Hyperlinks Showing Url with Blueprint

Hyperlinks showing URL with Blueprint

It's likely you have something like this in your CSS:

a:link:after { content:" (" attr(href) ") "; }

That will produce the behavior you describe.

Typically, you would only use this kind of style for the print version of your stylesheet.

Blueprint CSS - Link showing both URL and text

Don't load print.css without specifying media="print"

Linking to Blueprint CSS tabs?

It does too work.


has to be tested as an html file.

key code snippet:

$("ul.tabs a[href="+location.hash+"]").click();

Hyperlinks are showing path in Magento

You have this in your skin/frontend/default/default/css/home/css/blueprint/print.css :

a:link:after, a:visited:after {content:" (" attr(href) ")";font-size:90%;}

remove it and it will work as expected

Why the href attributes of a tags are printed to screen?

It looks like you may be grabbing the print.css for the screen. Make sure you have your media types set properly.

In Firefox, when printing a page with anchor tags, the link location is printing after the text

The answer was in the css framework we are using (Blueprint). There was the below line in the style file:

a:link:after,a:visited:after{content:"(" attr(href) ")";font-size:90%}

Guess this might help others who use Blueprint.

Creating link to an url of Flask app in jinja2 template

I feel like you're asking two questions here but I'll take a shot...

For the posting url you'd do this:

<a href="{{ url_for('post_blueprint.get_post', year=year, month=month, title=title)}}">
{{ title }}

To handle static files I'd highly suggest using an asset manager like Flask-Assets, but to do it with vanilla flask you do:

{{ url_for('static', filename='[filenameofstaticfile]') }}

If you'd like more information I highly suggest you read. http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/quickstart/#static-files and http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/quickstart/#url-building

Edit for using kwargs:

Just thought I'd be more thorough...

If you'd like to use url_for like this:

{{ url_for('post_blueprint.get_post', **post) }}

You have to change your view to something like this:

def get_all_posts():
models = database_call_of_some_kind # This is assuming you use some kind of model
posts = []
for model in models:
posts.append(dict(year=model.year, month=model.month, title=model.title))
return render_template('p.html', posts=posts)

Then your template code can look like this:

{% for post in posts %}
<a href="{{ url_for('post_blueprint.get_post', **post) }}">
{{ post['title'] }}
{% endfor %}

At this point I would actually create a method on the model so you don't have to turn it into a dict, but going that far is up to you :-).

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