C++11 'Native_Handle' Is Not a Member of 'Std::This_Thread'

C++11 'native_handle' is not a member of 'std::this_thread'

There is no way for a thread to autonomously gain access to its own std::thread. This is on purpose since std::thread is a move-only type.

I believe what you're requesting is a native_handle() member of std::thread::id, and that is an interesting suggestion. As far as I know it is not currently possible. It would be used like:

void foo()
auto native_me = std::this_thread::get_id().native_handle();
// ...

It wouldn't be guaranteed to work, or even exist. However I imagine most POSIX platforms could support it.

One way to try to change the C++ standard is to submit issues. Here are directions on how to do so.

How to handle a PostMessageThread message in std::thread?

What std::thread::native_handle() returns is implementation-defined (per [thread.req.native] in the C++ standard). There is no guarantee that it even returns a thread ID that PostThreadMessage() wants.

For instance, MSVC's implementation of std::thread uses CreateThread() internally, where native_handle() returns a Win32 HANDLE. You would have to use GetThreadId() to get the thread ID from that handle.

Other implementations of std::thread might not use CreateThread() at all. For instance, they could use the pthreads library instead, where native_handle() would return a pthread_t handle, which is not compatible with Win32 APIs.

A safer way to approach this issue is to not use native_handle() at all. Call GetCurrentThreadId() inside of your thread function itself, saving the result to a variable that you can then use with PostThreadMessage() when needed, for example:

struct threadInfo
std::condition_variable hasId;

void threadFunc(threadInfo &info)
info.id = GetCurrentThreadId();

MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
// Doing appropriate stuff after receiving the message.


threadInfo info;
std::thread t(threadFunc, std::ref(info));
PostThreadMessage(info.id, WM_CUSTOM_MESSAGE, 0, 0);

WindowsWhy does std::thread::native_handle return a value of type 'long long unsigned int' instead of void* (a.k.a. HANDLE)?

The returned "handle" is the thread id not the HANDLE as returned by CreateThread.

You need to use OpenThread to get a handle from the id.

How to pass std::thread as thread id in PostThreadMessage?

You can get the underlying, "Windows-style" thread handle for a std::thread object by calling its native_handle() member function. From that, you can retrieve the thread's ID by calling the GetThreadId WinAPI function, and passing that native handle as its argument.

Here's a short code snippet that may be what you'd want in the case you've outlined:

    auto tHandle = thread_not_main.native_handle(); // Gets a "HANDLE"
auto tID = GetThreadId(tHandle); // Gets a DWORD ID
if (msg.message == WM_PAINT) {
PostThreadMessage(tID, msg, wParam, lParam);
else {

How to retrieve the thread id from a boost::thread?

Boost includes an operator<<(std::ostream&, const boost::thread::id&) overload that can be used to write a thread id to a stream (actually, the overload is a template and will work with any specialization of std::basic_ostream, not just std::ostream).

The result of printing the id is likely platform-specific, since different platforms may use different internal representations for thread identifiers.

Getting Native Handle from Within a Thread?

#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>

class threadContainer {
std::thread* mT;
std::mutex m;
void lockMe() {
// wait for mT to be assigned:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
std::cout << "lockMe():" << mT << "\n";
auto h = mT->native_handle();//causes a crash
std::cout << "Done lockMe!\n";
void run() {
// release lock only after mT assigned:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
mT = new std::thread( [&](){ this->lockMe(); } );
std::cout << "run():" << mT << "\n"; //00326420

int main() {
threadContainer mContainer;
return 0;

Try that.

How to set custom name of this thread?

Unless portability is wanted, and the target is only POSIX systems with POSIX threads, the id could easily be obtained with pthread_self.

MinGW error: ‘thread’ is not a member of ‘std’

This error means that the STL you are using does not contain all the features of C++11.

To access C++11 threads in Windows, you will need a build of Mingw with posix-threads. Here you can find Mingw-Builds v4.8.1: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/host-windows/releases/4.8.1/64-bit/threads-posix/sjlj/

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