Does Const Mean Thread-Safe in C++11

Does const mean thread-safe in C++11?

I hear that const means thread-safe in C++11. Is that true?

It is somewhat true...

This is what the Standard Language has to say on thread-safety:

Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location (1.7) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.

The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race results in undefined behavior.

which is nothing else than the sufficient condition for a data race to occur:

  1. There are two or more actions being performed at the same time on a given thing; and
  2. At least one of them is a write.

The Standard Library builds on that, going a bit further:

This section specifies requirements that implementations shall meet to prevent data races (1.10). Every standard library function shall meet each requirement unless otherwise specified. Implementations may prevent data races in cases other than those specified below.

A C++ standard library function shall not directly or indirectly modify objects (1.10) accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function’s non-const arguments, including this.

which in simple words says that it expects operations on const objects to be thread-safe. This means that the Standard Library won't introduce a data race as long as operations on const objects of your own types either

  1. Consist entirely of reads --that is, there are no writes--; or
  2. Internally synchronizes writes.

If this expectation does not hold for one of your types, then using it directly or indirectly together with any component of the Standard Library may result in a data race. In conclusion, const does mean thread-safe from the Standard Library point of view. It is important to note that this is merely a contract and it won't be enforced by the compiler, if you break it you get undefined behavior and you are on your own. Whether const is present or not will not affect code generation --at least not in respect to data races--.

Does that mean const is now the equivalent of Java's synchronized?

No. Not at all...

Consider the following overly simplified class representing a rectangle:

class rect {
int width = 0, height = 0;

void set_size( int new_width, int new_height ) {
width = new_width;
height = new_height;
int area() const {
return width * height;

The member-function area is thread-safe; not because its const, but because it consist entirely of read operations. There are no writes involved, and at least one write involved is necessary for a data race to occur. That means that you can call area from as many threads as you want and you will get correct results all the time.

Note that this doesn't mean that rect is thread-safe. In fact, its easy to see how if a call to area were to happen at the same time that a call to set_size on a given rect, then area could end up computing its result based on an old width and a new height (or even on garbled values).

But that is alright, rect isn't const so its not even expected to be thread-safe after all. An object declared const rect, on the other hand, would be thread-safe since no writes are possible (and if you are considering const_cast-ing something originally declared const then you get undefined-behavior and that's it).

So what does it mean then?

Let's assume --for the sake of argument-- that multiplication operations are extremely costly and we better avoid them when possible. We could compute the area only if it is requested, and then cache it in case it is requested again in the future:

class rect {
int width = 0, height = 0;

mutable int cached_area = 0;
mutable bool cached_area_valid = true;

void set_size( int new_width, int new_height ) {
cached_area_valid = ( width == new_width && height == new_height );
width = new_width;
height = new_height;
int area() const {
if( !cached_area_valid ) {
cached_area = width;
cached_area *= height;
cached_area_valid = true;
return cached_area;

[If this example seems too artificial, you could mentally replace int by a very large dynamically allocated integer which is inherently non thread-safe and for which multiplications are extremely costly.]

The member-function area is no longer thread-safe, it is doing writes now and is not internally synchronized. Is it a problem? The call to area may happen as part of a copy-constructor of another object, such constructor could have been called by some operation on a standard container, and at that point the standard library expects this operation to behave as a read in regard to data races. But we are doing writes!

As soon as we put a rect in a standard container --directly or indirectly-- we are entering a contract with the Standard Library. To keep doing writes in a const function while still honoring that contract, we need to internally synchronize those writes:

class rect {
int width = 0, height = 0;

mutable std::mutex cache_mutex;
mutable int cached_area = 0;
mutable bool cached_area_valid = true;

void set_size( int new_width, int new_height ) {
if( new_width != width || new_height != height )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard( cache_mutex );

cached_area_valid = false;
width = new_width;
height = new_height;
int area() const {
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > guard( cache_mutex );

if( !cached_area_valid ) {
cached_area = width;
cached_area *= height;
cached_area_valid = true;
return cached_area;

Note that we made the area function thread-safe, but the rect still isn't thread-safe. A call to area happening at the same time that a call to set_size may still end up computing the wrong value, since the assignments to width and height are not protected by the mutex.

If we really wanted a thread-safe rect, we would use a synchronization primitive to protect the non-thread-safe rect.

Are they running out of keywords?

Yes, they are. They have been running out of keywords since day one.

Source: You don't know const and mutable - Herb Sutter

Thread safety and `const`

The main problem with multiple threads is mutability. const restricts this, but since you can cast away the const-ness, it's not foolproof.

