What Is the Recommended Way to Align Memory in C++11

What is the recommended way to align memory in C++11

Unfortunately the best I have found is allocating extra space and then using the "aligned" part. So the RingBuffer new can request an extra 64 bytes and then return the first 64 byte aligned part of that. It wastes space but will give the alignment you need. You will likely need to set the memory before what is returned to the actual alloc address to unallocate it.

[Memory returned][ptr to start of memory][aligned memory][extra memory]

(assuming no inheritence from RingBuffer) something like:

void * RingBuffer::operator new(size_t request)
static const size_t ptr_alloc = sizeof(void *);
static const size_t align_size = 64;
static const size_t request_size = sizeof(RingBuffer)+align_size;
static const size_t needed = ptr_alloc+request_size;

void * alloc = ::operator new(needed);
void *ptr = std::align(align_size, sizeof(RingBuffer),
alloc+ptr_alloc, request_size);

((void **)ptr)[-1] = alloc; // save for delete calls to use
return ptr;

void RingBuffer::operator delete(void * ptr)
if (ptr) // 0 is valid, but a noop, so prevent passing negative memory
void * alloc = ((void **)ptr)[-1];
::operator delete (alloc);

For the second requirement of having a data member of RingBuffer also 64 byte aligned, for that if you know that the start of this is aligned, you can pad to force the alignment for data members.

How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

Original answer

void *mem = malloc(1024+16);
void *ptr = ((char *)mem+16) & ~ 0x0F;
memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

Fixed answer

void *mem = malloc(1024+15);
void *ptr = ((uintptr_t)mem+15) & ~ (uintptr_t)0x0F;
memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

Explanation as requested

The first step is to allocate enough spare space, just in case. Since the memory must be 16-byte aligned (meaning that the leading byte address needs to be a multiple of 16), adding 16 extra bytes guarantees that we have enough space. Somewhere in the first 16 bytes, there is a 16-byte aligned pointer. (Note that malloc() is supposed to return a pointer that is sufficiently well aligned for any purpose. However, the meaning of 'any' is primarily for things like basic types — long, double, long double, long long, and pointers to objects and pointers to functions. When you are doing more specialized things, like playing with graphics systems, they can need more stringent alignment than the rest of the system — hence questions and answers like this.)

The next step is to convert the void pointer to a char pointer; GCC notwithstanding, you are not supposed to do pointer arithmetic on void pointers (and GCC has warning options to tell you when you abuse it). Then add 16 to the start pointer. Suppose malloc() returned you an impossibly badly aligned pointer: 0x800001. Adding the 16 gives 0x800011. Now I want to round down to the 16-byte boundary — so I want to reset the last 4 bits to 0. 0x0F has the last 4 bits set to one; therefore, ~0x0F has all bits set to one except the last four. Anding that with 0x800011 gives 0x800010. You can iterate over the other offsets and see that the same arithmetic works.

The last step, free(), is easy: you always, and only, return to free() a value that one of malloc(), calloc() or realloc() returned to you — anything else is a disaster. You correctly provided mem to hold that value — thank you. The free releases it.

Finally, if you know about the internals of your system's malloc package, you could guess that it might well return 16-byte aligned data (or it might be 8-byte aligned). If it was 16-byte aligned, then you'd not need to dink with the values. However, this is dodgy and non-portable — other malloc packages have different minimum alignments, and therefore assuming one thing when it does something different would lead to core dumps. Within broad limits, this solution is portable.

Someone else mentioned posix_memalign() as another way to get the aligned memory; that isn't available everywhere, but could often be implemented using this as a basis. Note that it was convenient that the alignment was a power of 2; other alignments are messier.

One more comment — this code does not check that the allocation succeeded.


Windows Programmer pointed out that you can't do bit mask operations on pointers, and, indeed, GCC (3.4.6 and 4.3.1 tested) does complain like that. So, an amended version of the basic code — converted into a main program, follows. I've also taken the liberty of adding just 15 instead of 16, as has been pointed out. I'm using uintptr_t since C99 has been around long enough to be accessible on most platforms. If it wasn't for the use of PRIXPTR in the printf() statements, it would be sufficient to #include <stdint.h> instead of using #include <inttypes.h>. [This code includes the fix pointed out by C.R., which was reiterating a point first made by Bill K a number of years ago, which I managed to overlook until now.]

