How to Use Std::Sort with a Vector of Structures and Compare Function

How to use std::sort with a vector of structures and compare function?

std::sort takes a different compare function from that used in qsort. Instead of returning –1, 0 or 1, this function is expected to return a bool value indicating whether the first element is less than the second.

You have two possibilites: implement operator < for your objects; in that case, the default sort invocation without a third argument will work; or you can rewrite your above function to accomplish the same thing.

Notice that you have to use strong typing in the arguments.

Additionally, it's good not to use a function here at all. Instead, use a function object. These benefit from inlining.

struct pkt_less {
bool operator ()(pkt const& a, pkt const& b) const {
if (a.alfa < b.alfa) return true;
if (a.alfa > b.alfa) return false;

if (a.x < b.x) return true;
if (a.x > b.x) return false;

return false;

// Usage:

sort(wektor.begin(), wektor.end(), pkt_less());

sorting a vector of structs

Use a comparison function:

bool compareByLength(const data &a, const data &b)
return a.word.size() < b.word.size();

and then use std::sort in the header #include <algorithm>:

std::sort(info.begin(), info.end(), compareByLength);

Sort vector of structs by a variable within the struct?

You can use std::sort with a custom comparison function:

bool is_younger(const Data& x, const Data& y) { return x.age < y.age; }


std::sort(VectorOfData.begin(), VectorOfData.end(), is_younger);

Alternatively, you can define a custom functor (note: this is actually preferred, as it increases the likelihood of inlining, read: faster sorting)

struct is_younger_functor
bool operator()(const Data& x, const Data& y) const
return x.age < y.age;


std::sort(VectorOfData.begin(), VectorOfData.end(), is_younger_functor());

If you want to define a strict ordering relationship for Data, you should consider turning it into a regular type (define operators <, <=, ==, !=, >, >=).

In that case, you will not need to define this is_younger functor and can call std::sort with just the iterators.

Edit: Strictly, you only need to define operator < for std::sort, but if you define it, it is a good idea to define the rest of them.

How to sort a vector of structs based on a vector string within the vector to be sorted?

Provide a suitable comparison binary function and pass it on to std::sort. For example

bool cmp(const sentence& lhs, const sentence & rhs)
return lhs.words[0] < rhs.words[0];


std::sort(allSentences.begin(), allSentences.end(), cmp);

Alternatively, in C++11 you can use a lambda anonymous function

std::sort(allSentences.begin(), allSentences.end(), 
[](const sentence& lhs, const sentence & rhs) {
return lhs.words[0] < rhs.words[0];}

Sorting a vector of structs c++

Learning about "custom comparators" will solve your problem. Here is one of the ways to achieve the desired result. I am using cmp as a custom comparator. Notice that it is passed while calling sort().

This way is useful if you need to sort on basis of something else tomorrow, say phoneNumber. The only change you would need is adding or updating a comparator function to return c1.phoneNumber < c2.phoneNumber;

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

typedef struct contacts
string name;
string nickName;
string phoneNumber;
string carrier;
string address;
//callDetails callDetails;
} contactDetails;

//sort based on name
bool cmp (const contacts& c1, const contacts& c2) {
return <;

void print(vector <contactDetails> proContactFile) {
for (auto s : proContactFile) {
cout << << " " << s.nickName << " " << s.phoneNumber << " " << s.carrier << " " << s.address << endl;

int main()
vector <contactDetails> proContactFile;

proContactFile.push_back({"name1","nickName1","phone1","carrier1", "address1"});
proContactFile.push_back({ "ame1","ickName1","hone1","arrier1", "ddress1" });
proContactFile.push_back({ "me1","ckName1","one1","rrier1", "dress1" });
proContactFile.push_back({ "e1","kName1","ne1","rier1", "ress1" });

sort(proContactFile.begin(), proContactFile.end(), cmp);

Sorting a vector of structs in C++

If you absolutely must use qsort on a vector (and you don't. And shouldn't), then you have to pass it like this:

qsort(, standings.size(), sizeof(results), comparare);

vector::data fetches a pointer to the array stored in the vector. Simply passing a pointer to the vector itself will not help.

Note that vector::data requires C++11; use &vector[0] if data is not available to you.

But really, just use std::sort:

std::sort(standings.begin(), standings.end(), [](const results &lhs, const results &rhs) {return <;});

Obviously the lambda requires C++11; feel free to use a namespace-declared struct for earlier C++ versions.

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