Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.Less)

Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.less)

If you just want syntax highlighting, you could get Aptana to treat .less files as .css files.

To do this, open the Aptana preferences window and find the File Associations tab. You can do this by typing 'File Associations' into the search/filter bar, choose the opption listed under General > Editors.

From here, you can add a new file type, giving it the type: '*.less'. This will add the file type and may add some default associated editors.

Click on Add... to add a new associated editor, choosing the 'CSS Source Editor' option. When you press OK, it should be added to the list and be selected, click on Default to take it to the top of the list.

Now, when you open a .less file in Aptana, you'll have CSS syntax highlighting and autocomplete.

Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.less)

If you just want syntax highlighting, you could get Aptana to treat .less files as .css files.

To do this, open the Aptana preferences window and find the File Associations tab. You can do this by typing 'File Associations' into the search/filter bar, choose the opption listed under General > Editors.

From here, you can add a new file type, giving it the type: '*.less'. This will add the file type and may add some default associated editors.

Click on Add... to add a new associated editor, choosing the 'CSS Source Editor' option. When you press OK, it should be added to the list and be selected, click on Default to take it to the top of the list.

Now, when you open a .less file in Aptana, you'll have CSS syntax highlighting and autocomplete.

How do I set up custom code completion for Ext UX components in Spket?

To get auto suggestion for Ext.ux components,

Edit the ext.jsb2 file and locate the User Extension JS Pack
under that add the Ext.ux componet js file path in fileIncludes array.

"name" : "User Extension JS Pack",
"file" : "examples/ux/ux-all.js",
"isDebug" : true,
"fileIncludes" : [{
"text" : "SuperBoxSelect.js",
"path" : "examples/ux/"

save the file and restart your editor.
check for the added component auto suggest.

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