Triangle with One Rounded Corner

Triangle with one rounded corner

I know this is a little hacky, but I don't think there is an easy way to do this with a single class.

All I've done is rotated a box 45 degrees with border-radius:10px and then contained it in another div with width set to the desired width of your arrow and overflow:hidden so that everything that spills over is invisible.

.arrow-left {  position: absolute;  width: 100px;  height: 100px;  left: 20px;  background: black;  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);  transform: rotate(45deg);  border-radius: 10px;}
.cover { position: absolute; height: 100px; width: 40px; overflow: hidden;}
<div class="cover">  <div class="arrow-left"></div></div>

How to draw a triangle with one rounded corner programatically with SVG?

There are several ways to do it, depending on what sort of curve you want. The simplest way is probably to use Q/q as you were attempting.

Calculate the endpoints, leading into and out of the curve, by calculating a position along that line segment. For instance in the second SVG I have chosen a point 80% along the first line (20,120 -> 70,20).

x = x0 + 80% * (x1 - x0)
= 20 + 80% * (70 - 20)
= 60

y = y0 + 80% * (y1 - y0)
= 120 + 80% * (20 - 120)
= 120 + -80
= 40

and the same for the line exiting the curved corner. Except, of course this time it will only be 20% aaway from the corner.

Once you have those two points, just use the original corner point as the control point (first coordinate pair) in the Q command.

So the original corner

M 20,120
L 70,20
L 120,120


M 20 120
L 60 40
Q 70 20 80 40
L 120 120

As shown in the third SVG below.

<p>Triangle</p><svg height="200" width="200" style="margin: 20px">  <path d="M 20 120           L 70 20           L 120 120               Z"         fill="LightBlue"         stroke="Blue"         stroke-width="10" /> </svg>
<svg height="200" width="200" style="margin: 20px"> <path d="M 20 120 L 60 40 L 80 40 L 120 120 Z" fill="LightBlue" stroke="Blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg>
<svg height="200" width="200" style="margin: 20px"> <path d="M 20 120 L 60 40 Q 70 20 80 40 L 120 120 Z" fill="LightBlue" stroke="Blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg>

css rounded corner of right angled triangle

Here is an idea where you can rely on 2 pseudo element and some background coloration to approximate it. You simply need to find the correct value to have the perfect overlap between both pseudo elements.

h1 {  padding-left:1em;  position:relative;}
h1:before { content: ""; position:absolute; left: 0; top: calc(50% - 0.35em); width: 0.7em; height: 0.7em; background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #34495e 50%, transparent 50%); border-radius: 0.1em;}h1:after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 3.8px; top: -0.1px; width: 0.92em; height: 0.8em; margin-right: 10px; background: linear-gradient(to top,#34495e 3.5px,transparent 5px); border-radius: 0.1em; transform: rotate(45deg); z-index: -1;}

css3 triangle shape with one rounded corner

One solution that appears to work (tested in Chrome, Safari, Firefox) is removing the following lines from .triangle-topright

-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 6px 6px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 6px / 6px;
-khtml-border-top-right-radius: 6px / 6px;
border-top-right-radius: 6px / 6px;

And instead simply adding overflow: hidden; to the .box css.


Is it possible to make a rounded triangle with just CSS?

To actually answer your question (and provide the first answer without border-radius): If you want a CSS only solution, you will have to use border-radius.

Nevertheless I would highly recommend to use SVG for creating shapes, as simple shapes like this are easy to create manually, it's responsive, it's widely supported now and (as @chharvey mentioned in the comments) semantically more appropriate.

