Angular Incorrect Margin-Left Applied to Sidenav Content

Angular Incorrect Margin-Left Applied To Sidenav Content

Looks like I found the issue. Inside sidenav-group I had

<i class="material-icons" *ngIf="!displayBody">keyboard_arrow_down</i>
<i class="material-icons" *ngIf="displayBody">keyboard_arrow_up</i>

When I should have

<mat-icon mat-list-icon *ngIf="!displayBody">keyboard_arrow_down</mat-icon>
<mat-icon mat-list-icon *ngIf="displayBody">keyboard_arrow_up</mat-icon>

For some reason the <i> would sometimes insert extra space.

Collapsable mat-sidenav menu rezise content not working

I solved a similar problem in one of my apps before. I used ngClass and a boolean controlling both mat-sidenav width property and mat-sidenav-content margin-left property . Here is a stackblitz, i sliced out relevant part from that app.

How to pin mat-toolbar and mat-sidenav and only have a scrollbar inside mat-sidenav-content?

This scroll is being applied to your body element. You may want to simply reset the margin and padding for the html and body elements:

body, html {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

Angular2 material sidenav - changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically

Take a look at source code Dir directive

@Input('dir') _dir: LayoutDirection = 'ltr';

As you can see you're changing _dir property instead of dir setter:

set dir(v: LayoutDirection) {
let old = this._dir;
this._dir = v;
if (old != this._dir) {

So i think your solution should be like:


<md-sidenav-layout fullscreen dir="ltr" #root="$implicit">

<select #langSelect (change)="changeLang(langSelect.value, root)">


changeLang(lang, root: Dir) {
root.dir = lang == "fr" ? "rtl" : "ltr";

This way you can omit direction: string property on your component.

And one note:

translate: TranslateService; //it's redundant `private translate: TranslateService` does it
direction: string; // omit it

constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {
this.direction = "ltr"; // omit it
translate.addLangs(["en", "fr"]);

let browserLang = translate.getBrowserLang();
translate.use(browserLang.match(/en|fr/) ? browserLang : 'en');
this.translate = translate; // it's redundant

Here's your Plunker Example

If you think that this is the wrong decision then check this


Hope this will help you!

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