#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static void memset_16aligned(void *space, char byte, size_t nbytes)
assert((nbytes & 0x0F) == 0);
assert(((uintptr_t)space & 0x0F) == 0);
memset(space, byte, nbytes); // Not a custom implementation of memset()

int main(void)
void *mem = malloc(1024+15);
void *ptr = (void *)(((uintptr_t)mem+15) & ~ (uintptr_t)0x0F);
printf("0x%08" PRIXPTR ", 0x%08" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)mem, (uintptr_t)ptr);
memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

And here is a marginally more generalized version, which will work for sizes which are a power of 2:

#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static void memset_16aligned(void *space, char byte, size_t nbytes)
assert((nbytes & 0x0F) == 0);
assert(((uintptr_t)space & 0x0F) == 0);
memset(space, byte, nbytes); // Not a custom implementation of memset()

static void test_mask(size_t align)
uintptr_t mask = ~(uintptr_t)(align - 1);
void *mem = malloc(1024+align-1);
void *ptr = (void *)(((uintptr_t)mem+align-1) & mask);
assert((align & (align - 1)) == 0);
printf("0x%08" PRIXPTR ", 0x%08" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)mem, (uintptr_t)ptr);
memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

int main(void)

To convert test_mask() into a general purpose allocation function, the single return value from the allocator would have to encode the release address, as several people have indicated in their answers.

Problems with interviewers

Uri commented: Maybe I am having [a] reading comprehension problem this morning, but if the interview question specifically says: "How would you allocate 1024 bytes of memory" and you clearly allocate more than that. Wouldn't that be an automatic failure from the interviewer?

My response won't fit into a 300-character comment...

It depends, I suppose. I think most people (including me) took the question to mean "How would you allocate a space in which 1024 bytes of data can be stored, and where the base address is a multiple of 16 bytes". If the interviewer really meant how can you allocate 1024 bytes (only) and have it 16-byte aligned, then the options are more limited.

  • Clearly, one possibility is to allocate 1024 bytes and then give that address the 'alignment treatment'; the problem with that approach is that the actual available space is not properly determinate (the usable space is between 1008 and 1024 bytes, but there wasn't a mechanism available to specify which size), which renders it less than useful.
  • Another possibility is that you are expected to write a full memory allocator and ensure that the 1024-byte block you return is appropriately aligned. If that is the case, you probably end up doing an operation fairly similar to what the proposed solution did, but you hide it inside the allocator.

However, if the interviewer expected either of those responses, I'd expect them to recognize that this solution answers a closely related question, and then to reframe their question to point the conversation in the correct direction. (Further, if the interviewer got really stroppy, then I wouldn't want the job; if the answer to an insufficiently precise requirement is shot down in flames without correction, then the interviewer is not someone for whom it is safe to work.)

The world moves on

The title of the question has changed recently. It was Solve the memory alignment in C interview question that stumped me. The revised title (How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?) demands a slightly revised answer — this addendum provides it.

C11 (ISO/IEC 9899:2011) added function aligned_alloc(): The aligned_alloc function


#include <stdlib.h>
void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size);

The aligned_alloc function allocates space for an object whose alignment is
specified by alignment, whose size is specified by size, and whose value is
indeterminate. The value of alignment shall be a valid alignment supported by the implementation and the value of size shall be an integral multiple of alignment.

The aligned_alloc function returns either a null pointer or a pointer to the allocated space.

And POSIX defines posix_memalign():

#include <stdlib.h>

int posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size);


The posix_memalign() function shall allocate size bytes aligned on a boundary specified by alignment, and shall return a pointer to the allocated memory in memptr. The value of alignment shall be a power of two multiple of sizeof(void *).

Upon successful completion, the value pointed to by memptr shall be a multiple of alignment.

If the size of the space requested is 0, the behavior is implementation-defined; the value returned in memptr shall be either a null pointer or a unique pointer.

The free() function shall deallocate memory that has previously been allocated by posix_memalign().


Upon successful completion, posix_memalign() shall return zero; otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.

Either or both of these could be used to answer the question now, but only the POSIX function was an option when the question was originally answered.

Behind the scenes, the new aligned memory function do much the same job as outlined in the question, except they have the ability to force the alignment more easily, and keep track of the start of the aligned memory internally so that the code doesn't have to deal with specially — it just frees the memory returned by the allocation function that was used.

