Accessing an Array Key in SASS

Accessing an array key in SASS

$color-collection: ('red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue');

@for $i from 0 to length($color-collection) {
.color-#{$i} {
color: unquote(nth($color-collection, $i+1));

Use nth(), also unquote() if you want to pass quoted strings.

Though, I personally wouldn't:

$color-collection: (red, rgba(50,50,80, .5), darken(green, 50%), rgba(blue, .5));

@for $i from 0 to length($color-collection) {
.color-#{$i} {
color: nth($color-collection, $i+1);

Because then you can pass any color object.

How to get $values of Array in SCSS?

In my opinion you did not understand very well the difference between maps and lists.

The list is an array of values:

$breakpoints: (


$breakpoints: 564, 768, 992, 1200;


$breakpoints: 564 768 992 1200;

So this @return map-get($m, $v); will get you always errors because $breakpoints is not a map.

The maps have keys and values:

 $breakpoints: (
xs: 564,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1200

To help you in your project, maybe it is better to write a map of nested maps:

min-width: 564px,
width: 200px,
font-size: 20px
min-width: 768px,
width: 300px,
font-size: 30px
min-width: 992px,
width: 400px,
font-size: 40px
min-width: 1200px,
width: 500px,
font-size: 50px

It is more clear the correlation to every values. Now we can write a @mixin to get those values:

@mixin medias($map, $key) {
@each $keyMap, $valueMap in $map {
@media all and (min-width: map-get($valueMap, min-width)) {
#{$key}: map-get($valueMap, $key);

And now we can include it!

@include medias($myMap, width);

This is the result you asked for:

@media all and (min-width: 564px) {
width: 200px;

@media all and (min-width: 768px) {
width: 300px;

@media all and (min-width: 992px) {
width: 400px;

@media all and (min-width: 1200px) {
width: 500px;

I posted your new sass file, much more understandable, I think

min-width: 564px,
width: 200px,
font-size: 20px
min-width: 768px,
width: 300px,
font-size: 20px
min-width: 992px,
width: 400px,
font-size: 20px
min-width: 1200px,
width: 500px,
font-size: 20px

@mixin medias($map, $key) {
@each $keyMap, $valueMap in $map {
@media all and (min-width: map-get($valueMap, min-width)) {
#{$key}: map-get($valueMap, $key);

@include medias($myMap, width);

SASS - Accessing Multidimensional Array's Value

You're making this considerably harder than it needs to be. Arrays are useful if you need to loop over variables, you would need to make your own sass function for this which uses map-get. I strongly recommend just using namespaced variables which are simpler and more portable e.g. $content-width $content-main-width.

If you really want to do it see

/// Map deep get
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @access public
/// @param {Map} $map - Map
/// @param {Arglist} $keys - Key chain
/// @return {*} - Desired value
@function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) {
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
@return $map;

map-deep-get($content, "content-header", "width");

SASS : Using lists as associative array

You could use nested maps along with a function like such:

$colors : (
redG : (
1 : #ff0000,
2 : #fff
blueG : (
1 : #00ff00,
2 : #ff4544
greenG : (
1 : #0000ff,
2 : #123456

@function color($color, $position: 1) {
@return map-get(map-get($colors, $color), $position)

a {
background-color: color(redG, 1);
color: color(redG, 2);

a {
background-color: color(blueG, 1);
color: color(blueG, 2);

a {
background-color: color(greenG, 1);
color: color(greenG, 2);

Which will return:

a {
background-color: #ff0000;
color: #fff;

a {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #ff4544;

a {
background-color: #0000ff;
color: #123456;

Accessing specific value from SASS nested list

You can use SASS's maps to store values inside variables:

white: #FFF,
black: #303133

Then use map-get() to access it (see here):

content: map-get($color-config, white); # will return #FFF

In other words, don't use double quotes " around your variable name.

How can I use the key name instead of value in map-get?

use map-keys() to get all keys in the list.


@each $person-name, $person-details in $people {
$age: map-get($person-details, 'age');
$sex: map-get($person-details, 'sex');
$keys: map-keys($person-details);

.#{$person-name} {

height: 100 px;
width: 100 px;
background: #FF3C00;
margin: 0 auto;

&:before {
content:"#{$person-name} #{nth($keys, 1)} : #{$age} ";

&:after {
content: "#{nth($keys, 2)}: #{$sex}";



Associative Array SCSS/SASS

In Sass < 3.3 you can use multidimensional lists:

$numbers: (3 "three") (4 "four");

@each $i in $numbers {
.#{nth($i,2)}-#{nth($i,1)} {
/* CSS styles */


In Sass >= 3.3 we get maps:

$numbers: ("3": "three", "4": "four");

@each $number, $i in $numbers {
.#{$i}-#{$number} {
/* CSS styles */


So in terms of fractions, you could just do something in this direction, so that you don't need multiple lists or maps:

$number: 6;
$name: (
("two" "halv" "halves"),
("three" "third" "thirds"),
("four" "quarter" "quarters"),
("five" "fifth" "fifths"),
("six" "sixth" "sixsths")

and then whatever you want to do with your loops ... maybe even something like this =D

@for $i from 1 to $number {
@for $j from 2 through $number {
.#{ nth( nth( $name, $i ), 1 ) }-#{
if( $i>1,
nth( nth( $name, $j ), 3 ),
nth( nth( $name, $j ), 2 )
)} {
/* CSS styles */


(I wrote it this way so that you can notice in @for, that using to goes to n - 1)

How to get a nested value from a key inside of a @each loop in SCSS Map

I have figured it out with a lot of experimenting, perhaps this will help someone who is looking.

if you change up the map a little bit you can do this.

$character-map: (
billy: (
name: 'billy',
color: $colour-light-blue,
left: (
default: -9px,
mobile: -2px

@each $key, $value in $character-map {
left: map-get(map-get($value, left), default);

Will compile to left: 9px;

How to get the nth value and key of a Sass list?

That is not a list, it's a map. So you can use map functions to extract a value or a key. There are many interesting functions and work very well with loops.

To answer your question, you could use for example 2 of these functions (map-keys() & map-values()) to create a list of keys and values from your map and than use the nth() function to get your desired value or key:

$map: ( 
'foo1': 11,
'foo2': 22,
'foo3': 33

content:nth(map-keys($map), 2);
z-index:nth(map-values($map), 2);

The output:

div {
content: "foo2";
z-index: 22;

nth() tells Sass to step through each value of the map. Otherwise, you'd just assign the first value of the map, 11, to each variable in your list (if there were multiple variables).

SASS - error parsing associative array

Use sass 3.3.7 and compass 1.0 (it's in alpha gem install compass --pre) If you got wdm related error then also install wdm(require "Ruby Development Kit") gem. If you keep your gem list clean it will be easier to catch dependency errors. Run gem list --local and uninstall all previous versions of compass and sass if you don't need them.

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