iOS 5.0 Safari Not Vertically Centering Placeholder in Text Box

iOS 5.0 Safari not vertically centering placeholder in text box

Setting line-height: 1; seems to fix this.

Placeholder text is not vertically centered in Safari

-Safari Solution-

I got stuck on this issue for a long time despite using

input::-webkit-input-placeholder {

It turns out that having a line-height in the immediate input element was breaking my input::webkit-input-placeholder line-height.

Solution extended:

I removed the line-height in my input style and it fixed my issue.

Centering textarea placeholder text in Safari

I made a simple solution that works on Safari 5+ and all other browser you can check it at:


<div class="center_area">
<ul class="V_align">
<li class="V_cell">
<div class="V_element">Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.</div>


font-size: 16px;
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
border: 5px solid black;

.center_area ul
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
background-color: red;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;

.center_area ul li
color: #FFF;
font-size: 1.500em;
line-height: 28px;

.center_area ul li div
background-color: green;
padding: 10px;
text-align: center;

.center_area .V_align
display: table;
overflow: hidden;

.center_area .V_align .V_cell
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;

.center_area .V_align .V_cell .V_element
display: block;

placeholder always align left in safari

Try this it's working


input { 

::-webkit-input-placeholder {

:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */

::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */

:-ms-input-placeholder {

will work in safari 6 as placeholder text-align property not working in safari 5.1 or older version

see support table here

safari 5.1.7 can't align input placeholder text center

maybe so?

jQuery(function () {
$('[placeholder]').focus(function () { var input = $(this); if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { if (this.originalType) { this.type = this.originalType; delete this.originalType; } input.val(''); input.removeClass('placeholder'); } }).blur(function () { var input = $(this); if (input.val() == '') { if (this.type == 'text') { this.originalType = this.type; this.type = 'text'; } input.addClass('placeholder'); input.val(input.attr('placeholder')); } }).blur(); });
*{    padding: 0;    margin: 0;}body{    margin: 30px;}input { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 1em;  text-align: center;}
::i-block-chroms, input[placeholder]::-webkit-input-placeholder { text-align:center;}::-webkit-input-placeholder { text-align:center;}input::-webkit-input-placeholder { text-align:center;}
<script src=""></script><input type="text" name="Surname" placeholder="Surname" id="surname">

Mobile Safari (iPhone) CSS vertical centering/line-height CSS issues

This article has some great information on many different options for centering content when you don't know anything about the widths and heights:

It builds on from user1002464's answer quite well.

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