What Does "Default" Mean After a Class' Function Declaration

What does default mean after a class' function declaration?

It's a new C++11 feature.

It means that you want to use the compiler-generated version of that function, so you don't need to specify a body.

You can also use = delete to specify that you don't want the compiler to generate that function automatically.

With the introduction of move constructors and move assignment operators, the rules for when automatic versions of constructors, destructors and assignment operators are generated has become quite complex. Using = default and = delete makes things easier as you don't need to remember the rules: you just say what you want to happen.

The new syntax = default in C++11

A defaulted default constructor is specifically defined as being the same as a user-defined default constructor with no initialization list and an empty compound statement.

§12.1/6 [class.ctor] A default constructor that is defaulted and not defined as deleted is implicitly defined when it is odr-used to create an object of its class type or when it is explicitly defaulted after its first declaration. The implicitly-defined default constructor performs the set of initializations of the class that would be performed by a user-written default constructor for that class with no ctor-initializer (12.6.2) and an empty compound-statement. [...]

However, while both constructors will behave the same, providing an empty implementation does affect some properties of the class. Giving a user-defined constructor, even though it does nothing, makes the type not an aggregate and also not trivial. If you want your class to be an aggregate or a trivial type (or by transitivity, a POD type), then you need to use = default.

§8.5.1/1 [dcl.init.aggr] An aggregate is an array or a class with no user-provided constructors, [and...]

§12.1/5 [class.ctor] A default constructor is trivial if it is not user-provided and [...]

§9/6 [class] A trivial class is a class that has a trivial default constructor and [...]

To demonstrate:

#include <type_traits>

struct X {
X() = default;

struct Y {
Y() { };

int main() {
static_assert(std::is_trivial<X>::value, "X should be trivial");
static_assert(std::is_pod<X>::value, "X should be POD");

static_assert(!std::is_trivial<Y>::value, "Y should not be trivial");
static_assert(!std::is_pod<Y>::value, "Y should not be POD");

Additionally, explicitly defaulting a constructor will make it constexpr if the implicit constructor would have been and will also give it the same exception specification that the implicit constructor would have had. In the case you've given, the implicit constructor would not have been constexpr (because it would leave a data member uninitialized) and it would also have an empty exception specification, so there is no difference. But yes, in the general case you could manually specify constexpr and the exception specification to match the implicit constructor.

Using = default does bring some uniformity, because it can also be used with copy/move constructors and destructors. An empty copy constructor, for example, will not do the same as a defaulted copy constructor (which will perform member-wise copy of its members). Using the = default (or = delete) syntax uniformly for each of these special member functions makes your code easier to read by explicitly stating your intent.

Declaring a function as defaulted after its first declaration

Suppose you have

// A.h
struct A {


// A.cc
A::A() { }

You can change it to

// A.cc
A::A() = default;

to not force code using A.h to be recompiled.

For a default constructor, this doesn't make much sense. = default takes up more characters than { }. But think of other constructor types: a copy or move constructor may become much shorter if it is no longer necessary to explicitly mention each field, and depending on the compiler and type you're dealing with, the defaulted copy/move constructor may even perform better, for example if the compiler can only detect that a memcpy call will suffice when you use the = default syntax.

How is =default different from {} for default constructor and destructor?

This is a completely different question when asking about constructors than destructors.

If your destructor is virtual, then the difference is negligible, as Howard pointed out. However, if your destructor was non-virtual, it's a completely different story. The same is true of constructors.

Using = default syntax for special member functions (default constructor, copy/move constructors/assignment, destructors etc) means something very different from simply doing {}. With the latter, the function becomes "user-provided". And that changes everything.

This is a trivial class by C++11's definition:

struct Trivial
int foo;

If you attempt to default construct one, the compiler will generate a default constructor automatically. Same goes for copy/movement and destructing. Because the user did not provide any of these member functions, the C++11 specification considers this a "trivial" class. It therefore legal to do this, like memcpy their contents around to initialize them and so forth.


struct NotTrivial
int foo;

NotTrivial() {}

As the name suggests, this is no longer trivial. It has a default constructor that is user-provided. It doesn't matter if it's empty; as far as the rules of C++11 are concerned, this cannot be a trivial type.


struct Trivial2
int foo;

Trivial2() = default;

Again as the name suggests, this is a trivial type. Why? Because you told the compiler to automatically generate the default constructor. The constructor is therefore not "user-provided." And therefore, the type counts as trivial, since it doesn't have a user-provided default constructor.

The = default syntax is mainly there for doing things like copy constructors/assignment, when you add member functions that prevent the creation of such functions. But it also triggers special behavior from the compiler, so it's useful in default constructors/destructors too.

Where to put default parameter value in C++?

Default parameter values must appear on the declaration, since that is the only thing that the caller sees.

EDIT: As others point out, you can have the argument on the definition, but I would advise writing all code as if that wasn't true.

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