Visual Studio Intellisense for Bootstrap via Cdn

Visual Studio intellisense for Bootstrap via CDN

You can add CDN references to intelliSence for javascript, however, css is not supported.

Visual Studio 2013 options

You can add the file to your project and it will work, you dont need to add a ref to html, just to project and it should resolve your issue.

Is there a way to get Intellisense for Bootstrap and FontAwsome in Angular project opened as a folder in Visual Studio 2019

I had the same problem, and I noticed that styles.css also wasn't included in Intellisense.

Instead of working in a folder, I had to:

  1. Create a new blank solution (Create a new project > Search for "Blank Solution")
  2. Right click the solution and click "Add > Existing Web Site...".
  3. Browse to the folder containing the Angular folder and click "Open"

IntelliSense builds straight away in the component HTML now.

IntelliSense from Bootstrap classes

I have read that including node_modules in the project makes searching really slow, but if I exclude node_modules by making it a hidden folder, IntelliSense stops working for bootstrap CSS files again. Styles.css continues to show up, though.

Oh, also I updated Visual Studio to 16.4.5.

Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete in Visual Studio 2017

It appears that Visual Studio gets its autocomplete data from the files in wwwroot\lib\bootstrap\dist. Refresh the files with these steps:

  • From the Project menu choose "Manage Bower Packages" Find Bootstrap,
    verify the version then click install
  • Delete the contents of: wwwroot\lib\bootstrap\dist
  • Copy the contents of: bower_components\bootstrap\dist to:

You will also have to change any references in the code to point to the new version as well.

Bootstrap Intellisense not working in Core

I created a separated Core project, included bootstrap in project.json and copied the generated bootstrap file to the application I'm working inside the lib folder. No I have bootstrap Intellisense.

Bootstrap Intellisense Missing Visual Studio 2015

It seems like the solution is to add non-minified Files to your solution in order for intellisense to work. I think it is due to Microsoft splitting out the minifier into a separate extension.

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