Flexbox with One Fixed Column Width

How can I have two fixed width columns with one flexible column in the center?

Instead of using width (which is a suggestion when using flexbox), you could use flex: 0 0 230px; which means:

  • 0 = don't grow (shorthand for flex-grow)
  • 0 = don't shrink (shorthand for flex-shrink)
  • 230px = start at 230px (shorthand for flex-basis)

which means: always be 230px.

See fiddle, thanks @TylerH

Oh, and you don't need the justify-content and align-items here.

img {
max-width: 100%;
#container {
display: flex;
x-justify-content: space-around;
x-align-items: stretch;
max-width: 1200px;
.column.left {
width: 230px;
flex: 0 0 230px;
.column.right {
width: 230px;
flex: 0 0 230px;
border-left: 1px solid #eee;
.column.center {
border-left: 1px solid #eee;

Flexbox with one fixed column width

Instead of setting width in % on right column you can just use flex: 1 and it will take rest of free width in a row.

.flex_container {  display: flex;  width: 100%;}.flex_item_left {  width: 200px;  background: lightgreen;}.flex_item_right {  flex: 1;  background: lightblue;}
<div class="flex_container">  <div class="flex_item_left">    .....  </div>  <div class="flex_item_right">    .....  </div>  <div>

How to set a fixed width column with CSS flexbox

You should use the flex or flex-basis property rather than width. Read more on MDN.

.flexbox .red {
flex: 0 0 25em;

The flex CSS property is a shorthand property specifying the ability of a flex item to alter its dimensions to fill available space. It contains:

flex-grow: 0;     /* do not grow   - initial value: 0 */
flex-shrink: 0; /* do not shrink - initial value: 1 */
flex-basis: 25em; /* width/height - initial value: auto */

A simple demo shows how to set the first column to 50px fixed width.

.flexbox {  display: flex;}.red {  background: red;  flex: 0 0 50px;}.green {  background: green;  flex: 1;}.blue {  background: blue;  flex: 1;}
<div class="flexbox">  <div class="red">1</div>  <div class="green">2</div>  <div class="blue">3</div></div>

Using flexbox, can I have 1 fixed-width column and 1 column that takes the rest of the width?

Yes, set the fixed column to flex-grow: 0 (so it doesn't grow), flex-shrink: 0 (so it doesn't shrink), and flex-basis: 300px (so it stays fixed at 300px).

jsFiddle demo

.specific-image-container {    display: flex;}.specific-image-column {    flex: 1;    background-color: blue;}.more-images-column {    flex: 0 0 300px; /* new */    background-color: red;}.content {  height: 300px;}
<div class="specific-image-container">
<div class="specific-image-column"> <div class='content'></div> </div>
<div class="more-images-column"> <div class='content'></div> </div>

Flex with one fixed width column and one fluid column that must fill the remaining space

Using the flex shorthand property you can use flex: 1 on .col2 which specifies a flex-grow value. You could also as @Yousaf mentioned, explicitly define the flex-grow value by using flex-grow: 1.

The flex-grow CSS property sets the flex grow factor of a flex item's main size. In other words, flex-grow makes a flex item occupy all of the free space on the main-axis.

.container {
display: flex;
border: 1px solid blue;

.col1 {
height: 100px;
flex: 0 0 80px;
background: red;

.col2 {
height: 100px;
background: green;
flex: 1;
/* flex-grow: 1; This also works! */
<div class="container">
<div class="col1"></div>
<div class="col2"></div>

Make CSS FlexBox take fixed column width

It is but you have to tweak some things.

Firstly, you have to set a width on your form not a min-width then set your :focus size to whatever is required.

However, input elements have a minimum size of 20 that has to be overridden in the HTML for the true effect to work.

An input element without a set width get its size from its size attribute, which defaults to 20.

* {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;  box-sizing: border-box;}
#testForm { padding: 0; display: flex; width: 600px; border: 1px solid grey;}
input { flex: 1; min-width: 0; margin: 0; border: none;}
#input1 { background: red; transition: all .5s ease;}
#input2 { background: blue; transition: all .5s ease;}
#input1:focus { flex: 20;}
#input2:focus { flex: 20;}
<form id="testForm">  <input type="text" id="input1" size="5">  <input type="text" id="input2" size="5"></form>

css flexbox 3-column layout where first is fixed width

You simply need to specify a fixed width to the first one and then set flex:1 to the other so they take the remaining space and fill 100% of the container space:

.wrapper {  display: flex;  flex-direction: row;}

.col { flex: 1; background: red;}.col:first-child { width: 100px; /* Or a percentage value */ flex:initial; background: green;}
<div class="wrapper">  <div class="col">1</div>  <div class="col">2</div>  <div class="col">3</div></div>

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