Attr as Property in CSS Selector

How do I target elements with an attribute that has any value in CSS?

The following will match any anchor tag with a rel attribute defined:

color: red;

To account for the scenario @vsync mentioned, in the comment section (differentiating between emtpy/non-empty values), you could incorporate the CSS :not pseudo-class:

color: red;

CSS selector that refers to an attribute value which is the same as the parent

So, you want a generic descendant selector, where the value of the data-something property of your ancestor is the same as always the value of data-something property of your descendant, no matter what that value is?

Unfortunately, that's not possible with CSS!

Is there a CSS selector for any attribute with a specific value?

The simple answer is NO. We have to use any of the Basic Selectors or attribute selector.

Here is the list of all the CSS selectors.

You cannot find any of the value selector :)

Is the CSS [attribute=value] Selector unnecessary?

The * in [class*='example'] is a selector that retrieves all elements that contains example in the class-name and not just elements with the class-name example.

So [class*='example'] will target all of the following:

<div class="iamanexample"></div>
<div class="example"></div>
<div class="whereisyourexample"></div>

Whereas .example or [class='example'] will only target the second element <div class="example"></div> from the above three.

Other attribute selectors in CSS includes the:

~ selector: This selector retrieves all elements whose targeted attribute's value contains the exact queried value. This selector can include multiple values in the form of a whitespace-separated list of words.

| selector: This selector retrieves all elements whose targeted attribute's value is exactly the queried value or begins with queried value immediately followed by a hyphen.

^ selector: This selector retrieves all elements whose targeted attribute's value starts with the queried value.

$ selector: This selector retrieves all elements whose targeted attribute's value ends with the queried value.

Check and run the following Code Snippet for a practical example and explanation in the code comments on how each of the above selector works:

/* all elements whose abc value contains "ment" */div[abc*="ment"] { font-weight: 700; }
/* all elements whose abc value is exactly "element-1" */div[abc~="element-1"] { color: blue; }
/* all elements whose abc value is exactly "element" or begins with "element" immediately followed by a hyphen */div[abc|="element"] { background-color: green; }
/* all elements whose abc value starts with "x" */div[abc^="x"] { background-color: red; }
/* all elements whose abc value ends with "x" */div[abc$="x"] { background-color: yellow; }
div { margin: 5px 0px; }
<div abc="element-1">Hello World!</div><div abc="element-2">Hello World!</div>
<div abc="xElement1">Hello World!</div><div abc="xElement2">Hello World!</div>
<div abc="element1x">Hello World!</div><div abc="element2x">Hello World!</div>

Data attributes with css selectors

you have to add this attribute to the div then hide it:

[data-id="b5c3cde7-8aa1"]  {    display:none;}
<div data-id="b5c3cde7-8aa1">hide me</div>

How to properly escape attribute values in css/js attribute selector [attr=value]?

Yes, that is one correct approach. The Selectors Level 3 specification states the following:

Attribute values must be CSS identifiers or strings.

The example in your question uses a string as the attribute value. An "identifier" is defined as follows:

In CSS, identifiers... can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_); they cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit. Identifiers can also contain escaped characters and any ISO 10646 character as a numeric code...

So following that, it is also legal to escape the special characters and omit the quotes:


How might I build a negative attribute selector in CSS?

Unfortunately, there isn't a more concise way. Even jQuery's [att!=val] selector, which has remained exclusive to jQuery all these years, doesn't require that the attribute be present to match, so you'd still need to pair that with [att].

I understand this is an experiment with the bottom value concept, but for the sake of completeness I'll add that the closest things to a null attribute value in HTML (and by extension CSS) are either the empty string (the default value of custom data attributes), or the lack of the attribute entirely. The idiomatic way to achieve your desired result is to choose either the empty string or omission of the attribute altogether, and use a corresponding [data-my-custom-attribute=""] or :not([data-my-custom-attribute]) selector respectively in CSS, and if (myCustomAttribute === "") or if (("myCustomAttribute" in myDiv.dataset) === false) respectively in JS.

CSS attribute select when any string

You can the CSS Attribute Selector like this:

element[data-modals]:not([data-modals=""]) {
color: red;


p[data-modals]:not([data-modals=""]) {
color: red;
<p data-modals="">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti, fugit.

<p data-modals="any text">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti, fugit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti, fugit.

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