Cefsharp 3 Set Proxy at Runtime

CefSharp 3 set proxy at Runtime

thanks to amaitland the proper way to actively inforce changing the request-context prefrences, is to run the code on CEF UIThread as following:

    Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory.StartNew(delegate {
var rc = this.browser.GetBrowser().GetHost().RequestContext;
var v = new Dictionary<string, object>();
v["mode"] = "fixed_servers";
v["server"] = "scheme://host:port";
string error;
bool success = rc.SetPreference("proxy", v, out error);

In CefSharp, how to disable proxy while the program is running

1) You must not use CefCommandLineArgs that setting proxy. You must set proxy how you written above.You must set proxy behind Cef.Initialize() how you written above.

2)Replace mode to "DIRECT" - it disabled connection with proxy.

v["mode"] = "direct";

3) You can check actual connection information if you will loading page "chrome://net-internals#proxy"

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