Overloading ++ For Both Pre and Post Increment

How do I overload the pre and post increment operators for an object that is composed of a day and month to be printed as a std::string?

All of your overloadings have problems. One thing they all shouldn't do is returning an int, and int day is an integer.

DayOfYear operator++ () {return day++; }

Here, the return type is DayOfYear, but it is supposed to be DayOfYear&.

DayOfYear&operator++() {
return *this;

DayOfYear operator++ (int) {return ++day;}

Here, the return type is correct. You just have to return an object with the old value:

  DayOfYear operator++(int) {
auto old_val = *this;
return old_val;

Incorporated suggestions by @Deduplicator:

  • note the use of auto. It simplifies the method and improves readability
  • ++*this may be preferred to calling the operator manually since it is shorter and easier to type

Same applies to -- operators

Implementing a print function is indeed simple but you have some choices:

This one prints the date to standard output. The downside is that the only place it prints its output is standard output:

void print () {
std::cout << getDay () << " / " << getMonth() << std::endl;

You may send an std::ostream object and use it instead of std::cout:

void print (std::ostream& os) {
os << getDay() << " / " << getMonth() << std::endl;

Converting an int to an std::string is very conveniently possible with std::to_string. It is defined in header <string>, so make sure to include it:

std::string getDay () {
return std::to_string(day);

As @Deduplicator pointed out, you may replace the print function with overloading <<:

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, DayOfYear x) {
os << getDay () << " / " << getMonth() << std::endl;
return os;

overloading pre-increment and post-increment

what does "old" mean?

The method is a post increment. The current value ("old value") is returned and then the value is incremented ("new value").

++(*this) is assumed to use the pre-increment, and the original pre-increment definition does not have argument. However, it has *this here.

*this is not an argument. The parentheses are not necessary, they are there for readability.

It's equivalent to ++*this.

Pre and post increment operators in different classes

GCC rejects the code, because it first performs name lookup without considering the argument lists, and the name is found in two base classes. Clang accepts the code, but this is caused by a bug.

The solution is to add using and create a separate class which inherits from A and B, and then inherit C from that class.

class A
A& operator++(){return *this;}

class B
B operator++(int){return *this;}

class AAndB:public A, public B
using A::operator++;
using B::operator++;

class C:public AAndB

int main()
C c;

Overloading Pre-Increment Operator

You create a new iterator object, and (attempt to) return a reference to that.

The prefix-increment operator modifies this object, and should return a reference to itself:

current = current->next;  // TODO: Add checking for not going out of bounds or dereferencing a null pointer
return *this;

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