Gradient Over Instagram Svg of Fontawesome 5

Gradient over Instagram SVG of FontAwesome 5

Icons are no longer referenced as glyphs from a font, but injected as inline SVG. The content color of the icon is defined as fill="currentColor".

The technique with setting the background and using -webkit-background-clip no longer works. Instead you can set the color property directly. Unfortunately, that is where you get into a bit of trouble because color does not support gradients. You can set fill instead, if you use a SVG gradient definition:


background: black;


div {




color: white;


div:hover svg * {

fill: url(#rg);

<script src=""></script>

<svg width="0" height="0">

<radialGradient id="rg" r="150%" cx="30%" cy="107%">

<stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0" />

<stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0.05" />

<stop stop-color="#fd5949" offset="0.45" />

<stop stop-color="#d6249f" offset="0.6" />

<stop stop-color="#285AEB" offset="0.9" />




<i class="fab fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i>


How to add a color gradient to the instagram logo without affecting the visibility?

Using radial gradient and background-clip


.wrapper {

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;


.wrapper i {

padding: 10px;

text-shadow: 0px 6px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

transition: all ease-in-out 150ms;


.wrapper a:nth-child(1) {

color: #3b5998


.wrapper a:nth-child(2) {

color: #1DA1F2;


.wrapper a:nth-child(3) {

color: black;


.wrapper i:hover {

margin-top: -3px;

text-shadow: 0px 14px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);


.fa-instagram {

color: transparent;

background: -webkit-radial-gradient(30% 107%, circle, #fdf497 0%, #fdf497 5%, #fd5949 45%, #d6249f 60%, #285AEB 90%);

background: -o-radial-gradient(30% 107%, circle, #fdf497 0%, #fdf497 5%, #fd5949 45%, #d6249f 60%, #285AEB 90%);

background: radial-gradient(circle at 30% 107%, #fdf497 0%, #fdf497 5%, #fd5949 45%, #d6249f 60%, #285AEB 90%);

background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle at 30% 107%, #fdf497 0%, #fdf497 5%, #fd5949 45%, #d6249f 60%, #285AEB 90%);

background-clip: text;

-webkit-background-clip: text;

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="wrapper">

<a href=""><i class="fa fa-3x fa-facebook-square"></i></a>

<a href=""><i class="fa fa-3x fa-twitter-square"></i></a>

<a href=""><i class="fa fa-3x fa-instagram instagram"></i></a>


How do I use gradients with Font Awesome icons?

I stole my answer from the same question in the OP, and then tweaked it.

i.fab {

font-size: 5rem;

font-style: normal;

font-family: fontawesome;


.fa-stack-overflow:before {

color: transparent;

position: relative;

background-clip: text;

-webkit-background-clip: text;

background-image: linear-gradient(#F48024 20%, black);

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<i class="fab fa-stack-overflow"></i>

Multiple font-awesome icons sharing a background gradient

Well with the version that you are using, you will find the icons displayed as svg and the background-clip effect will not work.

You can use the older version where elements are rendered as content inside pseudo elements (:before), and set a parent for the i tags to get a single gradient across the icons:

body {

font-size: 150px;


#parent {

display: inline;

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(225deg, rgb(251, 175, 21), rgb(251, 21, 242), rgb(21, 198, 251)) 0% 0% / 300% 300%;

-webkit-background-clip: text;

-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

animation: 2s ease 0s infinite normal none running fontgradient;


i {

font-size: 5rem;

font-style: normal;

font-family: fontawesome;


@-webkit-keyframes fontgradient {

0% {

background-position: 0% 92%


50% {

background-position: 100% 9%


100% {

background-position: 0% 92%



@-moz-keyframes fontgradient {

0% {

background-position: 0% 92%


50% {

background-position: 100% 9%


100% {

background-position: 0% 92%



@keyframes fontgradient {

0% {

background-position: 0% 92%


50% {

background-position: 100% 9%


100% {

background-position: 0% 92%


<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<div id="parent">

<i class="fab fa-stack-overflow"></i>

<i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>

<i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>


Instagram new logo css background

Here is the css code for background color:

background: #f09433;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, #f09433 0%, #e6683c 25%, #dc2743 50%, #cc2366 75%, #bc1888 100%);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #f09433 0%,#e6683c 25%,#dc2743 50%,#cc2366 75%,#bc1888 100%);
background: linear-gradient(45deg, #f09433 0%,#e6683c 25%,#dc2743 50%,#cc2366 75%,#bc1888 100%);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f09433', endColorstr='#bc1888',GradientType=1 );
<div class="instagram"></div>

How can I transition this font awesome (v5.0) color from white to my custom color?

Browsers started to support CSS transition of <color> values, so they do accept to make the transition between your CSS fill: <color> to an other fill: <color>.

But, when you are setting this CSS fill value to the gradient, for the engine, it's now an <urlFunc> value, which eventually resolves to an <image> value*. So transitioning from a <color> to this new value is not possible.

*Though I'm not sure about this assertion...

One solution though would be to animate a CSS <filter> value:


padding: 2px 8px;


.instagram-logo svg.fa-instagram path{

fill: url(#rg);


/* from black to color */

.instagram-logo svg.fa-instagram{

filter: brightness(0%) grayscale(100%);

transition: filter 2s ease, -webkit-filter 2s ease;


.instagram-logo svg.fa-instagram:hover{

filter: brightness(100%) grayscale(0%);


/* from white to color */


background: black;


.instagram-logo.white svg.fa-instagram{

filter: brightness(0%) grayscale(100%) invert(1);


.instagram-logo.white svg.fa-instagram:hover{


we need to make a new declaration

because transitions can only be done on func values

so we need the same <filterFunc> at both hands of the transition


filter: brightness(100%) grayscale(0%) invert(0);

<script src=""></script>

<div class="instagram-logo">

<svg class="hidden" width="0" height="0" style="position:absolute; z-index:-1">

<radialGradient id="rg" r="150%" cx="30%" cy="107%">

<stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0" />

<stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0.05" />

<stop stop-color="#fd5949" offset="0.45" />

<stop stop-color="#d6249f" offset="0.6" />

<stop stop-color="#285AEB" offset="0.9" />



<i class="fab fa-instagram fa-2x"></i>


<div class="instagram-logo white">

<i class="fab fa-instagram fa-2x"></i>


FontAwesome 5 - Multi color icon

By using gradient for the color and two icons we may achieve this but it remains a hacky way and you need to handle each case (icon + coloration) specifically:

.fa-google path{
.fa-google + .fa-google path{
.icon {
.fa-google + .fa-google {
clip-path: polygon(0% 0%,120% 0%,0% 75%);
<script defer src="" ></script>
<svg style="width:0;height:0;">
<linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="30%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#34a853" />
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#4285f4" />
<linearGradient id="grad2" x1="0%" y1="30%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#fbbc05" />
<stop offset="50%" stop-color="#ea4335" />
<div class="icon">
<i class="fab fa-google fa-7x"></i>
<i class="fab fa-google fa-7x"></i>

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