The Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

What's the difference between assignment operator and copy constructor?

A copy constructor is used to initialize a previously uninitialized object from some other object's data.

A(const A& rhs) : data_(rhs.data_) {}

For example:

A aa;
A a = aa; //copy constructor

An assignment operator is used to replace the data of a previously initialized object with some other object's data.

A& operator=(const A& rhs) {data_ = rhs.data_; return *this;}

For example:

A aa;
A a;
a = aa; // assignment operator

You could replace copy construction by default construction plus assignment, but that would be less efficient.

(As a side note: My implementations above are exactly the ones the compiler grants you for free, so it would not make much sense to implement them manually. If you have one of these two, it's likely that you are manually managing some resource. In that case, per The Rule of Three, you'll very likely also need the other one plus a destructor.)

The copy constructor and assignment operator

No, they are different operators.

The copy constructor is for creating a new object. It copies an existing object to a newly constructed object.The copy constructor is used to initialize a new instance from an old
instance. It is not necessarily called when passing variables by value into functions
or as return values out of functions.

The assignment operator is to deal with an already existing object. The assignment operator is used to change an existing instance to have
the same values as the rvalue, which means that the instance has to be
destroyed and re-initialized if it has internal dynamic memory.

Useful link :

  • Copy Constructors, Assignment Operators, and More
  • Copy constructor and = operator overload in C++: is a common function possible?

Does the assignment operator call copy constructor?


Here also bit by bit copy is done (a.p and b.p pointing to same location), it does not invoke copy constructor because constructor is called when b in defined (default constructor).so you have to overload = operator

test &operator =(const test &src)
*this->p=*src.p; //copy value not address

return *this;

Add this to your class test and you need to check the memory is allocated or not by new because new can fail to allocate requested memory.

But here the copy constructor is called

test c=a;

difference between copy constructor and assignment operator

Other than what you said, there is no difference.

The CC works on new unitizialied objects (it´s a constructor after all), the operator on existing ones.

The use of the CC could be replaced with the normal constructor and then the assignment op (in usual classes), but this would be not as efficient as the direct construction with copied data.


class C
vector<int> v;
//fill v with 10^9 slowly generated random numbers, takes ca. 2 days
C(const C& c) //could be auto-generated in this case
v = c.v;
C &operator=(const C& c) //could be auto-generated in this case
v = c.v;
return *this;


C oldc;


C newc(oldc);
C newc; //takes 2 days
newc = oldc;

Another reason, some nontrivial classes have no (public) default constructor and can only be created by copying existing objects from somewhere.

copy constructor and assignment operator in C++

Constructors, including copy constructors, are for initializing a class object. Assignment operators are for modifying an object which was already initialized.

Line (1) calls a copy constructor because it is initializing the object second. The assignment operator has nothing to do with the fact that the = symbol is also used in this syntax. Line (2) assigns to first which already exists, so uses the assignment operator.

In C++14 and earlier for line (3), the compiler is allowed to create a temporary object for the MyClass(2) expression, then use the copy constructor to initialize third, then destroy the temporary. But the compiler is also allowed to "elide" (remove) the temporary object, the copy constructor, and the temporary destructor, just initializing third directly in the same way as the original temporary. This copy elision is the one case where C++ allows an optimization which can cause a difference in observable behavior, since the copy constructor and/or destructor might have side effects (like printing traces) which the optimization skips.

In C++17 and later for line (3), we say that the expression MyClass(2) has result object third. So the expression specifies that third is direct-initialized with argument 2. No copy constructor or temporary object is involved. This feature of C++17 is often called "mandatory copy elision", since the behavior is the same as a C++14 program where the compiler was able to apply the copy elision optimization. But technically it's not a copy elision, since there is no copy involved to elide. There are still some other cases where copy elision is optional for the compiler.

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