Why Can't I Have a Non-Integral Static Const Member in a Class

Why can't I have a non-integral static const member in a class?

The problem is that with an integer, the compiler usually doesn't have to ever create a memory address for the constant. It doesn't exist at runtime, and every use of it gets inlined into the surrounding code. It can still decide to give it a memory location - if its address is ever taken (or if it's passed by const reference to a function), that it must. In order to give it an address, it needs to be defined in some translation unit. And in that case, you need to separate the declaration from the definition, since otherwise it would get defined in multiple translation units.

Using g++ with no optimization (-O0), it automatically inlines constant integer variables but not constant double values. At higher optimization levels (e.g. -O1), it inlines constant doubles. Thus, the following code compiles at -O1 but NOT at -O0:

// File a.h
class X
static const double d = 1.0;

void foo(void);

// File a.cc
#include <stdio.h>

#include "a.h"

int main(void)
printf("%g\n", X::d);

return 0;

// File b.cc
#include <stdio.h>

#include "a.h"

void foo(void)
printf("foo: %g\n", X::d);

Command line:

g++ a.cc b.cc -O0 -o a   # Linker error: ld: undefined symbols: X::d
g++ a.cc b.cc -O1 -o a # Succeeds

For maximal portability, you should declare your constants in header files and define them once in some source file. With no optimization, this will not hurt performance, since you're not optimizing anyways, but with optimizations enabled, this can hurt performance, since the compiler can no longer inline those constants into other source files, unless you enable "whole program optimization".

Why can't I initialize non-const static member or static array in class?

Why I can't initialize static data members in class?

The C++ standard allows only static constant integral or enumeration types to be initialized inside the class. This is the reason a is allowed to be initialized while others are not.


C++03 9.4.2 Static data members


If a static data member is of const integral or const enumeration type, its declaration in the class definition can specify a constant-initializer which shall be an integral constant expression (5.19). In that case, the member can appear in integral constant expressions. The member shall still be defined in a namespace scope if it is used in the program and the namespace scope definition shall not contain an initializer.

What are integral types?

C++03 3.9.1 Fundamental types


Types bool, char, wchar_t, and the signed and unsigned integer types are collectively called integral types.43) A synonym for integral type is integer type.


43) Therefore, enumerations (7.2) are not integral; however, enumerations can be promoted to int, unsigned int, long, or unsigned long, as specified in 4.5.


You could use the enum trick to initialize an array inside your class definition.

class A 
static const int a = 3;
enum { arrsize = 2 };

static const int c[arrsize] = { 1, 2 };


Why does the Standard does not allow this?

Bjarne explains this aptly here:

A class is typically declared in a header file and a header file is typically included into many translation units. However, to avoid complicated linker rules, C++ requires that every object has a unique definition. That rule would be broken if C++ allowed in-class definition of entities that needed to be stored in memory as objects.

Why are only static const integral types & enums allowed In-class Initialization?

The answer is hidden in Bjarne's quote read it closely,

"C++ requires that every object has a unique definition. That rule would be broken if C++ allowed in-class definition of entities that needed to be stored in memory as objects."

Note that only static const integers can be treated as compile time constants. The compiler knows that the integer value will not change anytime and hence it can apply its own magic and apply optimizations, the compiler simply inlines such class members i.e, they are not stored in memory anymore, As the need of being stored in memory is removed, it gives such variables the exception to rule mentioned by Bjarne.

It is noteworthy to note here that even if static const integral values can have In-Class Initialization, taking address of such variables is not allowed. One can take the address of a static member if (and only if) it has an out-of-class definition.This further validates the reasoning above.

enums are allowed this because values of an enumerated type can be used where ints are expected.see citation above

How does this change in C++11?

C++11 relaxes the restriction to certain extent.

C++11 9.4.2 Static data members


If a static data member is of const literal type, its declaration in the class definition can specify a brace-or-equal-initializer in which every initializer-clause that is an assignment-expression is a constant expression. A static data member of literal type can be declared in the class definition with the constexpr specifier; if so, its declaration shall specify a brace-or-equal-initializer in which every initializer-clause that is an assignment-expression is a constant expression. [ Note: In both these cases, the member may appear in constant expressions. —end note ] The member shall still be defined in a namespace scope if it is used in the program and the namespace scope definition shall not contain an initializer.

Also, C++11 will allow(§ a non-static data member to be initialized where it is declared(in its class). This will mean much easy user semantics.

Note that these features have not yet been implemented in latest gcc 4.7, So you might still get compilation errors.

Initialize a static const non-integral data member of a class

Is Line1 doing the initialization of the date member data?

It certainly is, as well as providing the definition of the object. Note that this can only be done in a single translation unit, so if the class definition is in a header file, then this should be in a source file.

