The @Use Feature of SASS

The @use feature of Sass

The new rules @use/@forward and the remove from @import are indeed a really big impact to SASS. It leads to a complete new form to write sass. A try to make an easy explanation for the beginning to use the new technique:

(1) @use works similar to @import. It adds the code from a (config- or partial-)file or a module to your stylesheet.

(2) The difference is: SASS changes the scope of variables/mixins/functions from global (all imported files = one scope) to local files (variables are only valid in the actual file). If you need to use variables/mixins/functions from another (config- or partial-)file you need to 'include' them to the actual file first.

That means for your project(*):

//file ###> _config.scss

$columnWidth: 50%;
$projectColors: (
primary: red,
secondary: blue,

//file ###> _functions.scss

@use 'config' as * // --> to use config vars (here: without namespace)

@function getColor( $name ){
$color: map-get($projectColors, $name);
@return $color;

//file ###> _partial.scss

@use 'config' as * // --> use config vars (here: without namespace)
@use 'functions' as * // --> use functions (here: without namespace)

.class {
width: $width;
color: getColor( primary );

//file ###> myStylesheet.scss
// no need to @use 'config' or 'functions'
// as they are not direct needed in this file

@use 'partial' //--> write the css


( * ) Including files without using a namespace is a special case to make the example more easy. Normaly you will include variables/mixins/functions to a separated namespace and call them by namespace.$variable or namespace.mixin. And there are techniques to move special settings to a @used file as well so you can move variable settings to the project. Please have a look to official and excelent description:


(1) As it is heavily discussed: Yes. This is INDEED the intended new way to work with SASS. (

(2) Very interesting: The actual brandnew version from Bootstrap has moved to the new Sass Version. But as I have seen Bootstrap does not use that new feature @use and still works with @import. That may have reasons ... and it seems not to easy to change the technique.

(3) Also it seems to be a little bit complicated there are some advantages comming with that new technique. Using separate namespaces make it much mor easier to work with external modules without causing name conflicts.

Live Sass Compiler - @use causes compilation error

I had same/similar problem two days ago.

@use is a new directive introduced in the new official Version 'Dart Sass' and replaces '@import' which is depricated now.

The popular Extension 'Live Sass Compiler' in VS Code is not longer supported by the maintainer for some time. So unfortunately the Sass Version is not updated in that extension...

In VS Code for 'Dart Sass' I found the the Extension 'DartJS Sass Compiler':

Actual I just did a quick testing so I cannot report much about it. But on the first glance it is running well. But as it is another extension you may have to change some settings.


Additional to the above reported exentsion DartJS Sass Compiler with actual SASS version I found an actualised and actual maintained fork of Live Sass Compiler. It has been deep hidden in the searching reuslts. As it is a very popular extension in VS Code here the link to the fork:


I played arround with both extension. Both are doing the job well and have advantages.

'DartJS Sass Compiler' has the additional possibility for more detailed output like information about sass version and watchers. And additional to included SASS version it allows to use your own SASS version if installed to your system or locally to your project. So there is no/less dependency on updates by the maintainer.

'Live Sass Compiler' runs out of the box with included sass version. As it is a very popular extension in VS Code there is a special advantage: it seems it keeps your settings in the old projects running.

I think both are good solutions.

When importing a file with @use then: Error Undefined Mixin

That may be because the use of the new rule @use has an high impact to the way you build your project structure. Using of @usechanges it dramatically:

  1. With @import you add a file and the mixins/vars/modules are ready to use in every sass file you load later on.

  2. With @use you have to load the special sass file you need (i.e. '_mixins') direct in the file where you want to use it direct ... not to the main file. (Yes: loading the mixins/functions/variables-files to EVERY single partial file where you want to use them is the NEW INTENDED way to write sass.

  3. And one more point to your using of @use: If you load by @use 'mixins you have to call the mixin in your file in the separated namespace @include mixins.yourMixinYouCall. If you want to load the mixins without separated namespace you can do: @use 'mixins' as *.

This changing to seperate namespace has some advantages. But indeed that is a really big impact and a very hard discussed theme about the new way to build your sass files.

We had this this week and before posting that twice you may have a look to this posting:

The @use feature of Sass

What's the difference between SCSS and Sass?

Sass is a CSS pre-processor with syntax advancements. Style sheets in the advanced syntax are processed by the program, and turned into regular CSS style sheets. However, they do not extend the CSS standard itself.

CSS variables are supported and can be utilized but not as well as pre-processor variables.

For the difference between SCSS and Sass, this text on the Sass documentation page should answer the question:

There are two syntaxes available for Sass. The first, known as SCSS (Sassy CSS) and used throughout this reference, is an extension of the syntax of CSS. This means that every valid CSS stylesheet is a valid SCSS file with the same meaning. This syntax is enhanced with the Sass features described below. Files using this syntax have the .scss extension.

The second and older syntax, known as the indented syntax (or sometimes just “Sass”), provides a more concise way of writing CSS. It uses indentation rather than brackets to indicate nesting of selectors, and newlines rather than semicolons to separate properties. Files using this syntax have the .sass extension.

However, all this works only with the Sass pre-compiler which in the end creates CSS. It is not an extension to the CSS standard itself.

Error when attempting to @use sass variables with node-sass

Update: I realized that I misunderstood the page on @use and that it's only supported by Dart Sass right now, not LibSass, so @import is not discouraged in this case.

Sass @use not loading partial

That's because you are not using Dart Sass which supports this feature.

Also in the documentation you will find:

Only Dart Sass currently supports @use. Users of other implementations must use the @import rule instead.

So use @import until @use is supported.

BTW, If you want to use Dart Sass, just use sass instead of node-sass and require it in the webpack config, like:

// ...
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
implementation: require('sass')
// ...

SASS - use variables across multiple files

This question was asked a long time ago so I thought I'd post an updated answer.

You should now avoid using @import. Taken from the docs:

Sass will gradually phase it out over the next few years, and
eventually remove it from the language entirely. Prefer the @use rule

A full list of reasons can be found here

You should now use @use as shown below:


$text-colour: #262626;


@use 'variables'; // Path to _variables.scss Notice how we don't include the underscore or file extension

body {
// namespace.$variable-name
// namespace is just the last component of its URL without a file extension
color: variables.$text-colour;

You can also create an alias for the namespace:


@use 'variables' as v;

body {
// alias.$variable-name
color: v.$text-colour;

EDIT As pointed out by @und3rdg at the time of writing (November 2020) @use is currently only available for Dart Sass and not LibSass (now deprecated) or Ruby Sass. See for the latest compatibility

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