Overriding Non-Virtual Methods

Overriding non-virtual methods

Yep, you are misunderstanding a little.

The method of the same name on the derived class will hide the parent method in this case. You would imagine that if this weren't the case, trying to create a method with the same name as a base class non-virtual method should throw an error. It is allowed and it's not a problem - and if you call the method directly as you have done it will be called fine.

But, being non-virtual, C++ method lookup mechanisms that allow for polymorphism won't be used. So for example if you created an instance of your derived class but called your 'Display' method via a pointer to the base class, the base's method will be called, whereas for 'vDisplay' the derived method would be called.

For example, try adding these lines:

Base *b = &ba;
b = &de;

...and observe the output as expected:

Base: Non-virtual display.

Base: Virtual display.

Base: Non-virtual display.
Derived: Virtual display.

Can i use a method overriding a non-virtual method?

Is there a point to override a non-virtual method?

You are not actually overriding, but this is the behavior, i.e

B* b = new B();
A* a = new B();
b->method(); //Calls B's method
a->method(); // Calls A's method

So, the pointer/reference type determines the method called.

can i create an instance of B and somehow use the method defined in B?

Yes. The pointer/reference type has to be of type B. (see previous example).

If you don't declare method to be virtual, you cannot override it, but you can hide it.

Can i override non virtual function in c++

You do not override say in B

from C++ override specifier :

In a member function declaration or definition, override ensures that the function is virtual and is overriding a virtual function from a base class. The program is ill-formed (a compile-time error is generated) if this is not true.

Look at that example :

#include <iostream>

class A
void say()
std::cout << "From A\n";

class B : public A {
void say()
std::cout << "From B\n";

int main()
A a;
B b;

((A &) b).say();

Compilation and execution :

pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ g++ c.cc
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
From A
From B
From A
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $

Putting say virtual in A (so implicitely in B) ((A &) b).say(); prints From B because that time there is overriding

Is it possible to override a non-virtual method?

No, you cannot override a non-virtual method. The closest thing you can do is hide the method by creating a new method with the same name but this is not advisable as it breaks good design principles.

But even hiding a method won't give you execution time polymorphic dispatch of method calls like a true virtual method call would. Consider this example:

using System;

class Example
static void Main()
Foo f = new Foo();

Foo b = new Bar();

class Foo
public void M()

class Bar : Foo
public new void M()

In this example both calls to the M method print Foo.M. As you can see this approach does allow you to have a new implementation for a method as long as the reference to that object is of the correct derived type but hiding a base method does break polymorphism.

I would recommend that you do not hide base methods in this manner.

I tend to side with those who favor C#'s default behavior that methods are non-virtual by default (as opposed to Java). I would go even further and say that classes should also be sealed by default. Inheritance is hard to design for properly and the fact that there is a method that is not marked to be virtual indicates that the author of that method never intended for the method to be overridden.

Edit: "execution time polymorphic dispatch":

What I mean by this is the default behavior that happens at execution time when you call virtual methods. Let's say for example that in my previous code example, rather than defining a non-virtual method, I did in fact define a virtual method and a true overridden method as well.

If I were to call b.Foo in that case, the CLR would correctly determine the type of object that the b reference points to as Bar and would dispatch the call to M appropriately.

Overriding non-virtual function from abstract grandparent class

You cannot override a non-virtual function. It is as simple as that.

Methods in child classes can hide methods of parent classes when they have the same name, for example:

struct A {
void foo(){}
struct B : A {
void foo() {}

But thats not overriding. To override the method must be virtual. Thats one of the conditions that the override specifier helps to check:

struct A {
virtual void foo(){}
struct B : A {
void foo() override {} // <- error if A::foo is not virtual

PS: I have seen poor tutorials, that use the first example and call that overriding. Thats just wrong.

Preventing the use of an overridden non-virtual function - The correct way?

In response to OP's second edit:

Aliases are not like macros.

If you write using PtrType = T*, then const PtrType is actually
equivalent to T* const, which is a const pointer to a T object, not a pointer to a const T object. When aliases are used, further cv-qualifiers are always added on the top level. It is intuitive - if PtrType is a pointer to T, then const PtrType should be a const pointer to T.

As per the question, if you don't want users to call a virtual function, make it protected, so derived classes can implement it, but outside users cannot call it.

It is likely that you made the return type of bstnodeiterator::get_pointer() T* (instead of const T*).

You may be experiencing the pitfall of c++ covariant return types.

  • Both types are pointers or references (lvalue or rvalue) to classes. Multi-level pointers or references are not allowed.

  • The referenced/pointed-to class in the return type of Base::f() must be a unambiguous and accessible direct or indirect base class of (or is the same as) the
    referenced/pointed-to class of the return type of Derived::f().

  • The return type of Derived::f() must be equally or less cv-qualified than the return type of Base::f().

Note: c++ reference does not have the "(or is the same as)" clause, but it is added to be coherent with the standard"

So std::string* is a valid return type if the function is overriding a function with return type const std::string*.

Consider this example:

#include <string>

std::string s = "Hello, world";

struct Base {
virtual const std::string* foo() = 0;

struct Derived : Base {
std::string* foo() override {
return &s;

int main() {
Derived d;
d.foo()->assign("You can do this.");
return 0;

The above code compiles: you can modify the string pointed by d.foo() because it returns a std::string*.

C++ override specifier without virtual? Does override imply virtual?

The answer you're looking for is in https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/virtual

If some member function vf is declared as virtual in a class Base, and some class Derived, which is derived, directly or indirectly, from Base, has a declaration for member function with the same
parameter type list (but not the return type)
Then this function in the class Derived is also virtual (whether or not the keyword virtual is used in its declaration) and overrides Base::vf (whether or not the word override is used in its declaration).

Is it a good idea to always mark non-virtual methods with final?

A program that contains a non-virtual function, and which has every non-virtual function as final and follows the C++ standard, is guaranteed to be completely bug free.

So there is that.

Still: I advise against it.

It also does not exist. The final positional keyword can only be applied to virtual functions. The first paragraph is known as a vacuous satisfaction joke: every example of a non-existing thing has every property, because there are no examples.

Creating a non-overriding virtual final function would be confusing to people reading it. It would prevent a descendent type from declaring a method with identical signature: but it would not prevent a slightly different signature, so it is mostly pointless.

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