Not CSS Selectors

Can I write a CSS selector selecting elements NOT having a certain class or attribute?

Typically you add a class selector to the :not() pseudo-class like so:

:not(.printable) {
/* Styles */

:not([attribute]) {
/* Styles */

But if you need better browser support (IE8 and older don't support :not()), you're probably better off creating style rules for elements that do have the "printable" class. If even that isn't feasible despite what you say about your actual markup, you may have to work your markup around that limitation.

Keep in mind that, depending on the properties you're setting in this rule, some of them may either be inherited by descendants that are .printable, or otherwise affect them one way or another. For example, although display is not inherited, setting display: none on a :not(.printable) will prevent it and all of its descendants from displaying, since it removes the element and its subtree from layout completely. You can often get around this by using visibility: hidden instead which will allow visible descendants to show, but the hidden elements will still affect layout as they originally did. In short, just be careful.

Css selector not, not working for anchors

The :not(selector) selector matches every element that is NOT the specified element/selector.
The :not() CSS pseudo-class represents elements that do not match a list of selectors. Since it prevents specific items from being selected, it is known as the negation pseudo-class.

So to use it you should specify the css of the element that is then use not for those how don't

*:not(a){   color:blue;}* {  color:black;}
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</p><span>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</span><i>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</i><h1>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</h1><a>This is the link "a tag"</a>

:not selector in CSS

That's because :not(.c1) will select any element that doesn't have that class. That can be the .container too.

Either add a direct child combinator:

:not(.c1) > .text {
font-weight: bold;

Or use the other class as well:

.column:not(.c1) .text {
font-weight: bold;

CSS :not() selector on all descendants

In your example, the :not() selector is applied to the a element. This would only select a tags that did not have a .mystyle class on it.

#content > * > *:not(.mystyle) a {
color: green;

The above will select any descendants 2 levels down that don't have a .mystyle class, then colour all their decendant a tags green.

Below is a working example:

#content > div > div:not(.mystyle) a {  color: green;}
<div id="content">  <div id="one">    <div><p>This is a <a href="">link</a>.</p></div> <!-- should be green -->    <div><p>This is a <a href="">link</a>.</p></div> <!-- should be green --></div>  <div id="two">    <div class="mystyle"><p>This is a <a href="">link</a>.</p></div> <!-- should NOT be green -->    <div><p>This is a <a href="">link</a>.</p></div> <!-- should be green --></div></div>

:not() selector not selecting element

A pseudo-class, attached to an element p:not(strong), selects from those elements to which it is 'attached' (here the p); and a <p> element is always not a <strong> element; therefore this selector will always match every <p> element.

You seem to be trying to style the parent <p> element based on its child <strong> element which cannot work, as CSS has no parent-selector (see: "Is there a CSS parent selector?")

You could, instead, add a class (or other attribute) to the <p> element, and use that in the selector:

<p class="hasStrongDescendant"><strong><strong>Local:</strong><br>
-Brasília/DF </p>

And style with:

p:not(.hasStrongDescendant) {
/* CSS here */

p:not(.hasStrongDescendant) {  color: orange;}
<p>A paragraph with no child elements</p>
<p class="hasStrongDescendant"><strong>Local:</strong> <br>-Brasília/DF</p>

Can CSS :not selector target :before and :after selectors

As per W3C Spec:

The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself) as an argument. It represents an element that is not represented by its argument.

A simple selector is either a type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class.

As you can see from the above statements, :not() takes in only a simple selector as argument and pseudo-elements do not fall under the simple selector category. Hence, no, you cannot achieve what you are trying in the way you are trying.

One way to hide the element's default content but get the pseudo-element's content to be displayed would be to set font-size: 0px on the element and then over-ride it to the required size within the pseudo-element's selector like in the below snippet:

a.button:before {  content: "Show Text";  font-size: 16px;}a.button {  font-size: 0px;}
<a href="#" class="button">Hide Text</a>

CSS selector for not having classes

You can use as many :not() selectors as you like.


Combining :not() selectors in CSS

Selectors level 3 does not allow anything more than a single simple selector within a :not() pseudo-class. As a jQuery selector, it works because jQuery extends its :not() functionality to allow any selector (like the .not() method).

However, your second syntax is one of the proposed enhancements to :not() in Selectors 4, and works equivalently to your first. Although the example (shown as of this writing anyway) shows a chain of :not() selectors, the proposal says:

The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a selector list as an argument. It represents an element that is not represented by its argument.

Here a selector list is simply a comma-separated list of selectors.

If you need to negate selectors that contain combinators (>, +, ~, space, etc, for example div p), you can't use :not() in CSS; you'll have to go with the jQuery solution.

CSS selector for something not inside something else

:not(.not-inside-this) and *:not(.not-inside-this) with the * are equivalent; in the case of the former, the universal selector is implied. See the spec.

It is currently not possible to construct a CSS selector that matches elements that are not descendants of specific elements for the reasons given in the following questions:

  • CSS negation pseudo-class :not() for parent/ancestor elements
  • Is the CSS :not() selector supposed to work with distant descendants?

The selector

.select-inside-this :not(.not-inside-this) .select-this

matches .select-this elements that are descendants of some element that is not .not-inside-this, which in turn is a descendant of .select-inside-this. It does not match .select-this elements that are not descendants of .not-inside-this within .select-inside-this.

This means, first off, that your selector will incorrectly match the following:

<div class="select-inside-this">
<div class="bar">
<div class="not-inside-this">
<div class="select-this"></div>

... because one of the ancestors of .select-this, .bar, is :not(.not-inside-this).

Additionally, this implies at least three levels of nesting (though it could be more). In your example, there are no other elements between and its containing .select-inside-this, so it will never match that element. This is why James Donnelly suggests adding .select-inside-this > .select-this to account for that particular case.

However it is still not possible to write a single complex selector using descendant combinators to match elements without a specific ancestor. The only way is to repeat the child combinator method with as many :not(.not-inside-this) as necessary, but this requires that you account for all possible cases. If you can't do that, then you're out of luck with CSS selectors.

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