Reusing Thread in Loop C++

how to reuse a thread multiple times in C?

Threads do not normally run to completion; rather they wait in an executive loop for some trigger event such as arrival of a message or semaphore. The pattern of a trpical thred function is:

void* func( void* arg )
// Thread initialisation

while( !terminated )
// Block waiting

// Do stuff (handle event/message for example)

// Clean-up

The signature of a thread function depends on the threading library/OS; the above is normal for pthreads for example. Also a thread may run indefinitely with a while(1) or for(;;) loop. The exact termination mechanism (i.e. the terminate in my example is up to you; it is not required.

Thread-loops are often implementations of state-machines.

You can of course have a run-to-completion thread, but in that case you have to create a new thread fro every event - it is rather inefficient to to that.

The blocking call could be as simple as a sleep() call for periodic tasks. It is possible to block at multiple places throughout a task, but to do so makes the design more complex to design and debug, and a state-machine pattern is normally a better solution.

Multithreading Reuse with Objects in While loop

Okay, I think this is your first problem.

std::thread threads[N_THREADS]; // array of threads

This will construct 10 threads, not SPACE for 10 threads. I wasn't absolutely positive, so I tested this way:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Foo {
Foo() { cout << "Foo constructor.\n"; }

int main(int, char **) {
cout << "Allocate array.\n";

Foo array[10];

cout << "Loop.\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
array[i] = Foo();

cout << "Done.\n";

This displayed the output from my first prompt, then 10 "Foo constructor" messages, then my second "Loop" prompt, then 10 more "Foo constructor" messages.

I think you probably need to make that an array of thread pointers, and then use new, like this:

std::thread * thread[N_THREADS];

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
threads[i] = new std::thread(std::bind(&Population::populationMove, &pop, (i * NumberOfPlayers / NUM_THREADS)));

Next, thread.join is a method:

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
//std::cerr << "In Thread " << i << "\n";

You are missing () in two places in that code.

In C++, how can I reuse a standard thread that has finished execution?

Reading through some documentation, I found this works:

myOldThread = thread(foobar);

I assume there's still quite a bit of performance overhead, but at least I can reuse the same variable. :/

An alternative approach would be to never let the thread die (have a loop with a 200ms delay that checks a mutex-protected boolean for when it should run again). Not super clean, but if performance matters, this is probably the best way to do this.

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