Nullable.Equals(p.WholeSalePriceVATOut, product.WholeSalePriceVATOut));

When EF converts that into SQL, the relevant part of the SQL will be something like:

WHERE (`Product`.`WholeSalePriceVATOut` = @p__0) OR 
((`Product`.`WholeSalePriceVATOut` IS NULL) AND (@p__0 IS NULL))))

Entity Framework - Linq - Comparing Nullable objects - NotSupportedException

Try this:

var t = territory == null;
var orders = context.Orders.Where(x =>
t || (x.Territory != null && x.Territory.Id == territory.Id));

The reason behind this is it tries to translate territory into a constant in SQL query but of course territory is not primitive or any equivalent type on server, so it throws the exception. You can however cache a constant boolean outside (but still in the effective scope of checking territory) and use that constant in the query.

How does comparison operator works with null int?

According to MSDN - it's down the page in the "Operators" section:

When you perform comparisons with nullable types, if the value of one of the nullable types is null and the other is not, all comparisons evaluate to false except for !=

So both a > b and a < b evaluate to false since a is null...

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