Why Is "!=" Used with Iterators Instead of "<"

Why use iterators instead of array indices?

The first form is efficient only if vector.size() is a fast operation. This is true for vectors, but not for lists, for example. Also, what are you planning to do within the body of the loop? If you plan on accessing the elements as in

T elem = some_vector[i];

then you're making the assumption that the container has operator[](std::size_t) defined. Again, this is true for vector but not for other containers.

The use of iterators bring you closer to container independence. You're not making assumptions about random-access ability or fast size() operation, only that the container has iterator capabilities.

You could enhance your code further by using standard algorithms. Depending on what it is you're trying to achieve, you may elect to use std::for_each(), std::transform() and so on. By using a standard algorithm rather than an explicit loop you're avoiding re-inventing the wheel. Your code is likely to be more efficient (given the right algorithm is chosen), correct and reusable.

Why is != used with iterators instead of ?

All iterators are equality comparable. Only random access iterators are relationally comparable. Input iterators, forward iterators, and bidirectional iterators are not relationally comparable.

Thus, the comparison using != is more generic and flexible than the comparison using <.

There are different categories of iterators because not all ranges of elements have the same access properties. For example,

  • if you have an iterators into an array (a contiguous sequence of elements), it's trivial to relationally compare them; you just have to compare the indices of the pointed to elements (or the pointers to them, since the iterators likely just contain pointers to the elements);

  • if you have iterators into a linked list and you want to test whether one iterator is "less than" another iterator, you have to walk the nodes of the linked list from the one iterator until either you reach the other iterator or you reach the end of the list.

The rule is that all operations on an iterator should have constant time complexity (or, at a minimum, sublinear time complexity). You can always perform an equality comparison in constant time since you just have to compare whether the iterators point to the same object. So, all iterators are equality comparable.

Further, you aren't allowed to increment an iterator past the end of the range into which it points. So, if you end up in a scenario where it != foo.end() does not do the same thing as it < foo.end(), you already have undefined behavior because you've iterated past the end of the range.

The same is true for pointers into an array: you aren't allowed to increment a pointer beyond one-past-the-end of the array; a program that does so exhibits undefined behavior. (The same is obviously not true for indices, since indices are just integers.)

Some Standard Library implementations (like the Visual C++ Standard Library implementation) have helpful debug code that will raise an assertion when you do something illegal with an iterator like this.

Iterators.. why use them?

Note that the usually implementation of vector won't use an "int" as the type of the index/size. So your code will at the very least provoke compiler warnings.


Iterators increase the genericity of your code.

For example:

typedef std::vector<int> Container ;

void doSomething(Container & p_aC)
for(Container::iterator it = p_aC.begin(), itEnd = p_aC.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
int & i = *it ; // i is now a reference to the value iterated
// do something with "i"

Now, let's imagine you change the vector into a list (because in your case, the list is now better). You only need to change the typedef declaration, and recompile the code.

Should you have used index-based code instead, it would have needed to be re-written.


The iterator should be viewed like a kind of super pointer.
It "points" to the value (or, in case of maps, to the pair of key/value).

But it has methods to move to the next item in the container. Or the previous. Some containers offer even random access (the vector and the deque).


Most STL algorithms work on iterators or on ranges of iterators (again, because of genericity). You won't be able to use an index, here.

Why is an iterator used instead of a for loop?

In Java, one use of Iterator<E> is to remove elements from a Collection<E> while iterating. If you were to attempt to remove the same element from the same Collection while iterating over it with for (int v : adj[u]), then a ConcurrentModificationException would be thrown.

If no element is being removed, then yes, both choices of syntax would suffice.

As for why the author of that article didn't use a for-loop, you'd have to ask them. Their code doesn't seem to be removing any elements from the LinkedList<Integer> within the loop, so it was most likely a subconscious choice.

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