Strcmp or String::Compare

strcmp or string::compare?

For C++, use std::string and compare using string::compare.

For C use strcmp. If your (i meant your programs) strings (for some weird reason) aren't nul terminated, use strncmp instead.

But why would someone not use something as simple as == for std::string

String comparison using '==' or '===' vs. 'strcmp()'

The reason to use it is because strcmp

returns < 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.

=== only returns true or false, it doesn't tell you which is the "greater" string.

C string comparison

Because in C you have to use strcmp for string comparison.

In C a string is a sequence of characters that ends with the '\0'-terminating byte, whose value is 0.

The string "exit" looks like this in memory:

| 'e' | 'x' | 'i' | 't' | '\0' |

where 'e' == 101, 'x' == 120, etc.

The values of the characters are determined by the codes of the ASCII Table.

&command != "exit"

is just comparing pointers.

while(strcmp(command, "exit") != 0);

would be correct. strcmp returns 0 when both strings are equal, a non-zero
value otherwise. See

man strcmp

#include <string.h>

int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);


The strcmp() function compares the two strings s1 and s2. It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is
found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.

But you've made another error:

scanf("%c", &command);

Here you are reading 1 character only, this command is not a string.

scanf("%s", command);

would be correct.

The next error would be

char command[4];

This can hold strings with a maximal length of 3 characters, so "exit" doesn't
fit in the buffer.

Make it

char command[1024];

Then you can store a string with max. length of 1023 bytes.

In general, of want to save a string of length n, you need a char array of
at least n+1 dimension.

C++ - using strcmp to compare which name comes first in alphabetical order

All you need to do is return name < per->name; and be done with it since <std::string> allows for that comparison and it is the preferred method.

For completeness you could fix your code:

bool Person::lessThan(const Person* per) const {
return strcmp(this->name.c_str(), per->name.c_str()) < 0;

@Retired Ninja

Can strcmp() work with strings in c++?

Don't use strcmp. Use std::string::compare which has the same behavior as strcmp.

if(ob[i].getBrand().compare(ob[j].getBrand()) > 0)

Or much better

if(ob[i].getBrand() > ob[j].getBrand())

Generally you should use std::string::compare when you have to test various cases where the strings will be different, e.g.

auto cmp = ob[i].getBrand().compare(ob[j].getBrand());

if(cmp == 0) ...
else if(cmp > 0) ...
else if(cmp < 0) ...

In this way you only have to do the comparison operation on the strings once.

However, in your case where it's somehow apparent that you only have to use the comparison result in a single case (I'm really assuming, as I don't know the context of the code given), then operator > will suffice, and is much easier on the eye (the brain!).

Why use strcmp instead of == in C++?

strcmp compares the actual C-string content, while using == between two C-string is asking if these two char pointers point to the same position.

If we have some C-string defined as following:

char string_a[] = "foo";
char string_b[] = "foo";
char * string_c = string_a;

strcmp(string_a, string_b) == 0 would return true, while string_a == string_b would return false. Only when "comparing" string_a and string_c using == would return true.

If you want to compare the actual contents of two C-string but not whether they are just alias of each other, use strcmp.

For a side note: if you are using C++ instead of C as your question tag shows, then you should use std::string. For example,

std::string string_d = "bar";
std::string string_e = "bar";

then string_d == string_e would return true. would return 0, which is the C++ version of strcmp.

What does strcmp return if two similar strings are of different lengths?

It returns the difference at the octet that differs. In your example '\0' < '2' so something negative is returned.

How to use functions of strings.h like strcmp() with object of string.h in c++

strcmp operates on c-strings, not std::strings.

To access the internal c-string of an std::string, use the c_str() method.


if (strcmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) == 0) {
// ...

But you can also do the comparison directly

if (a == b) {
// ...

Problems with the comparison of two strings using strcmp

Your compiler gives you an error because strcmp is a C-style function that expects arguments of type const char* and there is no implicit conversion from std::string to const char*.

And although you might retrieve a pointer of this type using std::string's c_str() method, since you are working with std::string objects, you should use the operator == instead:

if (ligne == ligne_or) ...

or comparison with const char*:

if (ligne == "[Syn****]") ...

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