Compilation Error: "Stddef.H: No Such File or Directory"

Compilation error: stddef.h: No such file or directory

The error is because your gcc-core package and gcc-g++ are not of the same version. Either downgrade one of them to solve the problem or update both the libraries. Updating both the libraries is the recommended way.

C++ SDL (Visual Studio 2015): cannot open file stddef.h

Suggestions: Use the dropdown, (inherit from parent or project defaults) to repair the visual c++ directories which you shouldn't ever edit.

Don't add it to the c++ directories, That's a weird idea. Add it to Configuration Properties > c/c++ > additional include directories. If you had done that, then you couldn't have possibly messed up the compiler. It's a lot simpler too. Just paste the one directory in there. That's what it's meant for.

Also Lazy Foo seems to only to have a VS2010 guide. Maybe I just couldn't find the VS2015 guide...

Trying to build qt creator from source with MSVC: Cannot open include file: 'stddef.h': No such file or directory

The problem was that I was using wrong command prompt. I used Qt command prompt but had to use MVS command prompt.

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