Write and Read String to Binary File C++

C: Writing and Reading a string to and from a binary file

You are doing wrong while reading.
you have put the & for the pointer variable that's why it gives segmentation fault.

I removed that it works fine and it returns Hello correctly.

int count = fread(drumReadString, sizeof(char), stringLength, fp);

How to write inputs into a binary file and read it in c?

I was wrong at writing into bin file and also reading from it.

First of all I need to thank to @lulle.

  • As he mentioned in comments I changed char* in struct into char arrays.
char initials[80], name[250], email[100], acc_type[25];
  • And I also change file mode. I use ab to writing snippet. And rb in reading snippet.

  • And I changed my writing snippet.

Here I looped over 12 times, this wrote every record 12 time. Sad ah?
This happened because I used just address of struct &new_acc in fwrite. If you use just address of a struct in fwrite`` or fread``` it will write your whole struct. That's what happened to me. I wrote the whole struct 12 time.

for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)  // Looping 12 times  
fwrite(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp); // writting to file

So instead of looping I changed it into this

fwrite(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp); \\ This line will write whole struct

But if you want to use members of struct instead of a whole struct, you are free to use a loop. Here is a example. This example is same as above one. But remember to use i or any variable that you used in for loop when writing to file. Instead of i, if you used member name, It will also write 12 times (or as far as you are looping...)

for (int i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)  // Looping 12 times  
fwrite(&new_acc.[i], sizeof(new_acc.[i]), 1, fp); // writting to file
  • And the same thing happened to reading part (I guess...).
    So I changed the code snippet like below
    FILE *fp; 
fp = fopen("employees", "rb");

if (fp == NULL)
puts("Cannot open a file...");

int i = 0;
while(fread(&new_acc, sizeof(new_acc), 1, fp) != 0){ /* use fread one time */
printf("%d\n", new_acc.acc_num);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.name);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.initials);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.birth_day);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.address);
printf("%d\n", new_acc.phone);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.id_num);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.occupation);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.email);
printf("%s\n", new_acc.acc_type);
printf("%d\n", new_acc.balance);



Writing strings to binary files in C

This code is incorrect:

char *str;
fread(str, 6, 1, fp);
printf("Got str: %s\n", str);

char *str; creates an uninitialized character pointer. Where's the memory that it points to?

char str[ 7 ];
fread(str, sizeof( str ) - 1, 1, fp);
str[ sizeof( str ) - 1 ] = '\0';
printf("Got str: %s\n", str);

would be better, although it still doesn't check the return value from fread() to ensure data is actually read.

c++ - properly writing std::string to binary file

Your code can be written as

ofstream file1("lastServers.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
if (file1.good()) {
file1.write(ip.c_str(), ip.size());
file1.write(port.c_str(), port.size());
else {
std::cout << "file error write" << endl;

string::c_str() returns a const pointer to the text in the string.
string::size() returns the number of characters in the string.

You don't need to concatenate the data before writing to the file, writing one then the other has the same result.

If you wanted to write C type code rather than C++, you can use strlen(p_IP) to get the length of the IP string rather than using sizeof.

The sizeof operator gives you the size of the class instance, i.e. the size of the object BUT the string object's size is never affected by the size of the string it manages.

In C++, objects that manage something (think strings managing characters, containers managing their contents, etc.) usually have a method to determine the size of what they're managing. For std::string and other STL containers that method is size().

Note that writing these strings in this format means you can't tell where one string ends and another one starts. Two options to consider are using a terminating character that you know won't appear in any strings, or writing the length of the string to the file before the text of the string itself. I won't elaborate here as it was not asked in the original question.

C program reading and writing to binary files

The primary problem is with your open() call. You are attempting to open the file as both read-only and write-only at the same time. From man 2 open:

The argument flags must include one of the following access

Refactoring your code as follows works fine.

    char data[100];
int fd = open ("gifts.dat", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY);
int n = 0;

if ((strcmp(argv[1],"new")) == 0) {
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i = i+2){
int number = atoi (argv[i+1]);
strcpy (data, argv[i]);
int length = strlen(data) + 1;
write (fd, &length, sizeof(int));
write (fd, data, length);
write (fd, &number, sizeof(int));
printf("Not worked");
close (fd);
fd = open ("gifts.dat", O_CREAT | O_RDONLY);

for (int k = 0; k < n; k++){
int length;
char name[100];
int money;

read (fd, &length, sizeof(int));
read (fd, name, length);
read (fd, &money, sizeof(int));

printf("%10s: %.2d\n", name, money);
close (fd);

Example Use/Output

$ ./bin/readwrite_bin new patel 200 Ram 500
patel: 200
Ram: 500

Additionally, you must validate all opens, reads, writes (and close - after write) by checking the return of each call to ensure is succeeds, or handle any error if it fails. You should replace atoi() with at minimum sscanf() or better strtol() as atoi() provides zero error detection and will happily accept atoi ("my cow");

Let me know if you have further questions.

Writing/Reading strings in binary file-C++

When reading the data back in you should do something like the following:

int result;
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&result), sizeof(int));

This will read the bytes straight into the memory of result with no implicit conversion to int. This will restore the exact binary pattern written to the file in the first place and thus your original int value.

Writing in binary files C programming with spaces

The problem is in the way that you read the input. scanf() will stop as soon as it meets a whitespace. As a result name will store only "Ivan". fgets() can come in handy here.

Change this:


to this:

fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); // read the line (including the newline from the user's enter hit
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0'; // overwrite the newline

and you should get this:

Georgioss-MacBook-Pro:~ gsamaras$ gcc -Wall main.c 
Georgioss-MacBook-Pro:~ gsamaras$ ./a.out
Enter client's name:
Ivan Petrov Petrov
Ivan Petrov Petrov

after printing your string like this printf("%s\n", name);.

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