Responsive Design Using Md-Grid-List in Angular 2

Angular Material 2 - Responsive Grid List

<mat-grid-list cols="2" rowHeight="1:1.4"    gutterSize="10px"  >
*ngFor="let tile of tiles">
<mat-card >
<mat-card-title>My Card</mat-card-title>
<img mat-card-image src="" alt="Photo of a Shiba Inu">
<button mat-button>LIKE</button>
<button mat-button>SHARE</button>

Here are some fixes for your responsive grid, but you need to put your font with vw to be completely responsive.

Angular 2 md-grid-list set column with screen size

I found this link to help me solve the problem:
Change the layout or cols value of md-grid-list based on screen size

Also to make it work I had to install the flex layout module and used this:
and this:

Angular Material md-grid-list?

I think the limit is based on your screen size. You can use the flex-layout library from the angular team to adjust the numbers of cols. Look at this article.

Angular 5 Mat-grid list responsive

You have to set the cols attribute of the mat-grid-list dynamically depending on the screen width. You'd have to decide on which width breakpoint will the mat-grid-list render the 1-column version.


<mat-grid-list [cols]="breakpoint" rowHeight="2:0.5" (window:resize)="onResize($event)">


ngOnInit() {
this.breakpoint = (window.innerWidth <= 400) ? 1 : 6;

onResize(event) {
this.breakpoint = ( <= 400) ? 1 : 6;

Stackblitz demo here

Hope this helps!

Angular 4: Responsive Grid List

Not in pure html, you could find some html/ts solution though, something like this

If you want to achieve this only with html, take a look at the Angular Flex Layout framework instead of mat-grid-list.

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