Is Line1 the only way to initialize a static const non-integral data member?

In C++03 it was. In C++11, any static member of const literal type can have an initialiser in the class definition. You still need a definition of the member if it's "odr-used" (roughly speaking, if you do anything that needs its address, not just its value). In this case, the definition again needs to be in a single translation unit, and must not have an initialiser (since there's already one in the class definition).

Why can one initialize non-const and static const member variables but not static member variables?

It has to do with where the data is stored. Here's a breakdown:

  • int: member variable, stored wherever the class instance is stored
  • const int: same as int
  • static const int: doesn't need to be stored, it can simply be "inlined" where used
  • static int: this must have a single storage location in the program...where?

Since the static int is mutable, it must be stored in an actual location somewhere, so that one part of the program can modify it and another part can see that modification. But it can't be stored in a class instance, so it must be more like a global variable. So why not just make it a global variable? Well, class declarations are usually in header files, and a header file may be #included in multiple translation units (.cpp files). So effectively the header file says "there is an int...somewhere." But the storage needs to be put into the corresponding .cpp file (like a global variable).

In the end, this is not really about initialization, but rather the storage. You could leave off the initializer and you'd still not have a valid program until you add this to your .cpp file:

int A::d; // initialize if you want to, default is zero

Without this, references to the static int will be undefined and linking will fail.

error: non-const static data member must be initialized out of line

Bjarne Stroustrup explains this here:

A class is typically declared in a header file and a header file is
typically included into many translation units. However, to avoid
complicated linker rules, C++ requires that every object has a unique
definition. That rule would be broken if C++ allowed in-class
definition of entities that needed to be stored in memory as objects.

As said by Stroustrup, every class needs a unique definition. Now, as we know static members are associated directly with their class. Now consider the two cases:

  1. The static member is also constant, then its initialization is allowed inline because the compiler can make its own optimisations and treat this member as a compile-time constant because it is guaranteed that its value will never change. So, as the value of this member is fixed, the definition of the class with which this member is associated is also fixed. So, the initialization is allowed inline.

  2. The static member is not constant. Then its value can change later on during the execution of the program. So, the compiler can not make compile-time optimisations on this member. Hence, to prevent the complications that may arise while trying to initialize such a member when the class is loaded, inline initialisation of such members is not allowed.

PS: When I heard about this concept the very first time, I was also confused because it is not in accordance with the principle of orthogonality that is a feature desired by programmers. The principle of orthogonality will state that since we can combine int and static; and int and const, we should be able to write static const int and static int in a similar fashion. But this case here is an example of a situation where the developer of a language has to give up orthogonality for the users of the language in exchange of the simplicity of the compilation process.

Have a look at the concept of orthogonality here

static const double cannot have an in-class initializer. why is it so?

The logic implemented by the C++03 language standard is based on the following rationale.

In C++ an initializer is a part of object definition. What you write inside the class for static members is actually only a declaration. So, formally speaking, specifying initializers for any static members directly inside the class is "incorrect". It is contrary to the general declaration/definition concepts of the language. Whatever static data you declare inside the class has to be defined later anyway. That's where you will have your chance to specify the initializers.

An exception from this rule was made for static integer constants, because such constants in C++ can form Integral Constant Expressions (ICEs). ICEs play an important role in the language, and in order for them to work as intended the values of integral constants have to be visible in all translation units. In order to make the value of some constant visible in all translation units, it has to be visible at the point of declaration. To achieve that the language allows specifying the initializer directly in class.

Additionally, on many hardware platforms constant integer operands can be embedded directly into the machine commands. Or the constant can be completely eliminated or replaced (like, for example, multiplication by 8 can be implemented as a shift by 3). In order to facilitate generation of machine code with embedded operands and/or various arithmetical optimizations it is important to have the values of integral constants visible in all translation units.

Non-integral types do not have any functionality similar to ICE. Also, hardware platforms do not normally allow embedding non-integral operands directly into the machine commands. For this reason the above "exception from the rules" does not extend to non-integral types. It would simply achieve nothing.

Initializing const member within class declaration in C++

In C++11, non-static data members, static constexpr data members, and static const data members of integral or enumeration type may be initialized in the class declaration. e.g.

struct X {
int i=5;
const float f=3.12f;
static const int j=42;
static constexpr float g=9.5f;

In this case, the i member of all instances of class X is initialized to 5 by the compiler-generated constructor, and the f member is initialized to 3.12. The static const data member j is initialized to 42, and the static constexpr data member g is initialized to 9.5.

Since float and double are not of integral or enumeration type, such members must either be constexpr, or non-static in order for the initializer in the class definition to be permitted.

Prior to C++11, only static const data members of integral or enumeration type could have initializers in the class definition.

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