HTML - Newline Char in Div Content Editable

ContentEditable in Firefox creates 2 newlines instead of 1

This appears to be a bug with Firefox's implementation of innerText.

New lines in contenteditable historically had a lack of consensus on the precise implementation. Gecko inserted <br>s, IE and Opera's Presto wrapped the line in <p> tags, and Webkit and Blink wrapped the line in <div> tags. With its old implementation that used <br> tags, Firefox's innerText worked just fine, exactly how your question wants it to.

However today's modern browsers have reached a general consensus for the sake of consistency. Specifically for Firefox, MDN stated:

As of Firefox 60, Firefox will be updated to wrap the separate lines in <div> elements, matching the behavior of Chrome, modern Opera, Edge, and Safari.

When modern browsers insert an empty new line, they do so by wrapping a <br> in <div> tags. It seems that Firefox's innerText implementation is interpreting this as two new lines.

A workaround is quite simple. The execCommand method (unofficial W3 draft but supported by Firefox which is all we need) allows you to manipulate a contenteditable's content with defined commands. One such command is defaultParagraphSeparator, which allows you to specify whether to use <div> or <p> as the container for lines in your contenteditable.

Firefox - and only Firefox - has additionally implemented support for <br>s with defaultParagraphSeparator. With this command the contenteditable behaves like it would have prior to FF60, that is, inserting line breaks instead of wrapping lines within a container.

Thus, all you need to do is put:

document.execCommand("defaultParagraphSeparator", false, "br");

in your JavaScript. All versions of Firefox will then be using <br>s instead of containers for new lines in contenteditable, thus making innerText correctly interpret new lines. And every browser other than Firefox will ignore it.

Trigger event on new line in content editable div

The other answers so far discussed monitoring the events that create a newline within a content editable div. However from the efforts so far it seems that this is not a reliable way to monitor if the user has brought the caret at a new line.

Despite concerns that having a setInterval event is clunky and adding to overhead, perhaps this is just my perception. I've tested the below in Firefox and Chrome on OSX.

function getNewLines() {  console.log(document.getSelection());  if (document.getSelection().anchorNode) {    var node = document.getSelection().anchorNode;    var nodeContents = "";    if (node.innerHTML) {      nodeContents = node.innerHTML.toLowerCase();    } else {      nodeContents = node.innerHTML;    }    if (nodeContents !== undefined) {      if (nodeContents === "" || nodeContents == "<br>" || nodeContents ==        "<br/>" || nodeContents.substr(nodeContents.length - 5) == "<br/>" ||        nodeContents.substr(nodeContents.length - 4) == "<br>") {        console.log("you are on a new line :]");      } else {        console.log('nope not a new line');      }    } else {      console.log('nice try, but no not a new line');    }  }}setInterval(getNewLines, 100);
<div contenteditable="true">  <p>Lets get started!</p></div>

Why won't trailing newline character (\n) show empty line in content editable div?

I didn't quite get an answer to this problem (not just on SO but even in my research). However, I found a hack to get around this. Using one of the non breaking spaces characters gives me what I want. I don't intend to pass the data to third party processing, so whatever character I choose can be removed in post processing.

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