Max-Height on Border-Boxed Div with Padding Is Not Set

Max-height on border-boxed div with padding is not set

The property max-height works on the height of the element and you want to use it on the height and padding-bottom.

I think you are confused by the box-sizing property that it changes the element height to the overal height including the padding top and bottom (also me). But this is not the case as you will see in the jsFiddle example.

An example:

  • The element with content is 100px in height.
  • The max-height is set to 50px (element is now 50px in height).
  • Now we apply the padding-bottom of 100px (more then the height of the element). The padding of 100px is added to the total height of the element making it 150px.

JsFiddle example: clicky

max-height ignored when percentage padding defines element height

The min/max width/height properties never take any other box dimensions into account, neither borders nor padding. They only constrain the used values of the width and height properties respectively. Section 10 of CSS2.1 does not explicitly mention borders or padding in the prose for the min/max properties, but it does refer to the width and height properties, both of which refer to content dimensions.

If you set height: 50px, the element will still be constrained to a content height of 40px. The padding then extends from the content area.

Unfortunately, it appears box-sizing: border-box does not address this fully, at least not when the borders and/or padding are in excess of width and height.

While I can infer that this happens as a result of browsers following the spec, why the spec was written this way I cannot answer objectively. Given that padding and overflow clipping can work together, I don't think the reason for this behavior has anything to do with overflow.

padding with max height

max-height and padding are 2 different properties. The last one won't be limited or affected by the first one.

So, to limit the overall height of the box you need to compute when 200px is the 39.65% of your parent width. Assuming this is the whole viewport that happens when the width is ~504px. At that point with a mediaquery you just set the padding-bottom to 200px;

.wrapper {
width: 100%;
padding-bottom: 39.65%;
height: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;

@media all and (min-width: 504px) {
padding-bottom: 200px;

Why does padding change the height of the child div with border-box set?

From the specification:

The position and size of an element's box(es) are sometimes calculated relative to a certain rectangle, called the containing block of the element. The containing block of an element is defined as follows:


  1. If the element has 'position: absolute', the containing block is established by the nearest ancestor with a 'position' of 'absolute', 'relative' or 'fixed', in the following way:
    1. In the case that the ancestor is an inline element, the containing block is the bounding box around the padding boxes of the first and the last inline boxes generated for that element. In CSS 2.1, if the inline element is split across multiple lines, the containing block is undefined.
    2. Otherwise, the containing block is formed by the padding edge of the ancestor.

So the position:absolute element will use 400px that include the padding

For other elements, if the element's position is 'relative' or 'static', the containing block is formed by the content edge of the nearest block container ancestor box.

The other one will use the content-box which is 400px - 20px so you won't have the same height

400*0.8 = 320 [positionned element]
(400 - 20)*0.8 = 304 [non-positionned element]

This is somehow logical since padding is a way to create space so it will get removed from the calculation when considering non-positionned elements. This logic is different for positionned element.

An example to illustrate:

.box {
border:2px solid;

.box > div:last-child {

.box > div:first-child {
<div class="box">

CSS: padding-bottom and max-height on a div do not work well together

You can also use a pseudo and a negative margin if you want things treated from ul and not its :last-child:

ul.dropdown-menu{  border:1px #ccc solid;  width:200px;  max-height:100px;  overflow-y:auto;  } ul.dropdown-menu:before {/* using :before has its purpose, it will disseaper once the content will reach 200em height meaning content has an equal top negative margin, :after will always add 200em or will be swallowed if a negative margin is applied at content's bottom */   content:'';   display:block;  padding-top:200em;/* average 200 lines ? */}ul.dropdown-menu li:first-child {  /* this margin-top has its purpose */margin-top:-200em; /* climb back up those 200 empty lines made of padding                        and i'm gonne pull up all my folowing siblings, i'm a leader, i'm a ladder !*/}
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Padding makes div bigger even though it has box-sizing: border-box;

As mentioned in the docs



The content box can't be negative and is floored to 0, making it
impossible to use border-box to make the element disappear.


What you could do, is to add the padding in the p inside the .content.

Why doesn’t height: 0 hide my padded div, even with box-sizing: border-box?

The exact definition of border-box is:

That is, any padding or border specified on the element is laid out and drawn inside this specified width and height. The content width and height are calculated by subtracting the border and padding widths of the respective sides from the specified ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties.

So you can modify the height and width properties, but padding and border never change.

As the content width and height cannot be negative ([CSS21], section 10.2), this computation is floored at 0.

Then, if height is 0, you can't make the padding be inside, because that implies the height will be negative.

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