Chrome Issue with Background-Attachment Fixed and Position Fixed Elements

Chrome issue with background-attachment fixed and position fixed elements

Found this solution on:

Seems to me to be a clever way to use :before pseudo element. Limit the width for fixed width elements but works great for full width pages. Essentially comes out to look like this:

.background_fill {  overflow: hidden;  position: relative;    color: red;}.background_fill:before {  background-color: white;  background: url('') no-repeat center center;  background-size: cover;  z-index: -3;  content: " ";  position: fixed;  will-change: transform;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}
<div class="background_fill">  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div>  <div>this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background / this is on a background</div></div>

Repaint bug with background-attachment fixed and background-size cover in Chrome

I have noticed the best way to make sure the page backgound stays fixed no matter what is: place it as the background image of an empty first child of body, with these CSS rules:

.background-holder {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
z-index: -10;
background-image: url(//link-to-image);
background-size: cover;

And here's the page structure:

<div class="background-holder"></div>
<div class="main-container">
<!-- content goes here -->

Fix for background-attachment bug in Chrome

I have forked and tweaked your JSFiddle to get the parallax effect to work pretty much that way that I would expect it to work, but you'll have to check it out for yourself to verify.

The main insight here is that the background-attachment: fixed should be applied to the parent/container div that will not "scroll". Think of your card-wrapper class being a very, very tall container, holding all the individual cards that scroll upwards, and all of this while the fixed container, which has the background image, remains fixed in the background.

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