Sass Mixin Error for Ie Specific Filters Like -Ms-Filter

Skipping an optional argument in Sass mixin

Starting from SASS 3.1 you can pass named arguments to do that:

@include linear-gradient($from: #7a7a7a, $to: #1a1a1a, $ie-filters: true);

The rest will be default.

Nested mixins or functions in SASS

yeah you already doing it right. You can call first mixin in second one. check this pen

Doing math on variable argument Sass mixins

It seems what I really needed to use here was a list rather than a variable argument in order to manipulate each value separately.

I first tried doing this with the @each directive, but couldn't figure out how to use it inside a declaration. This throws an error:

@mixin padding($padding) {
padding: @each $value in $padding { $value + px };
padding: @each $value in $padding { ($value / 10) + rem };

So I ended up writing something much more verbose that handles each of the four possible cases separately (i.e. you pass 1, 2, 3 or 4 arguments). That looks like this and works as I wanted:

@mixin padding($padding) {
@if length($padding) == 1 {
padding: $padding+px;
padding: $padding/10+rem;
@if length($padding) == 2 {
padding: nth($padding, 1)+px nth($padding, 2)+px;
padding: nth($padding, 1)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 2)*0.1+rem;
@if length($padding) == 3 {
padding: nth($padding, 1)+px nth($padding, 2)+px nth($padding, 3)+px;
padding: nth($padding, 1)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 2)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 3)*0.1+rem;
@if length($padding) == 4 {
padding: nth($padding, 1)+px nth($padding, 2)+px nth($padding, 3)+px nth($padding, 4)+px;
padding: nth($padding, 1)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 2)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 3)*0.1+rem nth($padding, 4)*0.1+rem;

I made collection of rem mixins including this one as a Gist here

How to use SCSS mixins with angular 7

Either import the file in component.ts as

styleUrls: ['./styles.scss']


use SASS/SCSS import to import in component.scss

@import "styles.scss";

SASS Module Error when trying to use @use rule

The @use keyword is unfortunately not supported in node-sass (yet). Lets hope that they bring support in the near future. Till then, you can use the @import syntax.

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