<svg viewbox="0 0 50 50" height="56px">  <path d="M1 50 V10 Q1 1 10 1 H50z" fill="#ff4369" /></svg>

How to make 3-corner-rounded triangle in CSS

My best attempt:

Pixel perfection at any size, uses simpler math than Ana's original solution, and is more intuitive in my opinion :)

.triangle { position: relative; background-color: orange; text-align: left;}.triangle:before,.triangle:after { content: ''; position: absolute; background-color: inherit;}.triangle,.triangle:before,.triangle:after { width:  10em; height: 10em; border-top-right-radius: 30%;}
.triangle { transform: rotate(-60deg) skewX(-30deg) scale(1,.866);}.triangle:before { transform: rotate(-135deg) skewX(-45deg) scale(1.414,.707) translate(0,-50%);}.triangle:after { transform: rotate(135deg) skewY(-45deg) scale(.707,1.414) translate(50%);}
<div class="triangle"></div>

triangle with rounded corners

rotate + overflow would do (with an extra element or a pseudo):

.tr {  height:40px;  width:40px;  overflow:hidden;  transform:scale(1,1.2);/* increase visual height */  }.tr div {/* could be a pseudo */  width:70%;  height:70%;  float:right;  background:#C20009;  transform:rotate(-45deg);  box-shadow: 0 0 1px, inset 0 1px 1px , inset 5px -5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);  transform-origin: top right;  border-radius : 8px 0 0 0 /* and the rounded corner to finish */  }
<div class="tr">  <div></div></div>

Create triangle with rounded corners at top of bottomsheet

You can achieve this using a MaterialShapeDrawable with a custom ShapeAppearanceModel.

1. Get the latest Material Design Library and add it into your app grandle dependencies (implementation '')

2. In your Bottom Sheet xml file define an empty View (eg: a Relative Layout) which will be the top of your Bottom Sheet. A sample will be like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""



3. Finally create your custom ShapeAppearanceModel with Rounded Corners only to the Top Left Side and use a custom EdgeTreatment for the TopEdge to draw the above triangle shape using the ShapePath.quadToPoint method like in the below example:


//get the Relative Layout or any other View
RelativeLayout relativeLayout = findViewById(;

//set the top left corner radius and bottom Y margin in pixels
int topLeftCornerRadius = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 20, getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
int bottomYMargin = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 25, getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

//create a new ShapeAppearanceModel
ShapeAppearanceModel shapeAppearanceModel = new ShapeAppearanceModel()
.setTopLeftCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, topLeftCornerRadius)
.setTopRightCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0)
.setBottomLeftCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0)
.setBottomRightCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0)
.setTopEdge(new EdgeTreatment(){
@Override public void getEdgePath(float length, float center, float interpolation, @NonNull ShapePath shapePath) {
shapePath.quadToPoint(0, 0, length, relativeLayout.getLayoutParams().height - bottomYMargin);

//create a new MaterialShapeDrawable based on above ShapeAppearanceModel and sets it color
MaterialShapeDrawable shapeDrawable = new MaterialShapeDrawable(shapeAppearanceModel);
shapeDrawable.setFillColor(ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, android.R.color.holo_blue_light));

//finally use the ViewCompat static method to draw the above shapeDrawable to relativeLayout
ViewCompat.setBackground(relativeLayout, shapeDrawable);


//get the Relative Layout or any other View
val relativeLayout = findViewById<RelativeLayout>(

//set the top left corner radius and bottom Y margin in pixels
val topLeftCornerRadius = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 20f, resources.displayMetrics).toInt()
val bottomYMargin = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 25f, resources.displayMetrics).toInt()

//create a new ShapeAppearanceModel
val shapeAppearanceModel = ShapeAppearanceModel()
.setTopLeftCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, topLeftCornerRadius.toFloat())
.setTopRightCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0f)
.setBottomLeftCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0f)
.setBottomRightCorner(CornerFamily.ROUNDED, 0f)
.setTopEdge(object : EdgeTreatment() {
override fun getEdgePath(length: Float, center: Float, interpolation: Float, shapePath: ShapePath) {
shapePath.quadToPoint(0f, 0f, length, (relativeLayout.layoutParams.height - bottomYMargin).toFloat())

//create a new MaterialShapeDrawable based on above ShapeAppearanceModel and sets it color
val shapeDrawable = MaterialShapeDrawable(shapeAppearanceModel)
shapeDrawable.fillColor = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, android.R.color.holo_blue_light)

//finally use the ViewCompat static method to draw the above shapeDrawable to relativeLayout
ViewCompat.setBackground(relativeLayout, shapeDrawable)



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