CSS Pseudo Element Counters: Can You Increment an Alphabet Letter "A", "B", "C", etc Instead of a Number

CSS Pseudo Element Counters: can you increment an alphabet letter a , b , c , etc instead of a number?

Yes, the second argument to counter() defines the type of counter used, as for the list-style-type from a regular ul or ol; for example:

content: counter(chapter, lower-alpha);

ul {  counter-reset: listStyle;}ul li {  margin-left: 1em;  counter-increment: listStyle;}ul li::before {  margin-right: 1em;  content: counter(listStyle, lower-alpha);}
<ul>  <li>one</li>  <li>two</li>  <li>three</li></ul>

CSS Counters: Can you increment by non-integers (i.e. floats)?

You can fake it with multiple rules and nth-child etc

ul {  counter-reset: numbers;  list-style-type: none;}
li:before { padding-right: 1em;}
li:nth-of-type(2n+1)::before { counter-increment: numbers;}
li:nth-child(odd)::before { content: counters(numbers, "") ".0";}
li:nth-child(even)::before { content: counters(numbers, "") ".5";}
<ul>  <li>Lorem</li>  <li>Lorem</li>  <li>Lorem</li>  <li>Lorem</li>  <li>Lorem</li>  <li>Lorem</li></ul>

What is a method that can be used to increment letters?

Simple, direct solution

function nextChar(c) {
return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 1);

As others have noted, the drawback is it may not handle cases like the letter 'z' as expected. But it depends on what you want out of it. The solution above will return '{' for the character after 'z', and this is the character after 'z' in ASCII, so it could be the result you're looking for depending on what your use case is.

Unique string generator

(Updated 2019/05/09)

Since this answer has received so much visibility I've decided to expand it a bit beyond the scope of the original question to potentially help people who are stumbling on this from Google.

I find that what I often want is something that will generate sequential, unique strings in a certain character set (such as only using letters), so I've updated this answer to include a class that will do that here:

class StringIdGenerator {
constructor(chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') {
this._chars = chars;
this._nextId = [0];

next() {
const r = [];
for (const char of this._nextId) {
return r.join('');

_increment() {
for (let i = 0; i < this._nextId.length; i++) {
const val = ++this._nextId[i];
if (val >= this._chars.length) {
this._nextId[i] = 0;
} else {

*[Symbol.iterator]() {
while (true) {
yield this.next();


const ids = new StringIdGenerator();

ids.next(); // 'a'
ids.next(); // 'b'
ids.next(); // 'c'

// ...
ids.next(); // 'z'
ids.next(); // 'A'
ids.next(); // 'B'

// ...
ids.next(); // 'Z'
ids.next(); // 'aa'
ids.next(); // 'ab'
ids.next(); // 'ac'

How do I make li tags in a ol use letters

Use the list-style-type CSS property on the <ol> tag.


ol {
list-style-type: lower-alpha;

See here for the full list of options: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_list-style-type.asp

How can I make an ordered list go 1. 1.1, 1.2, A, B, C, 1.3, 1.4

If you want to target the third level of lis you can use the ol ol ol li selector. To use uppercase letters, you can use a counter() instead of counters() as with counters() the generated text is the value of all counters while with counter() it's the value of the innermost counter only.

If you set the counter style to upper-alpha the markers will be uppercase letters.

ol {
list-style-type: none;
counter-reset: item;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

li {
display: table;
counter-increment: item;
margin-bottom: 0.6em;

li:before {
content: counters(item, ".") ". ";
display: table-cell;
padding-right: 0.6em;

li li {
margin: 10px;

li li:before {
content: counters(item, ".") " ";

.bolder {
font-size: 1.17em;
font-weight: bolder;
margin: 0px;

.parent::before {
font-size: 1.17em;
font-weight: bolder;

ol ol ol li:before {
content: counter(item, upper-alpha);
<li class="parent">
<p class="bolder">How I want it to look like</p>
<li>This is 1.1
<li class="subItem">
This is what I want to be A
<li class="subItem">
This is what I want to be B
<li class="subItem">
This is what I want to be C
Then it continues on with 1.2
Then 1.3.. etc.
<li class="subItem">
This is what I want to be A
<li class="subItem">
This is what I want to be B

Increment a string with letters?

Treat the string like it's a base 36 number.

Convert it to decimal, add 1, convert back to base 36, and replace any zeroes with the letter 'a':

var str= 'aaa',    s= str;
while(str!=='zzz') { str= ((parseInt(str, 36)+1).toString(36)).replace(/0/g,'a'); s+= ' '+str;}
document.body.innerHTML= s;

How to number divs like a list but to duplicate each number and add an A and B to the end

You need to halve the index to get the number, and use the remainder to get the letter.


$('.patch-cell').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
// 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5...
var number = $this.index() / 2 + 1;
// A, B, A, B, A, B...
var letter = $this.index() % 2 === 0 ? 'A' : 'B';
'<span class="patching-numbering">'
// 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3...
+ Math.floor(number)
+ letter
+ "</span>");

Update: There's another way of doing this, where you get both the division and remainder at the same time. You can do this by converting to a string and splitting on the decimal point.


$('.patch-cell').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var number = ($this.index() / 2 + 1).toString().split('.');
'<span class="patching-numbering">'
+ number[0]
+ (number[1] !== '5' ? 'A' : 'B')
+ '</span>');

Incrementing charaters past 'Z' in Java like a Spreadsheet

You had a nice start. Instead of running through the while loop this example basically calculates the value of C based on the number % 26

Then the letter is added (concatenated) to the value within the array at the position: (index / 26) - 1 which ensures it's keeping up with the changes over time.

When iterating through on the first go, you'll have only one letter in each slot in the array A B C etc.

Once you've run through the alphabet, you'll then have an index that looks backwards and adds the current letter to that value.

You'll eventually get into AAA AAB AAC etc. or even more.

    public static String[] colArray(int length) {   

String[] result = new String[length];

String colName = "";
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

char c = (char)('A' + (i % 26));
colName = c + "";
if(i > 25){
colName = result[(i / 26) - 1] + "" + c;
result[i] = colName;
return result;

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