Can't Compile Easy Source in C++ and Opengl (Glfw) in Linux in Netbeans

Can't compile easy source in C++ and OpenGL (GLFW) in Linux in NetBeans

First things first:

this is my source (I didn't use this characters: <, > in header files.):

That is wrong, and you should. Your current include statements are wrong, and I am actually surprised how it passed the compilation process this way.

You are seeing linker errors in here:

/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:12: undefined reference to `glfwInit'
/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:16: undefined reference to `glfwCreateWindow'
/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:19: undefined reference to `glfwTerminate'
/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:22: undefined reference to `glfwMakeContextCurrent'
/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:25: undefined reference to `glewExperimental'
/home/jan/NetBeansProjects/a/main.cpp:26: undefined reference to `glewInit'

There might be the following options for the failure:

  • You are not linking against the library (most likely)

  • You are not having the library installed (unlikely, based on your description)

  • You are using symbols not present in the library (again, unlikely)

The most probably reason is that you are not linking against the library, eventually. You should have this set up for the linker:


Note that you will also need to add everything in the chain that comes up as a dependency when you start adding these, so based on your comment this is the whole chain to add:

-L/usr/local/lib -lglfw3 -pthread -lGLEW -lGLU -lGL -lrt -lXrandr -lXxf86vm -lXi -lXinerama -lX11

Since you are using the Netbeans IDE, you will need to go to the project settings to set it up unless you edit the files in the background manually. Here, you can see a screenshot which demonstrates that you have a linker tab where you can set up all this properly.

Sample Image

I cant get GLEW to work on netbeans in ubuntu 20.04 (C++)

There is a standard way on Linux to get a correct set of libraries to link with your program - please look at man pkg-config. In your case you need to link everything, which is needed by both GLFW3 and GLEW - so you should call the pkg-config two times:

hekto@ubuntu:~$ pkg-config --libs glfw3
hekto@ubuntu:~$ pkg-config --libs glew

Therefore, you need to use -lglfw instead of -lglfw3 and add two more libraries - -lGLEW and -lGLU. These calls to the pkg-config tool can be directly added to your Makefile as well.

Can't link GLFW libs

There were two reasons:

  1. Linkage error because of presence of deprecated glfw2 libs (just do sudo apt-get purge libglfw-dev and sudo apt-get purge libglfw2 and reinstall libglfw3.
  2. Freeze. Yup, this is a well-known unity bug. You can for example manually retrieve a valid window pointer to use it with glfw. And you also can use for example gnome or mate.

MinGW Linking GLFW gets errors

I tried your program with g++ and added the flag -lgdi32 with g++.
I was able to get this working successfully with this option.

typically, if you're compiling with g++, you usually need to have -lglfw3 , -lopengl32 , and lgdi32 . it largely depends, also, on where you've put your libs and headers for glfw.
as long as they're in a folder that gcc/g++ can find, there's typically not any problems compiling and building. without the flags, you'll continue to get the undefined errors.

Compile V8 Hello World in Netbeans

-I. -Iinclude Include Paths:
C++ Compiler -> Include Directories

-lrt -ldl -pthread libraries:
Linker -> Libraries -> Add Standard Libraries -> select "Posix Threads", "Realtime" and "Dynamic Loader" (I'm not too sure of the exact names as I'm not on a Linux box at the moment).

C++ Compiler -> C++ Standard -> C++11

-Wl,--start-group{libv8_{base,libbase,external_snapshot,libplatform,libsampler},third_party/icu/libicu{uc,i18n},src/inspector/libinspector}.a -Wl,--end-group

I guess that all of this needs to go into

Linker -> Additional Options

How to build & install GLFW 3 and use it in a Linux project

2020 Updated Answer

It is 2020 (7 years later) and I have learned more about Linux during this time. Specifically that it might not be a good idea to run sudo make install when installing libraries, as these may interfere with the package management system. (In this case apt as I am using Debian 10.)

If this is not correct, please correct me in the comments.

Alternative proposed solution

This information is taken from the GLFW docs, however I have expanded/streamlined the information which is relevant to Linux users.

  • Go to home directory and clone glfw repository from github
cd ~
git clone
cd glfw
  • You can at this point create a build directory and follow the instructions here (glfw build instructions), however I chose not to do that. The following command still seems to work in 2020 however it is not explicitly stated by the glfw online instructions.
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
  • You may need to run sudo apt-get build-dep glfw3 before (?). I ran both this command and sudo apt install xorg-dev as per the instructions.

  • Finally run make

  • Now in your project directory, do the following. (Go to your project which uses the glfw libs)

  • Create a CMakeLists.txt, mine looks like this




add_subdirectory(/home/<user>/glfw /home/<user>/glfw/src)



  • If you don't like CMake then I appologize but in my opinion it is the easiest way to get your project working quickly. I would recommend learning to use it, at least to a basic level. Regretably I do not know of any good CMake tutorial

  • Then do cmake . and make, your project should be built and linked against glfw3 shared lib

  • There is some way of creating a dynamic linked lib. I believe I have used the static method here. Please comment / add a section in this answer below if you know more than I do

  • This should work on other systems, if not let me know and I will help if I am able to

Can't get GLFW to link

The problem is that the glfw libraries are being specified to the linker before the object file that depends on them. ld searches libraries to resolve dependencies only for the dependencies that it knows about at the point in list of files it's processing. So when ld is searching libglfw.a it doesn't know about the glfwInit dependency in main.o yet. ld (by default) doesn't go back an search the library again.



Also the libraries should probably be specified in a LDLIBS (or LIBS) variable - LDFLAGS is conventionally use for linker options:

CXX = clang++
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -std=c++0x
LDLIBS = -lglfw -lGL -lGLU

OBJ_DIR = bin
LIB_DIR = -L/usr/lib
INC_DIR = -I/usr/include

SOURCE = main.cpp
OBJECTS = ${SOURCE:%.cpp=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o}

all: init $(OBJECTS) $(EXECUTABLE)


$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(INC_DIR) -c $< -o $@

@mkdir -p "$(OBJ_DIR)"

@rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR) $(EXECUTABLE)

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