Memory Alignment in C/C++

The examples given in the book are highly dependent on the used compiler and computer architecture. If you test them in your own program you may get totally different results than the author. I will assume a 64-bit architecture, because the author does also, from what I've read in the description.
Lets look at the examples one by one:

IF the used compiler supports non-byte aligned struct members, the start of "d" will be at the seventh bit of the first byte of the struct. Sounds very good for memory saving. The problem with this is, that C does not allow bit-adressing. So to save newValue to the "d" member, the compiler must do a whole lot of bit shifting operations: Save the first two bits of "newValue" in byte0, shifted 6 bits to the right. Then shift "newValue" two bits to the left and save it starting at byte 1. Byte 1 is a non-aligned memory location, that means the bulk memory transfer instructions won't work, the compiler must save every byte at a time.

It gets better. The compiler can get rid of all the bit-fiddling. But writing "d" will still require writing every byte at a time, because it is not aligned to the native "int" size. The native size on a 64-bit system is 8. so every memory address not divisable by 8 can only be accessed one byte at a time. And worse, if I switch off packing, I will waste a lot of memory space: every member which is followed by an int will be padded with enough bytes to let the integer start at a memory location divisable by 8. In this case: char a and c will both take up 8 bytes.

this is aligned to the size of int on the target machine. "d" takes up 8 bytes as it should. Because the chars are all bundled at one place, the compiler does not pad them and does not waste space. chars are only 1 byte each, so we do not need to pad them. The complete structure adds up to an overall size of 16 bytes. Divisable by 8, so no padding needed.

In most scenarios, you never have to be concerned with alignment because the default alignment is already optimal. In some cases however, you can achieve significant performance improvements, or memory savings, by specifying a custom alignment for your data stuctures.

In terms of memory space, the compiler pads the structure in a way that naturally aligns each element of the structure.

struct x_
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes
short c; // 2 bytes
char d; // 1 byte
} bar[3];

struct x_ is padded by the compiler and thus becomes:

// Shows the actual memory layout
struct x_
char a; // 1 byte
char _pad0[3]; // padding to put 'b' on 4-byte boundary
int b; // 4 bytes
short c; // 2 bytes
char d; // 1 byte
char _pad1[1]; // padding to make sizeof(x_) multiple of 4
} bar[3];

Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/alignment-cpp-declarations?view=vs-2019

Memory alignment in C-structs

At least on most machines, a type is only ever aligned to a boundary as large as the type itself [Edit: you can't really demand any "more" alignment than that, because you have to be able to create arrays, and you can't insert padding into an array]. On your implementation, short is apparently 2 bytes, and int 4 bytes.

That means your first struct is aligned to a 2-byte boundary. Since all the members are 2 bytes apiece, no padding is inserted between them.

The second contains a 4-byte item, which gets aligned to a 4-byte boundary. Since it's preceded by 6 bytes, 2 bytes of padding is inserted between v3 and i, giving 6 bytes of data in the shorts, two bytes of padding, and 4 more bytes of data in the int for a total of 12.

C++ Memory alignment - should we care?

This is more complicated than it may seem.

By ordering your members according to alignment needs you'll save some padding bytes and the total size will be smaller. This may be important to you if memory is tight or if this means the type can fit in a single cache line rather than two or three.

On the other hand; if you often access members that used to be close together so they would often be pulled into cache together by the CPUs prefetcher before, but now won't after reorganizing the class. Then you could be saving memory but sacrificing runtime performance.

Performance here may also vary greatly across different CPUs and different compilers/compiler options.

You'll need to run some benchmarks in your actual environment to see what performs the best for you.

Also keep in mind that reshuffling your member variables changes the order of initialization, which can be important if members depend on each other (foo initializes bar, so foo needs to be initialized first, etc).

how to align the memory in c++ when passing in Struct

If this is a DLL and you are compiling with MSVC / Visual C++, you can explicitly align the struct members:

struct g_thread_param {
int thr_cnt ;
int indv_cnt ;
__declspec(align(4096)) char mem_buff[XX];
} ;

Does alignment really matter for performance in C++11?

Alignment matters not only for performance, but also for correctness. Some architectures will fail with an processor trap if the data is not aligned correctly, or access the wrong memory location. On others, access to unaligned variables is broken into multiple accesses and bitshifts (often inside the hardware, sometimes by OS trap handler), losing atomicity.

The advice to sort members in descending order of size is for optimal packing / minimum space wasted by padding, not for alignment or speed. Members will be correctly aligned no matter what order you list them in, unless you request non-conformant layout using specialized pragmas (i.e. the non-portable #pragma pack) or keywords. Although total structure size is affected by padding and also affects speed, often there is another ordering that is optimal.

For best performance, you should try to get members which are used together into the same cache line, and members that are accessed by different threads into different cache lines. Sometimes that means a lot of padding to get a cross-thread shared variable alone in its own cache line. But that's better than taking a performance hit from false sharing.

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