What Is the Meaning of the Term "Free Function" in C++

What is the meaning of the term free function in C++?

The term free function in C++ simply refers to non-member functions. Every function that is not a member function is a free function.

struct X {
void f() {} // not a free function
void g() {} // free function
int h(int, int) { return 1; } // also a free function

Correct usage of free() function in C

You should call free only on pointers which have been assigned memory returned by malloc, calloc, or realloc.

char* ptr = malloc(10); 

// use memory pointed by ptr
// e.g., strcpy(ptr,"hello");

free(ptr); // free memory pointed by ptr when you don't need it anymore

Things to keep in mind:

  • Never free memory twice. This can happen for example if you call free on ptr twice and value of ptr wasn't changed since first call to free. Or you have two (or more) different pointers pointing to same memory: if you call free on one, you are not allowed to call free on other pointers now too.

  • When you free a pointer you are not even allowed to read its value; e.g., if (ptr) not allowed after freeing unless you initialize ptr to a new value

  • You should not dereference freed pointer

  • Passing null pointer to free is fine, no operation is performed.

How does free know how much to free?

When you call malloc(), you specify the amount of memory to allocate. The amount of memory actually used is slightly more than this, and includes extra information that records (at least) how big the block is. You can't (reliably) access that other information - and nor should you :-).

When you call free(), it simply looks at the extra information to find out how big the block is.

How does free function on pointer in C work?

Read a lot more about undefined behavior (UB). Your code has some (you are not allowed to do something with a pointer after it has been free-d).

Even after I free the pointer, why is it still giving 25 as output?

It is UB. You have bad luck. Be scared.

Read the C11 standard specification n1570.

You don't really need to understand how free works (but you need to understand how you should use it). However, it usually uses some operating system specific system call dealing with virtual address space. On Linux, many C standard library implementations -e.g. GNU glibc or musl-libc - are free software (so you can download and study their source code), and their malloc might sometimes get more virtual address space with system calls like mmap(2) (or the old sbrk(2)), and their free might sometimes release some space with munmap(2).

What usually happens is that C dynamic memory allocation works differently for "large" and "small" memory zones. For small zones, the C library prefer to re-use previously free-d ones in future malloc-s. It gets (sometimes) from the OS a large chunk of memory (using mmap) and split that chunk into pieces. When you free a small zone, that zone is simply added to some collection of pieces, for future malloc. So it still "exists" but using it is UB (and that explains the behavior your are observing).

The valgrind utility is a very useful tool to hunt memory related UB.

Question about free function and memory allocation ( C )

Nope, free won't deallocate more than the allocated pointer passed to it. The correct answer from your list is 3. free will deallocate the memory pointed by a at that point in time and that's it. It won't fill that memory zone with zero or anything else.

Also, when you readArray(5), you create allocate new memory and leave aside the old allocated one before. So what you are doing step-by-step:

  1. Allocated some memory (let's call it X) using malloc and store its address in variable a.
  2. Call readArray which will allocate some other memory (let's call it Y) and store its address in a.
  3. Free the memory which is stored in a, which is the Y allocated memory chunk.

Now the memory labeled X will be dangling, meaning that you don't have any reference to it and you have no ways of deallocating it. It's just allocated memory which cannot be reached anymore, as you lost the pointer to it.

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