What Tag Should I Use Instead of Deprecated Tag Font in HTML (Cannot Use CSS)

What tag should I use instead of deprecated tag font in html (cannot use CSS)

You could replace

<font color="#000000">0001100000101101100011</font>


<span style="color:#000000">0001100000101101100011</span>


*Edit: I know this is CSS, but it doesn't involve a separate stylesheet like the question states, which may be ok.

Best replacement for font tag in html

The span tag would be the best way.

Although inline CSS is typically not recommended, here is an example:

This is my <span style="font-weight:bold">paragraph</span>.

span and div are similar, but the div tag is a block element, so it will cause line-breaks. span is an inline tag that can be used inline with your text.

Why is the font element not supported in HTML5?

In short:

HTML is a markup language. Use it to mark up the different sections of your content using the most semantically accurate element.

CSS is used for styling purposes, such as changing colors, sizes, fonts, etc.

The <font> element was used for styling, not marking up a section of your content. That's why it's deprecated, along with other out-of-place elements such as <center>.

Is use of uunderline/u deprecated and non validated?

It's deprecated in HTML 4 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/graphics.html#edef-U so won't validate.

Use styles instead. Maybe a <span> tag. Although, if you want the thing you're trying to add an underline to, to be emphasized without styles enabled. Use an <em> tag and use CSS to give it an underline.

Convert inline styles to font tags including attributes

Yes, it can be done. You need a programmable scripting language that can read/write text files, perform basic logic, loops, etc. There are several to choose from, varying in level of difficulty. Examples include:

  1. VBA
  2. Windows PowerShell
  3. PHP (install XAMPP and you will have access to this powerful language)
  4. node.js
  5. python
  6. WinBatch
  7. AutoHotKey (AHK) or AutoIT (AHK forked off from AutoIT)

For ease of use, my preferences would be ranked in this order: 6, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2, 7.

Pick one, then begin trying to do the project, then come back and ask us for more help if you are stuck. Basically, a pseudo-code algorithm might look something like this:

arr = array_of_the_html_filenames
for i = 1 to len(arr) //i.e. do this for each filename
next_file_name = arr[i]

input_file_name = file_name
output_file_name = parse input_file_name string to create an output_file_name
hFIN = fileOpen(input_file_name, "read") #get fileHandle for next file
hFOUT = fileOpen(output_file_name, "write")

next_line = fileRead(hFIN) //read next_line of current file as a string
while next_line !== "EOF"
out_line = ''
if next_line == EOF: break
if next_line contains "font-family":
font_data = parse the string to get the data for the font tag
rest_of_string_with_font_data_removed = parse string to extract all except font data
out_line = "<font>" + font_data + "</font>" + rest_of_string_with_font_data_removed
file_write(hFOUT, out_line)
out_line = next_line
file_write(hFOUT, out_line)
next_line = fileRead(hFIN) //read next_line of current file as a string

Why is the nobr deprecated?

It isn't deprecated because it was never standard in the first place.

HTML is (in theory) a semantic markup language. It describes the structure and semantics of a document along with relationships to other resources.

HTML is not supposed to describe presentation. A bunch of presentational features were added during the browser wars. Some of these became standardised. Most of them were subsequently deprecated when CSS came along.

CSS is a language for describing presentation. When you have a chunk of text that shouldn't have a line break in it, that is usually a matter of presentation so CSS is the right place to do it.

The exceptions are usually handled by non-breaking spaces ( ).

Can i change the text color of a tag without css?

What you could do is use the old and deprecated font tag. So it would be:

<tr><td><a href="#"><font color="black"> Link 3 </font></a></td></tr>

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