Asp.Net Core, Change Default Redirect for Unauthorized

ASP.NET core, change default redirect for unauthorized

If you check UseIdentity extension method here you will notice that it is using IdentityOptions not CookieAuthenticationOptions, so instead you must configure IdentityOptions:

services.Configure<IdentityOptions>(opt =>
opt.Cookies.ApplicationCookie.LoginPath = new PathString("/login");


For core 2.0:
Identity cookie options are no longer part of IdentityOptions. Check mxmissile's answer.

Redirect to login when unauthorized in ASP.NET Core

You can configure the path using CookieAuthenticationOptions class.

Something like this.

app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions {
LoginPath = new PathString("/Login/"),
AuthenticationType = "My-Magical-Authentication",
// etc...

Set Default Redirect For Authorize Tag

You can configure the specific path in ConfigureServices (in Startup):

services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(config =>
config.Cookie.Name = "Identity.Cookie";
config.LoginPath = "/Account/SignIn";

When you add services.AddRazorPages() and services.AddControllersWithViews() at the same time, you need to avoid the same routing.

ASP.Net core 3.1 website not redirecting when unauthorized

I could not reproduce your problem. You might have another problem with your project. You are using some middleware for example.

Anyway, try to logout and login again or clear the browser cookies, because the login process adds cookies to the browser to identify authentication. This will renew any broken cookies and probably will fix the authorization problem.

In ASP.NET Core, where do you configure redirect to login?

Part 1

What is it that causes Contact to redirect to Login and Home to not?

  • If the page or controller is configured to allow anonymous it will not redirect to login
public class HomePage : PageModel
  • If the page/folder or area is configured to authorized users only, either by [Authorize] attribute or in startup.cs it will redirect the user to the login page if he is not logged in.
public ContactModel : PageModel
// ...

Here is a sample configuration for authorization in startup, where we do create a role based policy named RequireAdmins for a role name Admins:

.AddRazorPagesOptions(ops =>
ops.Conventions.AuthorizeAreaFolder("Panel", "/", "RequireAdmins");
ops.Conventions.AuthorizeFolder("/", "RequireAdmins");
ops.Conventions.AllowAnonymousToAreaPage("Identity", "/Account/AccessDenied");

services.AddAuthorization(ops =>
ops.AddPolicy("RequireAdmins", policy => policy.RequireRole("Admins"));

Part 2

where do I configure that it's Account/Login that I want to redirect to?

The configuration can be done in startup, in general I do create a custom authentication cookie:

public class XCookieAuthEvents : CookieAuthenticationEvents
public override Task RedirectToLogin(RedirectContext<CookieAuthenticationOptions> context)
context.RedirectUri = $"/Identity/Account/CustomLogin";
return base.RedirectToLogin(context);

public override Task RedirectToLogout(RedirectContext<CookieAuthenticationOptions> context)
context.RedirectUri = $"/Identity/Account/CustomLogout";
return base.RedirectToLogout(context);

public override Task RedirectToAccessDenied(RedirectContext<CookieAuthenticationOptions> context)
context.RedirectUri = $"/Identity/Account/CustomAccessDenied";
return base.RedirectToAccessDenied(context);

public override Task RedirectToReturnUrl(RedirectContext<CookieAuthenticationOptions> context)
context.RedirectUri = $"/CustomReturnUrl";
return base.RedirectToReturnUrl(context);

Then register in startup:


// optional: customize cookie expiration time
services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(ops =>
ops.EventsType = typeof(XCookieAuthEvents);
ops.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
ops.SlidingExpiration = true;

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