Remove the Material Stepper Header

Remove the Material Stepper header

You need to use a combination of ::ng-deep to get around shadow DOM and the !important flag to get around Materials own stylings:

::ng-deep .mat-horizontal-stepper-header-container {
display: none !important;

How to hide mat-stepper header in my mat-stepper?

Use ngIf to achieve this. If you want to hide a particular mat-step then, place the ngIf on the mat-step.

<mat-step label="transaction" *ngIf="showStep">
<button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>

If you want to get rid of the entire mat-horizontal-stepper, then place the ngIf on the <mat-horizontal-stepper>

<mat-horizontal-stepper *ngIf="showStepper">

where you can update the value of showStep or showStepper to true or false depending on whether you want to show the stepper or not.

Note: This will remove the content as well.

If you want to remove just the mat-horizontal-stepper headers and keep the content, then you can do so using CSS.

.mat-horizontal-stepper-header-container {
display: none !important;

angular material stepper: disable header navigation

Add this to your style sheet. I was trying to disable the header navigation. Tried many things but this hack worked. You can try this till Angular Material Team support this feature.

::ng-deep .mat-horizontal-stepper-header{
pointer-events: none !important;

How to hide one of the mat-step of Material stepper without removing it from the DOM?

To reach the specific mat-step, use :nth-of-type() selector to reach that step via css. No need for the ::ng-deep. You can put this either in the component's css, either in styles.css:

.mat-step-header:nth-of-type(2){ //for example, to remove the second step


Get rid of navigation in angular material stepper

For Vertical stepper you need to assign different classes.

For removing the stepper header set below style.

.mat-vertical-stepper-header {
display: none !important;

And removing the border set below style.

.mat-stepper-vertical-line::before { 
border: 0 !important;

How to remove default focus on stepper header in angular material?

Use this directive on the element, where the initial focus is expected: cdkFocusInitial, if this not enough take a look here.

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