Vertically Center Constrained Image in Bootstrap Thumbnail

Vertically center constrained image in Bootstrap thumbnail

Approach 1 - (example):

Wrap the img elements:

<div class="thumbnail" style="width: 400px; height: 400px">
<div class="thumbnail_wrapper">
<img src=""/>

Change the display of the .thumbnail element to table. Use border-collapse: separate to fix padding/spacing issues. Change the display of the wrapper to table-cell and then add vertical-align: middle. Finally, give the img elements a width of 100%.

Example Here

.thumbnail {
border-spacing: 2px;
border-collapse: separate;
border-radius:10px; /* Demonstrational.. */
.thumbnail_wrapper {
.thumbnail_wrapper > img {

Approach 2 - (example):

The flexbox approach doesn't require the wrapper element, however it has slightly less support than the table/table-cell approach.

<div class="thumbnail" style="width: 400px; height: 400px">
<img src="" />

Basically, just change the display of the .thumbnail element to flex and then add align-items: center. All the other vendor prefixes are added for cross browser support. Read more about flexbox layouts and properties here - (mdn).

Example Here

.thumbnail {
display: -webkit-flexbox;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-align: center;
-ms-flex-align: center;
-webkit-align-items: center;
align-items: center;

As a side note, you can avoid having to use HTML tables - example here.

Bootstrap 3 vertical align image in thumbnail

I assume you wanted to achieve something like this, using different-sized images?
Sample Image

I've looked and looked for a simple answer to this and nothing ever seemed to work well, so I managed to take a few bits and hack something together.

It's a little convoluted but it works really well for me, and also resizes and centers both landscape and portrait images. It also lets me set the dimension ratios I want the image to be (adjust the padding-top percentage in ".thumb:before").

Bootply Example at 1/1 ratio (square). (click on the image to see the original)

Bootply Example at slight portrait ratio (125%)

This needs two custom css classes.

The 'thumb' class is assigned to the div and the image url is set as a background.

Since it's poor form to embed a div inside an anchor tag, I also created a 'clickable' class, which takes the inside anchor tag, sizes it to the parent container, and floats it above the parent so that it mimics clicking the image.


<div class="col-xs-1">
<div class="clickable thumb" style="background-image: url('')">
<a href="">
<div class="text-center"><small>Product 15</small></div>


background-position: 50% 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border:1px solid #BBB;
.thumb:before {
content: "";
display: block;
padding-top: 100%;

.clickable > a{
text-decoration:none; /* Makes sure the link doesn't get underlined */
z-index:10; /* raises anchor tag above everything else in div */

/* For IE */
background-color:white; /*workaround to make clickable in IE */
opacity: 0; /*workaround to make clickable in IE */
filter: alpha(opacity=1); /*workaround to make clickable in IE */

Bootstrap Thumbnail Image Spacing

I fixed the problem by adding padding: 0px !important; to .thumbnail, it need the !important

Adjusting and image size to fit a div with Bootstrap

You can explicitly define the width and height of images, but the results may not be the best looking.

.food1 img {
height: 230px;


...per your comment, you could also just block any overflow - see this example to see an image restricted by height and cut off because it's too wide.

.top1 {
overflow: hidden;

.top1 img {

bootstrap: Get three thumbnail images inline

Regarding the Boostrap layout:

The .thumbnail class is only doing formatting (the border, padding); the alignment of the images is actually happening from the .row and the .col-md-3 classes.

It's OK when using Bootstrap to mix your own CSS in with theirs, to handle layouts they don't provide. In this case, here's some CSS which might help:

.thumbnails img {
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
display: block;

which will work with:

<div class="thumbnails">
<img src="..." />
<img src="..." />
<img src="..." />


I've used .thumbnails to avoid conflicting with the Boostrap .thumbnail. Which means you can mix-and-match to get the Boostrap look and feel:

<div class="thumbnails">
<img class="thumbnail" src="..." />
<img class="thumbnail" src="..." />
<img class="thumbnail" src="..." />


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