Two Columns with Variable Width and a Fixed Gap Between Them

Two columns with variable width and a fixed gap between them

You'll need either tables or CSS tables.

CSS tables should be supported by all browsers except IE7 and below.

Two columns with variable width and a fixed gap between them

You'll need either tables or CSS tables.

CSS tables should be supported by all browsers except IE7 and below.

Two floated columns - one fixed, one loose width

Have a look at this.
There aren't any demos, but I've used tutorials from this guy before so I assume it works fine. I gather from the article that the main content is liquid. The side content may also be liquid, but I think you can just give it a fixed width and leave it at that. The trick here is to place the main content first.

How can I have two fixed width columns with one flexible column in the center?

Instead of using width (which is a suggestion when using flexbox), you could use flex: 0 0 230px; which means:

  • 0 = don't grow (shorthand for flex-grow)
  • 0 = don't shrink (shorthand for flex-shrink)
  • 230px = start at 230px (shorthand for flex-basis)

which means: always be 230px.

See fiddle, thanks @TylerH

Oh, and you don't need the justify-content and align-items here.

img {
max-width: 100%;
#container {
display: flex;
x-justify-content: space-around;
x-align-items: stretch;
max-width: 1200px;
.column.left {
width: 230px;
flex: 0 0 230px;
.column.right {
width: 230px;
flex: 0 0 230px;
border-left: 1px solid #eee;
} {
border-left: 1px solid #eee;

Dynamically adjusting two outside columns to the variable width of the center column

Good 'ole tables to the rescue:

Actually I think tables are the devil, but this works as you described. And so here it is using display: table-cell on the child divs, so it is functionally the same using nicer markup:

The center element can indeed have a dynamic width; to prevent the content from being squished, I simply added a white-space: nowrap to the p containing the text.

I also confirmed that this solution works in IE8 and FF, in addition to Chrome.

css layout fixed width and variable width on same line

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<style type="text/css">
html, body, div { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0 none; }
#left { margin-right: 300px; background: yellow; }
#right { width: 300px; float: right; background: #ccc; }
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="right">Fixed</div>
<div id="left">Variable</div>

This has a right column of 300 pixels and a variable left column. The DOCTYPE is just there to make IE misbehave less. Also use of a reset CSS is recommended.

In two-column layout, make one column have fixed width and the other take remaining space

You can use flexbox:

#container {    display: flex;               /* establish flex container */}
#left { flex: 1; /* consume all available space */ background-color: #ff0000;}
#right { flex: 0 0 180px; /* don't grow, don't shrink, fixed at 180px width */ background-color: #00FF00;}
<div id="container">  <div id="left">left</div>  <div id="right">right</div></div>

Fixed gap between CSS columns

The column gap is only changing sizes because you set a hard width on the columns. You can't have a fluid layout with all hard set widths, something has to be fluid.

Here is an example with fluid columns and consistent gaps.

column-width: 240px;
column-gap: 2em;
padding: 5px;

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