Browser Detection

How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browsers?

Googling for browser reliable detection often results in checking the User agent string. This method is not reliable, because it's trivial to spoof this value.

I've written a method to detect browsers by duck-typing.

Only use the browser detection method if it's truly necessary, such as showing browser-specific instructions to install an extension. Use feature detection when possible.


// Opera 8.0+
var isOpera = (!!window.opr && !!opr.addons) || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0;

// Firefox 1.0+
var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined';

// Safari 3.0+ "[object HTMLElementConstructor]"
var isSafari = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement) || (function (p) { return p.toString() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]"; })(!window['safari'] || (typeof safari !== 'undefined' && window['safari'].pushNotification));

// Internet Explorer 6-11
var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode;

// Edge 20+
var isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia;

// Chrome 1 - 79
var isChrome = !! && (!! || !!;

// Edge (based on chromium) detection
var isEdgeChromium = isChrome && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edg") != -1);

// Blink engine detection
var isBlink = (isChrome || isOpera) && !!window.CSS;

var output = 'Detecting browsers by ducktyping:<hr>';
output += 'isFirefox: ' + isFirefox + '<br>';
output += 'isChrome: ' + isChrome + '<br>';
output += 'isSafari: ' + isSafari + '<br>';
output += 'isOpera: ' + isOpera + '<br>';
output += 'isIE: ' + isIE + '<br>';
output += 'isEdge: ' + isEdge + '<br>';
output += 'isEdgeChromium: ' + isEdgeChromium + '<br>';
output += 'isBlink: ' + isBlink + '<br>';
document.body.innerHTML = output;

Detecting a mobile browser

Using Regex (from

Here's a function that uses an insanely long and comprehensive regex which returns a true or false value depending on whether or not the user is browsing with a mobile.

window.mobileCheck = function() {
let check = false;
(function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera);
return check;

For those wishing to include tablets in this test (though arguably, you shouldn't), you can use the following function:

window.mobileAndTabletCheck = function() {
let check = false;
(function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera);
return check;

Using navigator.userAgentData

You may also use, but userAgentData is still experimental, so it is not recommended for use in production.

const isMobile =; //resolves true/false

Compatibility chart for userAgentData

The Original Answer

You can do this by simply running through a list of devices and checking if the useragent matches anything like so:

  function detectMob() {
const toMatch = [
/Windows Phone/i

return toMatch.some((toMatchItem) => {
return navigator.userAgent.match(toMatchItem);

However since you believe that this method is unreliable, You could assume that any device that had a resolution of 800x600 or less was a mobile device too, narrowing your target even more (although these days many mobile devices have much greater resolutions than this)


  function detectMob() {
return ( ( window.innerWidth <= 800 ) && ( window.innerHeight <= 600 ) );


  • Detecting Browser and Devices with javascript

How to detect browser with Angular?

I have used this before and it worked well.

const isIEOrEdge = /msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)

Browser detection

if (Request.Browser.Type.Contains("Firefox")) // replace with your check
else if (Request.Browser.Type.ToUpper().Contains("IE")) // replace with your check
if (Request.Browser.MajorVersion < 7)
else { }

Browser Detection and Compatibility Checking with Java Script

Change your window.loacation.href calls to the below code:

if (UserAgent.compatibilityMode) {
window.location.href = "";
} else {
window.location.href = "";

You wrote them like you would write jQuery :)

Reliable browser detection with javascript?

(Skipping all the arguments on whether what you want to do is a good or a bad thing. Assuming you really like Firefox and want to promote it.)

  1. Use the navigator object to check if the browser is Firefox. navigator.appCodeName, navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion. What you want to do is not a critical part of your website, so you don't need a fail-safe detection method. If it works for over 95% of your targeted users than the method is good.

  2. I doubt you need permission to advertise a free product. Mozilla even encourages you to do so.

JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

Update: Please see Jonathan's answer for an updated way to handle this. The answer below may still work, but it could likely trigger some false positives in other browsers.

var isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);

However, as mentioned User Agents can be spoofed so it is always best to use feature-detection (e.g. Modernizer) when handling these issues, as other answers mention.

Browser Detection

On the server you're pretty much limited to the UserAgent string the browser provides (which is fraught with problems, have a read about the UserAgent string's history).

On the client (ie in Javascript), you have more options. But the best option is to not actually worry about working out which browser it is. Simply check to make sure whatever feature you want to use actually exists.

For example, you might want to use setCapture, which only MSIE provides:

if (element.setCapture) element.setCapture()

Rather than working out what the browser is, and then inferring its capabilities, we're simply seeing if it supports something before using it - who knows what browsers will support what in the future, do you really want to have to go back and update your scripts if Safari decides to support setCapture?

Can a website detect when you are using Selenium with chromedriver?

Replacing cdc_ string

You can use Vim or Perl to replace the cdc_ string in chromedriver. See the answer by @Erti-Chris Eelmaa to learn more about that string and how it's a detection point.

Using Vim or Perl prevents you from having to recompile source code or use a hex editor.

Make sure to make a copy of the original chromedriver before attempting to edit it.

Our goal is to alter the cdc_ string, which looks something like $cdc_lasutopfhvcZLmcfl.

The methods below were tested on chromedriver version 2.41.578706.

Using Vim

vim /path/to/chromedriver

After running the line above, you'll probably see a bunch of gibberish. Do the following:

  1. Replace all instances of cdc_ with dog_ by typing :%s/cdc_/dog_/g.
    • dog_ is just an example. You can choose anything as long as it has the same amount of characters as the search string (e.g., cdc_), otherwise the chromedriver will fail.
  2. To save the changes and quit, type :wq! and press return.
    • If you need to quit without saving changes, type :q! and press return.

Using Perl

The line below replaces all cdc_ occurrences with dog_. Credit to Vic Seedoubleyew:

perl -pi -e 's/cdc_/dog_/g' /path/to/chromedriver

Make sure that the replacement string (e.g., dog_) has the same number of characters as the search string (e.g., cdc_), otherwise the chromedriver will fail.

Wrapping Up

To verify that all occurrences of cdc_ were replaced:

grep "cdc_" /path/to/chromedriver

If no output was returned, the replacement was successful.

Go to the altered chromedriver and double click on it. A terminal window should open up. If you don't see killed in the output, you've successfully altered the driver.

Make sure that the name of the altered chromedriver binary is chromedriver, and that the original binary is either moved from its original location or renamed.

My Experience With This Method

I was previously being detected on a website while trying to log in, but after replacing cdc_ with an equal sized string, I was able to log in. Like others have said though, if you've already been detected, you might get blocked for a plethora of other reasons even after using this method. So you may have to try accessing the site that was detecting you using a VPN, different network, etc.

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