Pure CSS: Center Tooltip Above Text on Hover Pt. 2

Pure CSS: Center Tooltip Above Text On Hover

If you position the block on top of the text and above and set text-align: center, there shouldn't be any need to use JavaScript.

.drag-hint:hover > span {
display: inline;
top: -25px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
text-align: center;


Pure CSS: Center Tooltip Above Text On Hover pt. 2

Here's the simplest solution using CSS3 transform.

JSfiddle Demo

.drag-hint {  position: relative;  margin: 50px;  display: inline-block;  padding: 0 1em;  border: 1px solid red;  /* for visual reference */}.drag-hint > span {  background: black;  color: white;  white-space: nowrap;  display: none;}.drag-hint:hover > span {  display: inline-block;  position: absolute;  top: -25px;  left: 50%;  transform: translateX(-50%);  text-align: center;}
<span class="drag-hint">    <span>drag drag drag drag drag</span>Hover me</span>

<span class="drag-hint"> <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</span>Hover me</span>

Add a tooltip to a div

For the basic tooltip, you want:

<div title="This is my tooltip">


.visible {
height: 3em;
width: 10em;
background: yellow;
<div title="This is my tooltip" class="visible"></div>

How to create a pure CSS tooltip with HTML content for inline elements

Note that W3C says :

Defining term: If the dfn element has a title attribute, then the exact value of that attribute is the term being defined.

Accordingly, you can have a simple solution where you put the term being defined inside the title attribute, and the definition inside

dfn::before {content: attr(title);padding: 0 0 1em;}      dfn button {display: none; position: absolute}dfn:hover button, dfn:focus button {display: block;}
<p>An     <dfn title="onomasticon" tabindex="0"><button disabled>       <p>Another word for <strong>thesaurus</strong></p>       <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/G0bl4k7.png" /></p>      </button></dfn> is not a dinosaur.</p>

Tooltip with a triangle

You can do it with CSS, by using the css triangle trick

a.tip span:before{

border-top: 8px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 8px solid transparent;
border-right:8px solid black;


Demo at http://jsfiddle.net/dAutM/7/

live snippet

a.tip {  position: relative;}
a.tip span { display: none; position: absolute; top: -5px; left: 60px; width: 125px; padding: 5px; z-index: 100; background: #000; color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 5px; /* this works only in camino/firefox */ -webkit-border-radius: 5px; /* this is just for Safari */}
a.tip span:before { content: ''; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; border-top: 8px solid transparent; border-bottom: 8px solid transparent; border-right: 8px solid black; left: -8px; top: 7px;}
a:hover.tip { font-size: 99%; /* this is just for IE */}
a:hover.tip span { display: block;}
<center><a href="http://google.com/" class="tip">Link!<span>Hi its me!</span></a></center>

Tooltip using css only

Can it be done with pure CSS? Yes. However, with JavaScript you get much more control.

body { margin: 3em; }
.tooltip { position: relative; }
.tooltip::before { content: "\2003" attr(class); /* print em-space with class text */ text-indent: -3.9em; /* add negative text offset to hide class name */ display: inline-block; position: absolute; bottom: 50%; background: #000; color: #FFF; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px; opacity:0; transition:0.3s; overflow:hidden; max-width: 50%; /* avoids very long sentences */ pointer-events: none; /* prevents tooltip from firing on pseudo hover */}
.tooltip:hover::before { opacity:1; bottom: 100%; }
<p class="tooltip Tooltip Text">My Text</p><p class="tooltip Dolor sit amet bla bla">Lorem Ipsum</p>

CSS tooltips won't stretch, can only have fixed width

.tooltip {
outline: none;
position: relative;
width: 75px;
min-width: 75px;
max-width: 255px;

.tooltip .tool-content {
opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;

You can remove span and replace it with a block level element (like div with style display:block)

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