What is the definition of a thread safe function according to the C++11 (Language/Library) Standard?

Note that this my own opinionated answer based on my own research and provided input from others.

What is the definition of a thread-safe function?

A function is thread safe iff it does not access (read or write) any memory that could be modified by another function without internal synchronization: only set_y is thread-safe.

Note that thread-safe is not explicitly defined by the C++ standard, which uses the term data races. See the answer of Nicol Bolas for more information: thread-safety is not always black and white.

A const function implies thread-safe bitwise const or internally synchronised

The term thread-safe is abused in the context of "a const function implies thread-safe".

What is meant by "a const function implies thread-safe", is that it should be safe to call the const function from multiple threads (without calling non-const function at the same time in another thread).

As Herb Sutter (29:43) stated himself, in this context, thread-safe means bitwise const or internally synchronised, which isn't really thread-safe if other non-const functions may be called at the same time.

Are static const variables thread-safe?

To be really safe you should do

static char const*const a[]

this inhibits modification of the data and all the pointers in the table to be modified.

BTW, I prefer to write the const after the typename such that it is clear at a first glance to where the const applies, namely to the left of it.

C++11 const - Is my code thread-safe?

No, it is not thread-safe since you (read) access _name outside the mutex, which breaks synchronization.

A possible solution is to use the std::call_once mechanism offered by the standard library.

class Object
Object() {}

const std::string& get_name() const
std::call_once(flag, [&] { _name = get_object_name(); });

return _name;

std::string get_object_name() const; // <- Expensive function

mutable std::string _name;
mutable std::once_flag flag;

This guarantees that get_object_name() is not called more than once. The first call will initialize the string and concurrent calls will block until the lambda has finished.

Synchronization is fully taken care of, which means that any thread that gets the reference to the string can safely read from it.

Is const function thread safe

The code you posted is not thread-safe. The rule is, if there is any chance that one thread might write to a variable while a second thread is concurrently accessing that same variable (i.e. either writing to it or reading it), then your program invokes undefined behavior (due to a race condition) and is not guaranteed to function correctly.

To avoid the race condition, you need to either synchronize the read-access inside GetSomeEnumVal() with a mutex (the same way you did with the write-access inside SetSomeEnum()) or alternatively change enum_val to be an atomic type which is explicitly documented to be able to handle simultaneous unsynchronized access in a well-defined manner.

C++11 Singleton. Static variable is thread safe? Why?

In C++11 (and forward), the construction of the function local static AppSettings is guaranteed to be thread-safe. Note: Visual Studio did not implement this aspect of C++11 until VS-2015.

The compiler will lay down a hidden flag along side of AppSettings that indicates whether it is:

  • Not constructed.
  • Being constructed.
  • Is constructed.

The first thread through will find the flag set to "not constructed" and attempt to construct the object. Upon successful construction the flag will be set to "is constructed". If another thread comes along and finds the flag set to "being constructed", it will wait until the flag is set to "is constructed".

If the construction fails with an exception, the flag will be set to "not constructed", and construction will be retried on the next pass through (either on the same thread or a different thread).

The object instance will remain constructed for the remainder of your program, until main() returns, at which time instance will be destructed.

Every time any thread of execution passes through AppSettings::GetInstance(), it will reference the exact same object.

In C++98/03, the construction was not guaranteed to be thread safe.

If the constructor of AppSettings recursively enters AppSettings::GetInstance(), the behavior is undefined.

If the compiler can see how to construct instance "at compile time", it is allowed to.

If AppSettings has a constexpr constructor (the one used to construct instance), and the instance is qualified with constexpr, the compiler is required to construct instance at compile time. If instance is constructed at compile time, the "not-constructed/constructed" flag will be optimized away.

About const and thread-safety of pure function objects

The easiest solution is to use a thread_local buffer.

int T::myfunction(int arg) const
static thread_local U mybuffer;
// impl...

thread_local will give you thread safety, as each thread will use its own buffer. Since it is static inside a function, the buffer will be retained after each function call.

C++11 Thread-safe initialization of function-local static const objects

Since C++11 all static local variables are guaranteed to be initialized only once in a thread-safe manner.

As per cppreference:

If multiple threads attempt to initialize the same static local
variable concurrently, the initialization occurs exactly once (similar
behavior can be obtained for arbitrary functions with std::call_once).
Note: usual implementations of this feature use variants of the
double-checked locking pattern, which reduces runtime overhead for
already-initialized local statics to a single non-atomic boolean

So, for your questions:

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes

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