Css Flexbox Not Working in Ie10

CSS flexbox not working in IE10

Flex layout modes are not (fully) natively supported in IE yet. IE10 implements the "tween" version of the spec which is not fully recent, but still works.


This CSS-Tricks article has some advice on cross-browser use of flexbox (including IE):

edit: after a bit more research, IE10 flexbox layout mode implemented current to the March 2012 W3C draft spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-flexbox-20120322/

The most current draft is a year or so more recent: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-flexbox/

display: flex not working on Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer doesn't fully support Flexbox due to:

Partial support is due to large amount of bugs present (see known

Sample Image
Screenshot and infos taken from caniuse.com


Internet Explorer before 10 doesn't support Flexbox, while IE 11 only supports the 2012 syntax.

Known issues

  • IE 11 requires a unit to be added to the third argument, the flex-basis property see MSFT documentation.
  • In IE10 and IE11, containers with display: flex and flex-direction: column will not properly calculate their flexed childrens' sizes if the container has min-height but no explicit height property. See bug.
  • In IE10 the default value for flex is 0 0 auto rather than 0 1 auto as defined in the latest spec.
  • IE 11 does not vertically align items correctly when min-height is used. See bug.


Flexbugs is a community-curated list of Flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them. Here's a list of all the bugs with a workaround available and the browsers that affect.

  1. Minimum content sizing of flex items not honored
  2. Column flex items set to align-items: center overflow their container
  3. min-height on a flex container won't apply to its flex items
  4. flex shorthand declarations with unitless flex-basis values are ignored
  5. Column flex items don't always preserve intrinsic aspect ratios
  6. The default flex value has changed
  7. flex-basis doesn't account for box-sizing: border-box
  8. flex-basis doesn't support calc()
  9. Some HTML elements can't be flex containers
  10. align-items: baseline doesn't work with nested flex containers
  11. Min and max size declarations are ignored when wrapping flex items
  12. Inline elements are not treated as flex-items
  13. Importance is ignored on flex-basis when using flex shorthand
  14. Shrink-to-fit containers with flex-flow: column wrap do not contain their items
  15. Column flex items ignore margin: auto on the cross axis
  16. flex-basis cannot be animated
  17. Flex items are not correctly justified when max-width is used

Flexbox IE10 width issues

I don't have IE10 available, but it seems like you should look at caniuse.com and the known issues. Or maybe this user moderated list on Github. Or maybe the comment section of the css-tricks guide.

The caniuse site mentions:

IE10 and IE11 default values for flex are 0 0 auto rather than 0 1 auto, as per the draft spec, as of September 2013.


In IE10 and IE11, containers with display: flex and flex-direction: column will not properly calculate their flexed childrens' sizes if the container has min-height but no explicit height property.

The Github site mentions:

When using align-items:center on a flex container in the column direction, the contents of flex item, if too big, will overflow their container in IE 10-11.


Most of the time, this can be fixed by simply setting max-width:100% on the flex item. If the flex item has a padding or border set, you'll also need to make sure to use box-sizing:border-box to account for that space. If the flex item has a margin, using box-sizing alone will not work, so you may need to use a container element with padding instead.

This comment on css-tricks shows that where you would normally say flex: 1; you should say -ms-flex: 1 0 auto;

Also, you should change your code where it does something like this:

-webkit-flex-direction: column;
-moz-flex-direction: column;
flex-direction: column;
-ms-flex-direction: column;

to this:

-webkit-flex-direction: column;
-moz-flex-direction: column;
-ms-flex-direction: column;
flex-direction: column;

You always want the proper line of code—the one without flags— at the bottom of the prefix list.

Flexbox in IE10

For IE10 , span should be displayed as inline-block to trigger layout somehow .

Test here if it fixes it : http://codepen.io/gc-nomade/pen/lhsEt

IE10: Unable to set any flex style properties via Javascript

This doesn't work because flexbox styling isn't supported in IE versions older than 11.

Workaround for IE 10/11 flex child overflow alignment

I figured it out. In IE 10/11 "justify-content" and "align-items" behave differently. If the child is larger than the container along the justify-content axis, then IE 10/11 will only ever use the "justify-content: flex-start" behavior. If the child is larger than the container along the "align-items" axis though, the content will be properly aligned according to the "align-items" value, even it the child overflows the container.

My solution was just to add "flex-direction: column" to the snippet below:

.wrap {  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}
.layer { display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid blue;}
.layer-inner { font-size: 20px; width: auto; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1em;}
<div class="wrap">  <div class="layer">    <span class="layer-inner">      This overlowing text should be centered    </span>  </div></div>

ie10 and flexboxes? (nightmare)

yeah, flexbox for IE 10 is a total nightmare.

here are some tips regarding IE 10 flexbox support scraped from several sites (this one was very helpful):

first of all - a very useful flag (can be placed on all elements):

  • flag for isolating IE10-specific CSS

    .lt-ie11 & { }

the following definitions should be placed in the container element

  • Define a Flex container

    display: -ms-flexbox;


  • Horizontal alignment:

    -ms-flex-pack: start/end/center/justify;


  • Vertical Alignment

    -ms-flex-align: start/end/center/stretch/basline;

the following definitions should be placed in the child element (the "item")

  • Element Ordering

    the order number can be positive or negative. the lower the number the closer to the container start the element will appear

    -ms-flex-order [number]


  • Setting an item's grow/shrink/preferred size

    this is an important concept of flexbox, controlling how extra or negative (missing) space is divided between the child elements of a flexbox container.

    Basically the higher the number, the more extra space is added to the preferred size (in the case of grow), or the more space is subtracted from the element to make it fit (in case of shrink). If a value of '0' is assigned, the element's size will not be affected.

    -ms-flex: [grow shrink size];

    or, the shorhand version:

    -ms-flex: [value]; // == -ms-flex: value value 0

    notice that unless defined explicitly, IE10 gives a default preferred size of 0, which may cause your element to completely disappear. This can be mitigated by defining an explicit size (either in px or %), or defining it as auto)

For a general discussion of Flexbox, you can take a look here, and a quick lookup is here

Text doesn't wrap in IE 10 when using flexbox

The source of the problem is the main element in your HTML.

This element was introduced in HTML5 and is not recognized by IE10.

Since main is not supported by IE10 – meaning it doesn't exist in the browser's default style sheet – the element assumes initial properties as defined in the spec.

As a result, main in your layout is display: inline. (Check dev tools and you'll find it has no width and is not wrapping anything. It's just a little spec.)

With the following adjustment, main should work in IE10, enabling the text to wrap:

main {
display: block;

Note that the main element is unique because other HTML5 elements such as article, section, header and figcaption (which are also in your code) work fine in IE10 (and even IE9). For whatever reason, IE left main out in the cold. See the caniuse link below for more details.

More info:

  • Default settings of unrecognized HTML elements
  • <main> element not working in Internet Explorer 11
  • 9.2.4 The display property
  • main element browser support at caniuse.com

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