How to Change Img Src Attribute Using CSS

Is it possible to set the equivalent of a src attribute of an img tag in CSS?

Use content:url("image.jpg").

Full working solution (Live Demo):

<!doctype html>


<img class="MyClass123"/>

Replace image src location using CSS

You can use a background image

.application-title img {  width:200px;  height:200px;  box-sizing:border-box;  padding-left: 200px;  /*width of the image*/  background: url( left top no-repeat;}
<div class="application-title">  <img src=""></div><br />Original Image: <br />
<img src="">

Replace src of Image tag using css property

You can use content:url("image.jpg")

In your CSS,

.img {

If you cannot modify HTML,

img {


<img class="img"/>

I have not try this yet, but I not sure if the inline attribute src will overweight the CSS content.


It should work if you already have src for your img element. Thanks @pol

Define an img's src attribute in CSS

#divID {
background-image: url("");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: auto; /*or your image's width*/
height: auto; /*or your image's height*/
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Is it possible to change img src attribute using css?

No - CSS can only be used to change CSS background images, not HTML content.

In general UI elements (not content) should be rendered using CSS backgrounds anyway. Swapping classes can swap background images.

How to set src attribute of [input=image] by external css

Since CSS is not a must, then javascript is here to do the job.

example , setting your dataUri inside an array and and a loop on your inputs to update the src attribute:

// set an array with each of your dataUris
const img =new Array ('' ,
' ',


// reset src attributes from dataUri stored in img()
let myIpts =document.querySelectorAll('input[id^="imgBtn"]');
for (i = 0; i < myIpts.length; i++) {
myIpts[i].setAttribute('src', img[i] );


<input id="imgBtn1" type="image" src=""
<label for="imgBtn1">btn1 - att src</label>
<input id="imgBtn2" type="image" class="img2" alt="Opss">
<label for=" imgBtn2 ">btn2 - by css class</label>
<input id="imgBtn3" type="image" class="img3" alt="Opss">
<label for="imgBtn3 ">btn3 - by css class</label>


CSS3 replace image src with another attr

The problem is, this is just an idea for something that the author thinks would be nice to have in CSS one day, currently this is not supported.

There is no src property to be set in CSS, but a content property, however it doesn't seem to accept an URL fetched using attr(), respectively it doesn't seem to be implemented by any browser yet. Judging from the specs, something like this could be possible in the future:

content: attr(data-original url);

See also: Css Content, Attr and Url in the same sentence

So, as far as I can tell you'll currently have to stick with explicitly defining the URLs in CSS, something like

<img class="lazy gd0006" src="">
<img class="lazy gd0007" src="">
<img class="lazy gd0008" src="">

@media print {
.lazy.gd0006 {
content: url('/images/gd-0006.jpg');
.lazy.gd0007 {
content: url('/images/gd-0007.jpg');
.lazy.gd0008 {
content: url('/images/gd-0008.jpg');

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