White-Space: Nowrap Is Not Working in Ie in a Horizontally Scrolling Box

Width of element with 'white-space: nowrap' doesn't adjust to child content

Add this line to .pane

display: inline-block;

CSS div nowrap not working in IE

Ok, i got the problem now.

the li element has to be inline-block instead of float left and the ul whitespace nowrap ... this way it will be rendered fine in ie.

white-space: nowrap breaks flexbox layout

This is caused by the default flex-box behaviour, which prevents flex-boxes of becoming smaller than it's contents.

The solution to this issue is setting min-width: 0 (or min-height: 0 for columns) to all parent flex-boxes.
In this specific case (and in the fiddle):

flex: 1 1 auto;
flex-flow:row nowrap;
min-width: 0; /* this one right here does it!*/

$('#nav-toggle').on('click',function(){ $(this).parent().toggleClass('collapsed');});$('#help-toggle').on('click',function(){ $('#help-pane').toggleClass('visible');});$('#list-toggle').on('click',function(){ $('#list').toggleClass('nowrap');});
#body{ display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#abc; overflow:hidden;}
#shell{ flex: 1 1 auto; display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap; position:relative; width:100%; min-height:100%; min-width: 0;}
#left{ flex: 0 0 180px; min-height:100%; min-width: 0; background:lightblue; } #left.collapsed{ flex: 0 0 80px; } #mid{ flex: 1 1 auto; min-height:100%; min-width: 0; display:flex; flex-flow:column nowrap; align-items:stretch; align-content:stretch; position:relative; width:100%; min-height:100vh; min-width: 0; background:purple; } #mid-top{ flex: 0 0 auto; min-height:100px; background:green; } #mid-bottom{ min-height:calc(100% - 100px); flex: 1 1 auto; background:lightgreen; } #list{ overflow: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } #list.nowrap{ white-space: nowrap; } #secondlist{ overflow: auto; max-width: 250px; white-space: nowrap; } .list-item{ display: inline-block; width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 2px; background: purple; } .list-item.odd{ background: violet; } #help-pane{ display:none; flex: 0 0 0px; background:red;}#help-pane.visible{ display:inherit; flex:0 0 180px;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><div id="body"> <div id="shell">      <div id="left">          <div id="nav">            - menu -          </div>          <div id="help-toggle">            help toggle          </div>          <div id="nav-toggle">            nav toggle          </div>          <div id="list-toggle">            list whitespace toggle          </div>      </div>      <div id="mid">          <div id="mid-top">                - mid top -          </div>          <div id="mid-bottom">               - mid bottom- <br><br>               <div id="list">                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>               </div>               <hr>               <div id="secondlist">                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>                 <div class="list-item"> </div>                 <div class="list-item odd"> </div>               </div>          </div>      </div> </div> <div id="help-pane" class="visible">   - help-pane - </div></div>

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