Scss Extend a Nested Selector and Override the Nested Rulesets

SCSS extend a nested selector and override the nested rulesets

Sass has no functionality for "merging" duplicate selectors. You'll need to find another utility to do this after the CSS has been compiled.

The @extend directive isn't just a way to use classes in place of mixins (similar to LESS style mixin calls). Why @extend works the way it does becomes clear when you're extending normal classes instead of extend classes:

.block {

.foo {
@extend .block;
font-weight: bold;


.block, .foo {
font-size: 12px;

.foo {
font-weight: bold;

Using an extend class just suppresses the emission of the original class name.

Now that you've seen why @extend works the way it does, do you still want what @extend offers? If the answer is no, then you need to use a mixin:

@mixin block {
// styles
.title {
font-size: 12px;

.superblock {
@include block {
font-weight: bold;


.superblock .title {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;

Sass: Extending nested selectors

You could use an extend-only selector (%), and extend both ul a and ul strong from that:

a {
color: #09f;
text-decoration: none;
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
opacity: 0.6;

ul {
font-size: 0.85em;
a {
@extend %a;
strong {
@extend %a;

%a {
font-family: Georgia, Times, serif;
font-style: italic;
color: #0a3;

SCSS - override an @extend with another @extend

The rulesets in the output CSS are in the exact same place/order/sequence as they have been defined in SCSS, just that you only output the extended .size-2xl and .size-3xl rulesets. So you need to switch the places of this two rule definitions (see demo) or define the size rules as mixins and include them in the header rules (see demo). So, I think you must be confusing something about how @extend works.

If you have something like that:

.class1 {
foo: bar1;

.class2 {
foo: bar2;
@extend .class1;

You will only add the selector .class2 to the already existing ruleset with the selector .class1 - so the output will look like this:

.class1, .class2 {
foo: bar1;

.class2 {
foo: bar2;

However, if we do not add any new properties to .class2 but just use @extend:

.class1 {
foo: bar1;

.class2 {
@extend .class1;

The .class2 ruleset will not be printed to CSS and only the selector will be added to .class1 - hence the output:

.class1, .class2 {
foo: bar1;

This is more or less what you are doing, just adding the selectors .header1 and .header2 to the rules .size-2xl and .size-3xl, so the output will be in the same place/order in which these rules are defined in SCSS.

So what you get at the end in your example:

  • you define the rulesets .size-2xl and .size-3xl
  • you add the .header1-small selector to the rulesets .size-2xl
  • you add the .header1-small to the .header1 selector and add both to ruleset .size-3xl
  • ruleset .size-2xl (now after extending: .size-2xl, .header1-small) gets printed to CSS
  • ruleset .size-3xl (now after extending: .size-3xl, .header1, .header1-small) gets printed to CSS
  • ruleset .header1 (also the extended one .header1, .header1-small) doesn't get printed out as it does not have any defined properties
  • ruleset .header1-small doesn't get printed out as it does not have any defined properties

Another note: The same will happen also if you use placeholder selectors (%) just that then it may be even more confusing, for example in .size-3xl, .header1, .header1-small the .size-3xl will be invisible, but in the CSS the whole thing will still get compiled in the place where the .size-3xl rule was defined in SCSS.

How to override css styles when @extend from other class in scss?

Then which selector in most below this will apply this is general rule for any CSS file.

Height will be <div class="a b"> 200px;

.a {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
.b {
@extend .a;
height: 200px;

Height will be <div class="a b"> 100px;

.b {
@extend .a;
height: 200px;
.a {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;

Always height will be <div class="a b"> 200px order dose not matter;

.a {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
&.b {
height: 200px;

Is it possible to include the parent properties in an extended Sass class?

What you are looking for is the @extend directive. @extend allows you share a set of CSS properties from one selector to another. This means that you would only need to use the container-featured class.


.container {
margin: 10%;
background: #eee;

&-featured {
@extend .container;
border: 2px solid #999;

compiles to:

.container-featured {
margin: 10%;
background: #eee;

.container-featured {
border: 2px solid #999;

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